Axillary hyperhidrosis represents the excessive sweating of the underarms (sweaty underarms). This condition is usually accompanied by palmar hyperhidrosis or excessive hand sweating. Axillary hyperhidrosis may occur in the presence of stimuli like emotional distress and anxiety, but often it doesn’t have to be triggered by them. The sympathetic nerves that control the activity of the sweat glands produce an excessive amount of sweat and this leads to sweaty underarms.
The problems associated with excessive underarm sweating are more of a social connotation. This condition cannot be controlled by the patient. The involuntary occurrence of sweaty armpits poses a threat to the person’s social status and activity. Although the negative effects of excessive underarm sweating are not as important, they are still disturbing, and, in combination with other forms of hyperhidrosis, can destroy the balance of a person’s social life.
The treatment of excessive underarm sweating turns, at first, to medical deodorants, which can prove to be very effective. When the condition is more severe, the surgical resection of the sweat glands can be performed. Sympathectomy can also prove to be effective in treating axillary hyperhidrosis.
Anonymous says
It’s so great to know that I’m not the only one going through this right now! All of my clothes are practically sweat-proofed, but I hate it when my friends wonder why I wear black, navy blue, and sweaters/jackets all the time. I hope that I can get rid of this soon.
Alyssa says
Hi my name is Alyssa I have problems in my life. But everyone has problems and everyone is different. Well when I was about 5 I was diagnosed with vitiligo. Is a skin disorder when you don’t have pigmentation in some parts of skin on your body. It is very hard to live with, but Lately I have been having sweaty palms but not sweaty feet. I think it may be because I’m scared of what of what people are going to think of me when they see me. I just don’t know, but All I got to say is just keep your head held high and don’t let anyone tell you that your not worth it. When the sweating happens just try your best to take a deap breath and think about something else. I hope I was able to help you.
Cupcake says
I have had this problem since seventh grade. Now its gotten worse and I don’t know what to do. I’m in 8th grade now and kids can be so mean to me. They hold their noses near me or talk to their friends about me like I cant hear.
First it was the sweating but now its just the smell. It’s destroying my social life and I wear a sweat shirt everyday. I’ve went to the doctor but they gave me his hypercare stuff and it doesn’t work.
Most of the time I hate waking up in the morning and going to school because I have to hear the harsh words of my peers or people who I thought were my friend.
Seriously I know how it feels if any of you are having this same problem. It holds you back from doing so many things. I really don’t know what to do and I would hate to go to high school and have to deal with this.
Kids can be so mean even the nice ones. I really don’t know what to do.
Abel Abebe says
Am Abel,am 23 years old,i have problem armpit sweating.This starts when i was 19 years due to change of change of temperature from my earlier place. am when i went back to former colder environment but i have a job here in hottest area….but i have faced psychological problem to be with my friends even i cant wear a good clothes at any time….please if you have a solution to this problem do your best to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claire says
I started having Botox injections every 3/4 months under each armpit for hyperhydrosis. It worked really well, but after a few years the nhs stopped funding up. I had the op in 2011 on both underarms at the same time. The op has worked brilliantly, NO sweating at all from my underarms. My hands are slightly dry as they weren’t sweaty to begin with, and the op controls underarms & hands. Compensatory sweating though has hit me hard! I’m not t the stage where I need to change my clothes in the day, but my whole core temperature seems to be raised. I sweat lots from my head/hairline, under breasts, small of back, back of knees and feet!!! I still think the op was worth it, just something to bear in mind if anyone was looking at having it!
hellokitty995 says
so I’m 13 years old and i sweat like crazy! I could just be sitting down and all the sudden I’ll be sweating really bad so I wear jackets which makes it worse. I could even wear a tank top and still sweat really bad! I keep asking my mom about this and she says it’s nothing but i don’t know what to do. I have tried everything i could think of and nothing works!! HELP!!!
Annonymous123 says
hi, I’m 15 going on 16 and have been experiencing hyperhidrosing for around 4 years now. I can’t wear nice things or anything because I’m scared I will sweat through them. also I have taken quite alot of my gcse’s and cant even hold a pen in my hand without it slipping out, I don’t sweat when I’m at
home but do dreadfully at school even when I’m not doing anything, I’m scared that my friends ad other boys in my class will smell me and take the mickey, aaah nothing seems to work, I’m on oxybuntyn hydrochloride at the minute and that doesn’t work either 🙁
Brookie :)) says
Hi I’m Brooke. I am going to be 14 in a few days. School just started again, I’m in 8th grade now. I have had hyperhydrosis seince towards the end of sixth grade. So seince then I havent gone a day to school without a zip up hoodie. Yesterday was the first time I wore a sweatshirt. They just make me sweat more! I love clothes and shopping, I have a HUUUUGE closet and nothing to wear! HELP ME! I went to the doctor and got certain dry. It worked great for a while. But it burns and itches really really bad after about half a year! My mom and cousin had it too. And everyone says they say they are cold as an excuse because they wear jackets. I am always cold no matter what. It can be 75 and I am chattering my teeth!
Sweaty sweety says
I’ve been having to wear dark colors and sweatshirts since the 4 grade. I just finished sixth grade and it was always super embarrassing when I had to get dressed for gym in front of everybody and risk them seeing my pit stains. What really stinks is that all my friends tell my that I’m lucky cuz I’m skinny and pretty and they’re always asking me why I wear a sweatshirt when it hides my body.
Since I live in new jersey I can get away with wearing a sweatshirt most of the winter but when summer rolls in I’m stuck they’re always asking me if I get hot in my sweatshirt and why don’t I take it off and stuff and I always have to tell them that I’m cold or I don’t like the t shirt that I have on. What stinks too is when I wear I tank top with a jacket over it and then I risk weating through the jacket depending how think it is and how cold it is inside the building.
I’ve noticed too that I mainly sweat when I’m in school or around a group of friends. So when I’m at home I can wear whatever I want and be basically sweat free but when I go out I have to wear a sweatshirt over my regular shirt or I have to wear just a tank top. I don’t really want to have surgery and I don’t want to have to talk to my doctor or anything and since my mom doesn’t really know I didn’t want to have to ask her to buy any deodorants that are unknown like drysol or something.
I also heard of the new clinical strength degree women’s deodorant and I was wondering if anyone knew if that helped or not. 🙂 thnx it helps to know I’m not alone
Ashley says
I was in 6th grade when this started it sucks I have to always wear a jacket and everybody always asks why do u wear a jacket all the time and the answer is all the same because I’m cold!!!! All I have to say is I it’s annoying!!!!!
Jeff says
i have this evil curse too. deodorants make me sweat more. Someone said try aluminum CL hexahydrate tropical solution. Thats my next try. Goodluck everybody!
Pat says
I hate my sweating , I’m in 7th grade and I need help , I blush as well even when I’m not embarrassed ,help
Kristin says
Hey, I’m 15 and in the 10th grade and I know how you guys feel! I have been having horrible armpit sweating since the 4th grade and it’s been getting worse and worse every year. I can’t wear anything i used to wear black to schools all the time i remember switching three black shirts everyday after washing it and if they were dirty i would wear a sweat shirt. I remember people always asking why i always wore black and sweat shirts. But, it was always the same answer i’m cold. But this year people have been noticing my problem and it’s getting worse… I don’t know what to do i have tried all different kind of deoderants even men’s and nothing works… Please help!
Angela says
I am currently 16 and in the 11th grade. I’ve had excessive sweating under my arms since I was 10 and in 5th grade. I’ve never found a single thing that stopped the sweating, so I’ve resorted to wearing darker shirts and for 3 years I wore a jacket/sweat shirt every single day, even in a North Carolina 98 degree summer afternoon. Going on 7 years of torture from my condition. Girls that are self conscience about it, you’re not alone:)
Kayla says
I’m 12 and in the 7th grade and I’ve had this problem since last year sometimes i wear a jacket to cover up my pits, and usually there’s a pretty big stain. I’m really embarrassed and I’m currently using an antiperspirant called Michum. It still doesn’t help with the wetness and it feels so uncomfortable. It’s hard to socialize with people and whenever I’m in class i avoid raising my hand to answer any question because I’m scared someone would see my stains.-Sigh-:(
Ballerinagurrl says
Hi. I am in 8 th grade and I am thirteen. I never sweat around my family but I always sweat around all my friends and it’s super embarrassing. I always have to wear sweatshirts even in the summer and I get so scared about what people will think. I cant even wear any tighter fitting clothes cuz I sweat like crazy around all my friends! Even worse I dance and I have a recital coming up and the costume is a thin tight fitting dress and u can easily see sweat through it. Plus I am in like 7 dances and I wear the same stupid costum the whole time! And I am in front of like 200 people!!! I am soo scared and I just wan to cry over the whole thing. And I am afraid to tell my parents cuz I am a super shy person too to maybe that has somethin to do with it. Idk bu all I know is that I am going to look so stupid on stage! Someone please tell me something to use!!!!! I am so scar
Scared and I need something to use! Also on top of that my face turns red to around people sometimes and i am pretty shy. Some plzzzz help!!!!!!! Thanks
Its kinda funny says
Im 13 going on 14 . My problem began in 7th grade . Its SO embarrasing . But one thing i learned is that its all in my head . If i dont think about it, I dont sweat . If I think about it I sweat like a construction worker .
omg says
i have a sweating problem, im in year 8 and am the only one i swear that sweats in the whole school, my uniform is light blue so you can realy easily tell, i cant tell my mum its horror!!!
neha says
Try InterDry Ag..
Hallie x3 says
I’ve had this problem since the 4th grade… I’m sporty… But I don’t want to tell my mother because it’s embarrassing and I don’t want to get that surgery. Nor do I want expensive depderant. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
unknowndontwantanyonetoknow says
im in grd 7 and this just started now i wear black every day or a black sweater i usually die of heat from the sweater wich makes it wore like hope says i think its fear last year i didnt care about what anyone ever said but now i do and it gets really bad i cant stop my fear and i feel to embarresd to tell my mom someone please help and like tell natural remedies or something cause its awfull
Ebony says
I have had really bad trouble with excessive sweating in the past but I have found a product called dri clor and it is fantastic! you can find it at your local chemist for around $15
hope says
PLEASE READ: I think I have the answer to these sweaty questions, why some of us sweat excessively. I can speak only from my experience. I sweat from my armpit and hands almost all my life.
I think reason is FEAR. Everybody has fear of something, but some fears are present all the time in our lives. Fear of not representing myself good enough- that’s my fear. Perhaps I wouldn’t know that i fear something or what my fear is, if I didn’t have fearless moment.
When I was very young, early in elementary school I didn’t give a damn about what others think of me or even if they are socializing with me. I didn’t sweat than. But later on, still in elementary school, when I started to pay attention to others and starting making friends and thinking how others perceived me as person, from that moment problem of sweating started.
From back than till today, I still sweat, BUT, i have had 1-2 months of my life when i was 18 that I DIDN’T SWEAT AT ALL!!!, and not even noticed it. After two months, the problem came back. WHY???
After elementary school I was aware of the fact that making friends is so important to me and I wanted it so much, but every time I let someone close to me, I disappointed them and they went away, perhaps I didn’t know how to treat them in the way they wanted, but that’s not the point now. Later in life I always searched friends with whom I would feel secure and be who I am. I was sweating all the time. And than, one day I’ve met a friend opposite gender.
I felt like he is my soul mate, period. I have never felt like that before and even later in life. I knew in my heart that this person is going to be in my life whatever happens, not going away, even if we don’t hang out any more or socialize, I just knew this person is faithful and going to be faithful . During those 2 months when we were inseparable I WAS NOT SWEATING AT ALL, wherever I was, even If he was not there with me. After 2 months of sticking together day after day, he started to get on my nerves for some reason, which is not important now. From the moment I realized that he is not really my soul mate, I STARTED TO SWEAT again. But I was right about him. Even after years when we didn’t hang out any more and even with occasional misunderstandings, he stayed faithful and we are still in touch today.
Sometimes when I’m on the phone talking with someone, I sometimes sweat just from one armpit, the one that I’m holding the phone with . The other one is dry. I noticed that sweating occurs when I’m tight in shoulders, or when I breathe with lungs and not with stomach.
Where do YOU think your causes lay about sweating??? Please share…so we can all learn about ourselves.
Thank U
I used to use roll on/ sure but i stop. I need a natural product to avoid smell and armpit sweat. Thanks.
Tina says
ok, so im 14 years old and i have had this problem since the very begining of my 8th grade year. its been getting worse and now im a freshman in high school and it is one of the most annoying things ive ever delt with. it restrits my wardrobe sooo much! i cant take it any more! i told my aunt about it and she said she had the same problem but it went away when she was about 16 or 17. but if this dosnt stop , idk what ill do!
super ninja panda jasmine says
Hi I’m in 7th grade and i turn 13 in like 2 weeks. Lately I’ve noticed that I’ve been sweating a lot. I always wear a jacket because I’m scared that if I take it off I’ll have pit stains and that would be really really embarassing and it would probably be worse because I’m not popular so it would be easy for people to pick on me. Even though I can hide it I still feel it. Is there any way to fix this without medicine? I really don’t want to talk to my mom about it.
Awkward! says
Yo what’s up?!
So I have excessive sweating under my arms, especially. Palms and feet are bad, but mostly concerned about pits.
I’m 16 and of course I have a lot of clothes–but I haven’t worn any (some I’ve had for a few years) because I get awful, massive pit stains. Sometimes I can’t go five minutes (let alone two or ten) without having to change my shirt. It’s gross…ick.
I also used to only wear black shirts–it doesn’t work for me anymore. I’ll sweat through anything. And I’m a righty, but sweat more under my left arm. How does this work?
I’m told it’s hormones but my dad suffers from excessive sweating, so maybe it’s in my genes, on top of that.
I’ve tried a lot of antiperspirants, Botox is not an option, never really tried natural cures or medication.
Much luck to you all, suggestions are appreciated. 🙂
Marya says
oh my gosh. i started sweating at the 5th grade! Its really uncomfortable. When my shirt gets wet in the underarms, its so irritating! I TRIED ALL OF MY DEODORANTS but none worked for me! Every night and day i sweat. I sweat alot on my hands too! I’ll see a doctor soon for something stronger. Thanks for help! 🙂
Sweaty dancer! says
I’m so glad there are people like me out there! It all started in the 7th grade when I would sweat excessively from my underarms I wore black almost ever day so people wouldn’t notice 7 years later an I still have the same problem.
I’ve tried clinical deodorants but none work! I always sweat excessively on my face neck and scalp to the point where my hair is soaked! Even if I’m out in the cold or the heat for not even two minutes i start sweating! This is extremely embarrassing and really hard to engage in a conversation with a stranger at the club since i love to dance but after one song i’m drenched while all of my friends are perfectly dry!
I am also on my college dance team and after 20 minutes into practice my hair is soaked as well as my back and chest while my teammates are dry and even at games I can never have a good hair day because I start sweating and my hair is once again drenched! it’s really irritating & I just want this to go away but I am glad I found this site and happy there are people out there who share the same problems as me I will definitely be going to the doctor soon!:)
chloe says
hi, I’m only 13 and i sweat A LOT, i find this really embarrassing, now i always have to wear clothes that doesn’t show any sweat stains, this has only started to happen to me a couple of months ago, and I’m really embarrassed to tell anyone. this has also stopped me from going out, because I’m scared if people see the sweat marks and start laughing at me, so please if any of yous find a solution to stop sweating without any medication, please tell me, much appreciated 🙂
Dani says
Smoking medical marijuana (legally) is literally the only thing that has helped me with sweating excessively! Don’t do this without seeing a doctor first!
Caroline says
I’m in 7th grade and I have this problem. Everyday I worry about someone seeing my sweat stains. My best friend also has this problem. Please help us. I told my mom about it but it’s soo hard to tell someone about this. If anyone has a solution please help me.
Erin says
OMG, I am a teacher and I just started reading some of the past few entries. I feel terrible for you guys… seriously, the bad smell part can be cured (I know). Tell your Dr. and spend the money on the good deodorant- it’s scent free boys so you can use it too!
Erin says
In high school and college I would sweat so bad. Finally I went to the Dr. and he gave me drysol (aluminum chloride hexahydrate). You put it on right before bed and sleep without a shirt (it needs air). If you are a female- don’t shave 3+ days before (gross, but whatever).
You will need to use this once a week (or every other week) at first, but then you can reduce it to once a month (I do it about once a month now). It works for me and I hopes it works for you too.
Daniel says
I’m fifteen and have just started getting it this year, i bring deodorant to school and try apply it as much as possible, it doesn’t help. My thin, white school uniform makes it even worse. I often sit there uncomfortable and don’t want to move so someone will see my wet underarms. There is no smell its just the look that’s a problem.
yellow stains- not funny says
Hey guys,
I know how you all feel. Some may be worse than me, but regardless I know what it’s like.
I use to think that I was the only one, but obviously I’m not. I probable started sweating ever since I was in the 7th grade. It got really worse as the years went by. And in year 10 I just couldn’t take it anymore.
So I went to a dermatologist, doc was pretty nice and he offered me this blue roll on anti-antiperspirant that’s called Driclor. First time use -it stung like heck. My whole skin went red, it was so bad that I had to wash it off. But the water just irritated it even more. But I got use to it after 10 tries and it helped a little bit. But after while I stopped using it, cos it said that soon you would only need to put it on once a month. But that was misleading and it didn’t work.
Then I went to the shops one day and I bought Rexona Clinical Protection (There’s one for women and men). It was pricey – $15 but I tell you, it’s the best thing I’ve tried. Don’t know if it sells in your countries, but if you ever get hold of it.. don’t ever let go.
Put it on the night before, it WILL STOP making you sweat, and yellow stains will be history!!! Smells great too!
I really hope it helps you guys. I still sweat occasionally, it’s a problem that really won’t ever go away, but at least there’s treatments out there that will work.
Meg says
I’ve suffered from this condition for the past six years (started in high school) and while it can be very depressing I just wanted to say, keep your hopes up. Come to find out part of my sweating is caused by a hormone imbalance that the doctor and I are currently working on but you never know what new medical advances could provide a cure.
From personal experience, I know that having a healthy diet and exercising are both very important. Working out provides your body a chance to sweat when it needs so and for those of you who are embarrassed about sweating at the gym, don’t be…it makes you look like a hoss 🙂
Keeping a positive outlook is so important; like a few others have mentioned, a lot people are much worse off. God bless!
Christy says
It feels good to know that I’m not alone with this issue. I am 25 and i have tried home remedies and every deodorant I can think of and nothing has helped. I sweat only from my under arms no where else and I feels my social life is hurting because of it.
The Shadow Figure says
As soon as I get to school my armpits feel wet and as soon as I take off my bag to play in the morning I have big wet spots on my t-shirt. Think about this. If I sweat that much in less than an hour in the morning after putting on deodorant think how I feel by the end of the day sitting in a classroom with about 30 children??? Do I have to live like this for my whole life?? Someone please help me……. PLEASE .
Elle says
Hi! I’m Elle and I’m 11 years old, turning 12 less than a month. I’ve been having sweaty underarms since I believe 4th grade. I have tried EVERYTHING from deodarents my mom recomended to using deodarent I bought, which never have worked. Nothing worked until I bought Lady Speed Stick Stainguard. I was SO relieved when I used it! No more smelly gym class and volleyball mushroom pits for me! This deodarent works, girls! The thing is you still sweat under your pits BUT the only scent is a fresh perfume-like scent!
john williams says
ive had the same problem as far as i can remeber , im 23 and have only been told about this by a close friend , ive tried everything , showering everyday and washing in afternoon , but as soon as i go out , my mates/relatives are mentioning the smell , i dont want to go out cause of the embarasment , what do i do? shall i contact a GP?
Mark says
Hi everyone~I know it sounds crazy. But there is a medicated product for this. I’m reading it right now….”Aluminum CL Hexahydrate 20% Topical Solution”. I used it and my sweating went away after a couple applications. It worked so good after I used it that I don’t have to put it on but once every few months. Caution though—it does burn a little!
katherine says
i’ve had this problem since the beginning of seventh grade. i used to be very athletic but now i can’t do anything because i have to keep my arms down all the time. when i have gym the only thing i can wear are black shirts. sometimes my sweat from my pits gets on my bra and its soaking wet when i take it off. all my shirts have pit stains on them and i have to spend at least $100 every few months on new clothes. i’ve told my mom but she doesn’t think it’s serious. i recently also learned that my brother has super sweaty hands that are always soaking (like me) no matter the temperature. its controlling my life and ruining my fun my parents don’t care so i’m gonna be like this for a while.
Steve says
Hi, My name is Steve and I am 14. I think that i have this condition, because everyday, is terrible. I mean i am a Freshman in High School, and i hate it. I have tried a thousand deodorants, and none of them work. So, I take a shower every day before school, and apply deodorant like every other person. But as soon as i get on the bus, its like a terrible smell takes over my underarms. Like sitting in class with kids contently wiping their nose, or covering theirs noses. I have cried sometimes, and I’ll be sitting in class, and I’ll overhear people saying “This kid smells like crap.” I mean, honestly i hate going out into public because i feel like that i am a problem to everyone.
Like sometimes i ask my self, why. I mean i am the only kid in the whole school that i know of like this. I see other kids that just come to school with no problem. I want to be like them. I have had enough of this. I hate it and its the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Even worse is that people don’t know what it is like, I mean if I were to record half the stuff they say, and then tell them that i have a problem, they would probably feel embarrassed. People have no sense in what it is like.
Also, the days I dread are the days, that the teachers change seats, because when the kid finds out there sitting next to me, they laugh and make that face, or when they have to be in my group for a project. I mean if people understood that this is a real problem they wouldn’t be jerks like they are today. Sometimes i sit next to kids that smell, and guess what, I just sit there and mind my own business, because i know what they feel like.
Nobody knows, not even my parents know, because it so embarrassing. I mean i have my physical coming up soon, and i plan on talking to my doctor about this problem that i have. I mean if your having this problem right now, i know what it is like, but don’t give up, and tell someone. I mean its your body, and no one is going to make fun of you for trying to help yourself.
Ashley says
I have been like this for about three years. I am in the 9th grade. I didn’t know anything about this. I don’t even know how I thought about it, but on day I did. I am the only one in my family who has it. I have talked to my mom about it, but she does not understand that it is all of the time. It breaks my heart that I will have this most likely my whole life. To those who are alone, have a school with the worst of kids who don’t even understand what is wrong, and those who are upset about this, I know exactly how you feel. It’s hard, and I would know. Do not regret having this though. This is not only to make you different, this is also to teach others to accept EVERYONE. One day you will be a great person, people will respect you. Even if you look gross and nasty to them. People turn their heads at me, but the ones who don’t and will let you cry on their shoulder have their own issues too and they can be much much worse. Do not let it rule you life, even if it seems hopeless. You are here to be accepted, not to hide in the shadows.
Liz says
Reading through this, I’ve found a lot of ways that people say will help and what will not..some even contradictory. I have had excessive underarm sweating and my hands and feet like to sweat a great deal also, so I can identify with what you all are going through…constant worry, depression, jealousy, social anxiety… I wonder why I can’t be normal, than find others worse off than I. I try many suggestions, and the problems still persist. I give up, than become frustrated because of the uninevitable effects. This truly is a problem and I feel for you guys, as well as myself. I will pray for you and for solutions that truly do work.
God bless you.
Cheryl says
I HATE my sweating problem! It gets even worse when I am around people or in public and it’s ruining my life. I can never just buy whatever clothes I feel like I have to firstly think about whether or not I’ll sweat through it. The amount of clothes I’ve been given or bought, and not actually been able to wear is terrible! I want to be able to wear whatever top I want, and not worry at school when I have to lift up my arms. It looks terrible and I’m very worried about smelling too – but when I tell anyone they say it’s normal and I shouldn’t worry so much – it really annoys me!!
Emily says
Absolutely ridiculous I’ve had this problem since I was a child, between my underarms and hands I am a walking puddle, everyday I’m sweating even in the freezing cold (Canadian) I’m sweating, only its now a cold sweat, great. I turn to short sleeves (even in winter just wear a sweater), extra deodorant, and wearing a shawl or something close to it, that way when I wear long sleeves no one notices at work. It SUCKS. I just wish some one could tell me a good way to control this.. Because right now… It is impossible. And just gross >-<
Josh says
Okay i just started to notice my under arms are just sweating and smelling non stop and it is really ruining my life. Im scared to even slightly raise my arms at school for fear i will stink up the room and that people will whisper to each other i smell disgusting or i need to bathe or come up with their own stories and say they heard i don’t shower.
The only way i have noticed to keep the smell from completely getting out though people can still smell it is to press my arms against my body very tight. i can’t do this anymore because by 7th period my arms are trembling. I don’t know what to do but its is killing me with my image and my self esteem. i walk out of class as somebody walks in and they say the class stinks and i think to myself that i am the cause of this.
Most of my teachers seem to notice my arms pressed against me so they leave me alone. Most. But i don’t want to be referred to as the kid that is disgusting or smells like trash. I deserve better and so do all of the people that suffer from this.
I really hope you will reply to this because this is out of hand. I’m 16 and just starting my life and this condition has me off to a bad start. So please reply and help me out here.
RR says
hi, I’m from the Philippines. same to everyone.same everything. I just wanted to ask?? is there a solution about this problem?..cause sometimes i just think negative and it goes to “die”. i almost try brands of antiperspirant but it doesnt work. guys, help me??.. can’t afford botox it cost 30k. I’m just a student and i am not rich even. i consult a dermatologist, but nothing..pls help me!!
Alejandro says
hi everybody!!
I suffered from underarm sweating for over 10 years and probe of all possible treatments for underarm sweating and nothing works for me, month ago i buy a formula on the internet, now i have no money. I should have known not to fall for false promises like this, they promised I would without sweat in 2 weeks and it was gonna change my life. Don’t fall for secret formula cures from this or any other country, just does not work!
Marc says
Reading all your comments I feel very fortunate. I also have excessive sweating on my chest and back. My underarms are never dry and at least my hands are considerate with my social life and I can meet people without feeling SO embarrassed.
My wet trunk and underarms had literally dynamite my self-confidence since I was fourteen. I couldn’t leave my home without my bag filled with three t-shirts (four or even five in summer) to change myself during the day. I’m writing from Spain and we have nice warm weather here…
After the entire lecture just wanted to say that my daily life has changed since I use anti sweat shirts for hyperhidrosis that hide my sweat and makes me feel comfortable. I tried them after finding information when looking desperately for help in many many forums and HH societies and also ruling out chemical products as my skin didn’t seem to like them so much. I then discovered sweat pads also work great and allow you to use any shirt you like rather than having to pay a premium for a anti-sweat t-shirt. Chatting with another colleague with HH who also tried them, we agreed that although at the first time you hold one of them in your hands you may think that it will be really hot (it has like two layers, two tissues) actually it is not.
When passing time wearing one of these excessive sweating t-shirts, you feel little humid but it kind of makes sweat disappear and you can’t see anything from the outside. Sweat pads or t-shirts, they work for me and I wanted to share my experience here because as I read your comments I feel more identified with you and I’m convinced it may help.
Main point I am trying to make is not to spend money on t-shirts designed for sweating because of the mark up, but rather buy sweat shields and use any shirt you like, you will save money in the long run and it works. For example, one t-shirt designed for excessive sweating can cost you $42 where sweat shields can be purchased for $10 and used with any shirt you like!
Rachel says
Certain-Dri is available in the Phillipines. It works pretty well, except that for me, my HH is caused by anxiety. So, when I think about it, I sweat. Unless I get Botox, I will always sweat. However, being the age I am. I am unable to get Botox. Not that I would want to anyway.
I hope certain-Dri works for you.
Good luck with your HH.
There is no cure but we’re in this together.
bernadet says
uhmm.. guys i need your help im from philippines and you know that in our country the weather is always hot im very stressed sometimes i dont want to go to school because of my sweaty armpits the color of our uniform is brown it sucks everytime im wearing our uniform my mind says another day for my sweaty armpits very embarrassing pls help me i want to buy certain dri to cure it I want to know if certain dri is available here in the Philippines ????? 🙁 im very hopeless
bernadet says
Hi im Bernadet from Philippines uhmm I want to know if certain dri is available here in the Philippines pls reply I’m always suffering in this hyperhidrosis i don’t know what to do Ive try so many antiperspirant but it doesn’t work 🙁
Anon says
Hi people, I suffer from HH and maybe not as bad as most people tho it definitely destroys my social life, I mean common I’m nearly 17 and never had a girl friend? What the heck, makes me so mad.. and on top of that I suffer from anxiety which is slowly making me more and more depressed…
@Beth, I read that botox may stop sweating in that area though it ll cause sweating in another..
Beth says
Hi.. I two suffer with HH. I’ve suffered with it for as long as I can remember. Today tho I went in to have Botox injected into my armpits which i must say is extremely painful but well worth the money. I noticed the difference straight away no sweat patches and would 100% recommend.
Ross says
There is no natural cure, other than Botox and Surgery. I’ve tried Lemon Juice, I’ve tried Vinegar, I’ve tried everything there is out there. One day I got so fed up and enraged with my problem, I took ice and salt (creates a chemical reaction to burn skin) and Burned my armpits severely, Following up with a lighter. It was my desperate attempt to shut down the sweat glands, It hurt Extremely bad and left me Bleeding. It didn’t work.. Not only did I still sweat, The sweat burned the wounds and made them bleed, making a bloody, sweaty stain under my armpits… There is no Cure, There is no Hope.
Linds says
I was diagnosed with hyperhidrosis when I was in middle school and the doctor told me it would, more than likely, never go away but continue to worsen with age. Every day at school was a nightmare as I would have to hide the large sweat spots by wearing large sweatshirts all the time. I would even bring another shirt to school with me and change during the day because the wetness and embarrassment were unbearable.
I tried every type of deodorant available and nothing worked. Then, I finally found a ‘miracle’ cure.. today I’m 19 years old and I DO NOT sweat under my arms. I sweat less than I did before the hyperhidrosis ever began. I’m telling you right now Certain Dry will change your life if you suffer with this condition. I know you’ve tried everything that says it’s supposed to work, but trust me- I used certain dry for about 2-3 months and began seeing results within a week.
One morning, I realized I had forgotten to apply it the night before and started to panic. Usually if I had forgotten, I would sweat more the next day. That’s when I realized that, even at school (it was at it’s worse at school) I didn’t have a SINGLE trace of sweat under my arms, even during gym class.
Jo says
I have been like this for 23 years & am now doing something about it. I carry deordorant around everywhere, & put it on so many times in the day. So fed up I eventually got the guts to go to the doctors. (didn’t tell anyone) I got Anhydrol forte on presciption but you can get over the counter. Follow instructions. This is good but I did have a slight reaction so am on waiting list for some firm of shock treatment for underarms! Get cotton clothes for areas that sweat e.g cotton socks, tops etc. That works too.
Rachel says
Hey I’m Rachel, and I’m back. 3+ years of HH really sucks!! Certain Dri really works… For about a week!!!! It’s starting to get colder and I sweat through long sleeves a TON!!!!!!! I’m gonna die I just know it. I’m also on the TV News in my school, so I have to wear nice stuff everyday. Botox is NOT an option for me!!! Im not poor, but that much money is ridiculous. My parents don’t believe me, either. My dad does, but my moms just like l,”it’s normal.” and buys me the degree crap. I CANNOT talk to my doctor about this. It’s too embarassing for me. I bought certain Dri with my OWN MONEY. my parents didn’t believe me so they wouldn’t buy it for me. Now, that doesn’t work and I’m OUT OF OPTIONS!!!! it seems like I try new stuff and it works for a week, then I build an ammunity to it, and it stops working;(
Bless you all
Sweaty Betty
Aka Rachel
isca says
i sweat a lot it’s so embarrassing, i cant wear nice clothes because of this condition, what do i do?
Charlie says
I need to gwt a hold of this problem. I’ve had it since 7th grade. First found out on a coach bus coming back from williamsburg and my best friend was like “yo man you’ve got a little sweat” and since then it has gotten worse.
I’m really pissed now because with a broken leg the crutches rub on my pits and they freak out like a cat in the water. I had luck with degree clinical strength esp. The addrenaline series and may only get a little spot once in a while with that. I now drench my shirt because of the crutches. I heard of Vinegar and am going to try that on my arms before bw and wash it off in the morning. I’m even thinking maybe its because of the hard water we have because the water softener at my cousins house’s shower always leaves me dry. Prob because the salts in the softener dry me put a little.
Really stressful now because everybody pays attention to that kid on crutches and its still hot so i am trying to not wear a sweatshirt.
On top of that, I am in the beginnings of a relationship with a totally awesome girl and dont want to screw it up as it is my first relatonship since middle school. I’m now a Junior and need to fix this because i cant even wear my favorite clothes. Ill report with the vinegar remedy.
kat says
Hi. I am kathy, 17 yrs old. I also have HH. Its been three years since I noticed that I sweat much. For a lady like me, it is very embarrassing. My condition separates me from normal people. It bothers me so much. I am now already college it affects my academic standing. I start to procrastinate to avoid sweating. When I am in my high school I skip some subjects to change clothes and to apply anti-perspirant well It didn’t work. I have my dermatologist, and she told me that it has no cure. I don’t know if my mother had this condition. But I think my two younger sister have HH too. They were both in high school.
I am from Philippines. uhmm I want to know if all the products you mention are available here.HH has no cure. I just want to minimize the sweating.
halez says
i have the same problem as you all do and i hate it! I’m 16 and i have sweated bad all my life but it never really bothered me until i got older and got into high school. I sweat terribly bad, i cannot wear bright color shirts and its embarrassing!
I have tons of friends who wear whatever they want and don’t sweat a drop and it makes me so jealous. I even sweat when i wear tank tops, its weird actually because idk why i sweat but i just do. I have been using this stuff that my doctor prescribed and its called hypercare and it has helped a lot but it breaks me out under my arms and itches and burns and i hate that! I’m just so tired of having to go through all this and sweat so hopefully it will cured soon!
Micaela says
I’m so glad that I’m not the not one with this problem. I started noticing at in 7th grade and I’m in 11th grade now. I only wear black shirts or jackets and people always ask me ‘do you like black shirts or something’ and I just ignore them. I really only sweat when I’m in public or at night but if I’m at my house my right armpit will just be a little clammy.
I start school tomorrow and I really don’t want to spend another year wearing black shirts. I’ve used Certain Dri and Maxim but they didn’t work but I’m trying Certain Dri again just praying it will work. I’ve told my mom about this problem and she doesn’t believe me. She just tells me everybody sweats that much but I’ve never seen anybody else Sweat through their shirt. I really don’t sweat that much but it’s still enough that people can see it.
I was hoping this year would be better because I don’t have to hide my sweat during p.e. but now my mom is threatening to throw all my black shirts away. So hopefully I can keep them so I won’t have a panic attack about having to go in public with sweaty armpits
Kianna says
Ok so I have had this problem sence then end of 4th grade, and I am going into the 7th now. So, I have had it for about 3 years. I have talked to my mom about it, and turns out that she has it too. But she only sweats at night.
I have been looking around the internet, and I found a Anti-Perspirant, NOT a deodorant caller Certain Dri. What it does is closes up your underarm pores/sweat glands, while you are sleeping. (And yes you can apply another deodorant in the morning) They also have a Certain Dri A.M Anti-Persiprant that you can use ing the morning after. You apply it right before you go to bed, but only a few (1-3) stokes under each arm. If you apply too much it will start to burn. They have a roll-on one, or a sold one.The sold one is if you have more sensitive skin. (If you get this make sure you read the directions carfully)
I got the Certain Dri and it took about a week to get what I wanted. NO SWEAT !!!!!! I was so excited, that this cheap drug store product really works.
I got it at Target for 3,99 on sale. You can also order it on line at They also have a listing of where you can buy this. I hope this helped you because it really helped me. 🙂
Kirsten says
Okay, I’m 16 years old and sweat horribly bad, my mom always tries to tell me that it’s normal but I know it’s not, I have limited my wardrobe to black materials, my mom doesn’t want me to only wear black so she tries to pick out clothes she thinks are cute, sometimes they are but it’s usually a color that I sweat through. I have developed pimples under my arms and can’t wear a tank top because of it. I have tried some clinical strength deodorants but it didn’t work, is there a good prescription deoderent my doctor can give me?
Rachel says
Thanks. I’m actually going to the store tomorrow to buy tht deodorant everybody says works that u don’t have to get from the doctor. But I’ll try that too!! Thanks SO much!! Best of luck to you with your conditions, trust me, I know how hard it is And I’m only 13!
SweatHelp says
Hey Rachel,
If you don’t want to face a doctor face to face, an alternative would be – she is a real doctor who provides free medical advice with no strings attached! She’s does not specialize in this area, but she’s been around and could offer some suggestions and allow you to ask a doctor without having to say who you are or deal with embarrassment.
Rachel says
I went to my pediatrician and I was about to ask her about this but I didn’t because I was scared she would think I’m a freak. So I guess I have to deal with this for another whole year
lymah says
hi everyone, am 26 years suffering from HH. for long i used to think the condition would go away by using deodorant but nothing. i told my mum it seems to be hereditary but hers has gone away with age and she doesn’t see the big deal. its sad when no one seems to understand what your telling them and they tell you sweating is normal. i tried driclor it didn’t work. last year i visited a dermatologist who suggested botox injection. am planning on saving money since it costs a fortune and hope this disease goes away coz its really bad. i wear sleeveless tops most times and when am working am either in a black top or do not remove the sweater.
Rachel says
Help me!!!! Its so bad all I wear is tank tops even in the winter I wear tanks with sweatshirts. It sucks. Its so bad I get zits on my armpits and they hurt. It’s really gross. I can’t take it much longer!!!! I thought I was the only one!! I would never wish this upon anybody because it changes your life forever! You have to so everything differently. Although wearing white helps. Most clothing stores Make tight t shirts and I can’t wear them because I sweat trough them. Yeah. I’m So not glad were the what? 1% or something. Just my luck. An I don’t wanna tell my dOctoroon. Anybody know a deodorant that works?? I mean… antiperspirant. S.O.S.
Oh ya and everybody as hard as it is… remember that we are stronger people because of this. We were cursed with this, but for a reason because God knows we r the people that can survive it. It’s almost as bad as cancer but u can’t treat this really. I’ve tried everything an it works for a day then stops.
We can do this.
We need to find a cure!
Janatha says
Its pretty bad for me. I hate not being able to wear all the shirts i like myself. High school was even worse. All i can say is ignore it even though its hard to. My step mom has it to and she got the surgery 10 years ago and its moved from her armpits to her panty line and breast. It cam in huge cyst that drip sweat. The surgery is not worth it. I myself also try prescription aluminum chloride and it worked for about a month and stop working all together and it also did not take care of smell even though when i sweat it rarely smells. Keep your head up as high as you possibly can and if your in school explain to your class mates why you sweat so much. Most teens tend to understand and you’ll always have that mature one that would stick up for you. Good luck all on your journey to become the person everyone else want you to be.
Olivia says
As a 12-yr-old, almost 7th grader with an astonishing high IQ, I am extremely self-conscious about my hyperhidrosis. I first noticed it the summer before 6th grade. I had no idea what it was, but it was noticable. Just recently, I was watching MTV’s TRUE LIFE and sure enough, it was about a girl who had hyperhidrosis. I started Googling the topic, and found that sage works well to lighten it and make the perspiration normal. I participate in a youth group called “WyldLife” which is hosted by a family and is outdoors, I just got a blue Abercrombie shirt, so I wore it. This snooty girl Kaylin (whom cannot be trusted with any secrets) noticed my sweating and started whispering about it to others. I stoop up on a table and announced that it is a chronic medical condition that I will have my entire life and I can’t help it. I have now gained respect, but I’m still embarassed by it. Kudos to anyone who feels the same. (about the first thing not the embarassed part (: )
niño delusa says
pls. help to solve my problem which is hyperhidrosis {armpit}
jamie says
hi guys.
im having d same problem.i sweat so much even in air conditioned rooms.actually,it even becomes worse.i told my parents bout it recently only to find out that my mum had the same problem.she told me that it would go away eventually.not sure if thats true but it still bothers me.i avoid wearing certain colors such as grey cos the sweat stains become really obvious.even at parties i only wear black clothes to hide the trains,i scramble to the corners to avoid lifting my arm.even biometrics fingerprinting couldnt detect my fingerprints.when i write essays,d entire paper gets smudgy as well.i can only be myself truly during sports practice thanks to the invention of polyester shirts and swimsuits.i tried deodorants but they stain my white school uniform so badly.the natural salt that i tried only stops the odor.i have to think twice in everything that i do because of this sweating condition:(
Christina says
I always thought that all of the sweat I produced was just part of puberty, so I dismissed it, at first, when it started in about 7th grade. I’m in high school now, a freshman, and I only recently realized that no one else seems to sweat as much as I do. I finally Googled the issue tonight, and it’s good to see that I’m not the only one who suffers from this embarrassing issue!
I always find myself wearing dark sweatshirts so that no one can tell how much I’m sweating. I have to shy away from hugs because I’m always terrified that my friends will notice. I’ve tried several different deodorants, but nothing seems to work.
I told my mom about my problem, and it turns out that she has the same issue –she’s just much more used to it then I am. She’s going to take me to the doctor’s soon. I’m hoping that they’ll have some solutions for me. I know that there are prescription deodorants that they can prescribe to me, and some medications –I would be happy with anything like that. I’m a little wary about botox shots, but if it comes down to that, I’ll try anything that doesn’t involve removing my sweat glands.
It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone, but that doesn’t really make the situation any better, y’know? 🙁
Anonymous says
I am a normal 13 year old in 8th grade…the only thing not so normal is my embarrassing pit situation. Everyday I worry about pit stains and make sure that I never lift my arms too high. At first when this started to happen I thought it was just because I am a teenager but when irons close friends about my situation, the revealed that they have no need to even wear deodorant at all.
Sweaty pits have definitely held back my social life because it lowers my confidence and self-esteem. I hate when attention is drawn to me for this reason. I have been researching ways to stop sweating and symptoms and cures for hyperhydrosis (which is what I believe I have) but nothing has worked. My mom hasn’t noticed though, and I don’t have the guts to explain my situation to her.
When I shared it with my two best friends, I felt like a pig because when most people think of sweaty they think of obese people but that’s not the case; I am an active, muscular, toned person with the first signs of a six pack. What I want to know is how to make it stop so I can finally enjoy a game of kickball with friends instead of having to constantly wear a jacket (even in the heat of summer) or worry about my pits.
If anyone can help me, pleas PLEASE do so, I have cried many times over this problem and I just want it to STOP!!!!
Michelle says
It makes me feel better knowing there are many people out there that suffer from this same problem. But just knowing that other people have it doesn’t make it okay. I have been suffering from excessive underarm sweating ever since I was 14, and it continues to get worse. It is only in social situations, and I have noticed that I sweat more when I feel like people are looking at me. I have tried extra strength antiperspirant and underarm pads but none of them have worked. I know that this is an after affect of anxiety but I don’t want to have to take medication. I have heard a lot about botox for the underarms. But this has to be repeated every 6 months and can be costly and somewhat painful. It’s sad that with this many people suffering from this problem there isn’t a better cure. I’m an attractive girl and I find myself not even wanting to go out in public for fear that someone might see my sweat spots. Its very sad and I hope that everyone has luck finding a cure to this extremely embarrassing condition.
Rapunzel says
WOW! I started noticing that i sweat on my armpits during intermediate year, now that im in highschool i always sweat on my underarm D:
& also what’s sadder is I sweat on my hands & feet >_<
Its really embarassing, everytime my hands sweat people always say ewww
& they don't even know how it feels like ..
Vicky says
Excessive sweating stinks. I’ve had it since 6th grade and it just won’t go away. Some days are better than others, but I still hate the fact that I can’t wear anything bright. My favorite color is red, but with this sweating I don’t wear any red shirts. I’m very athletic and I’m trying to get into the navy, but I don’t want to be embarassed wearing the white uniform and I’m sweating excessively under the arms. I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one with this problem. I’m going to see if my doctor will prescribe me with medicated deoderant. If that doesn’t work I’ll try natural ingredients. I wish everyone with this problem the best of luck!
Michele says
This helps me so much to know that I’m not the only one with this i get so scared i mean i tried to cure it but nothing works i used deodorant and NOO didn’t help i just want to consult a doctor about this but I’m scared to see how they are going to react I’m always wearing sweaters and dark shirts and it gets so annoying and i try to hide it but i know that my under arms r drenched with sweat i get low self esteem when i know i sweat like crazy nobody in my life knows this i just want this to stop so i can live a normal life and not worrying about my Hyperhidrosis
Please Help I Want It To End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sunnysideup says
I can really sympathize with all of you. I too suffer from hyperhydrosis. I have since I was about 16 years old. I am 35 now and I am finally getting it under control. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me with Robinul and gave me a prescription deodorant called Drysol.
The very day I started with the treatment I was sweat free. I can’t even begin to explain the HUGE burden it lifted off of my life. No more huge sweat stains, no more being afraid of lifting my arms, no more feeling embarrassed or having to choose special clothes to wear because I couldn’t wear normal outfits that everyone else did. The medicine has given me dry mouth, especially at first. I was afraid that it would affect my singing voice, but it really hasn’t.
The deodorant I have stopped using and instead am using Mitchum mens roll-on, unscented both morning and night, because the Drysol caused itching and burning, but it did work very well and I would do it again. And to answer an earlier question, yes, I did and still do deal with a little bit of social anxiety…I think these things go hand in hand, but that has improved as well.
I feel so badly for those of you who had tried many of these things and have had no luck. I know what it feels like to be made fun of or not get any dates because you’re the \sweaty\ girl. I would encourage you to not give up, go to a doctor and if that doctor can’t help you go to a different doctor. There has got to be an answer out there for you. If you don’t find it right away, don’t panic…just keep trying. I wish you all the best of luck!
sujo says
I am now 52 years old and so understand what everyone here describes. The shame of feeling “abnormal, repulsive, unhuggable, less than, too visible for all the wrong reasons, etc.” have been with me since the age of 12 or 13 when my hyperhidrosis began. My mom sewed sweat pads in my prom dress & I have worn, like many of you, too much black or prints or “sweaters”… (strange irony in that name!) most of my life in order to hide the enormous circles under my arms induced mostly when I am hyped up or anxious.
But reading so many comments from you young folks is poignant. I would not be here if I did not still have a secret desire to wear a solid top other than black or print…but more important, I see, is the choice to accept and embrace the way we’re made and drop the shame. Someone who knows their worth and has a desire to share is every bit as powerful and impactful in the world with or without “pit marks.”
So. Try the strong antiperspirants, the diet changes, the stress reduction, surgical options if desperate. Wear whatever works to mask the moisture. Explain, if necessary, to friends and family but stop apologizing… we were born this way!
Taylor says
hi, i’m 12 years old and in the 6th grade and i have been OVER SWEATING since about the 4th grade. I have tried lots of stuff but i don’t no what to do!my mom has the same problem and she said that she was going to take me to the doctor to get the stuff she gets. it’s this cream and u put it on once a month at night then but plastic wrap on and go to bed when you wake up you take it off and supposedly you won’t sweat for about 28 days!
i guess i will try it but until then i will keep wearing hoodies. but for the people who want to wear bright colors i wear bright colors all the time. just wear like a dark gray jacket and keep it open never put your arms by your side for more than 5 minutes and never draw attention to your underarms (basically don’t look under there to see if you are sweating)!
Thank-you!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Joslynn says
I know how you guys feel :/ I’m a junior in Highschool and I’ve had this problem since 6th grade.
i guess in a family thing because my mom has it too, but I HATE the fact that I can’t wear pretty shirts that are bright colored! I’m always either wearing black, white or hoddies!
I know some people are like “Yall guys sound so concited, just wear deodorant” but they don’t know how embarrassing it is to sweat like that, I’ve tired everything that my dermatologist gives me, but it doesn’t work! I don’t know what to try anymore and I’m the SAME as lauren said, and it sucks bad, but i want it to stop! and the ONLY way to stop it for good is laser treatment on it but it costs $400 a visit and it takes about 5 visits to cure it! and that a lot of money!
Well if I find anything on how to fix this, I’ll post it and hopefully it will help you guys out too, because i know how it feels to feel out of place just because you sweat a lot.
Marine777 says
OMG, I thought I was the only one with this problem. I sweat a lot under my arms even when I’m totally relaxed and nothing stressful going on. I’m 16 and in the tenth grade, I’ve been sweating since 5 or 6th grade. IT SUCKS!! I’m always wearing black shirts and sweaters or tank tops. I hate it, i want to wear light colorful shirts!
I’m going into the United States Marine Corp as soon as I turn 17 and i’m worried about my sweating because our pt shirts are an olive green or grey and I really don’t want anyone seeing me sweat, so embarrassing. Also I’m going to a banquet with this boy that I’m totally in love with and I’m worried.
Nobody but my aunt knows about this issue and I’m hoping that it stays this way, I’m to shy to talk to a doctor about this because I feel anyone I tell will just laugh at me or something. Someone please help me, this issue has put me in a depressing, hating myself dark hole.!! This is ruining my life.!! I will pray for everyone with this issue, I’m confident that there is a cure, I just haven’t found it yet.
Ryan says
The amount of pottasium aluminum sulfate that you would have to get into your blood stream for it to be significant is way more than TAWAS has. It is also very unlikely that you will get the antiperspirant in your blood stream. I would not worry about using a product such as TAWAS.
Anonymous says
same, kim. I get comments behind my back from classmates at school about my odour and that i need to shower. I do, every morning and every evening but it makes no difference. It’s not fair at all. They dont know what it’s like. I wish it would stop.):
Joey says
So many people with the same problem… good to know I’m not alone. I’m 21 and have sweating probs since i was like 16. only within the past few months has it gotten to the point of uncontrollable, and i have no idea what to do…
No antiperspirants ever worked, at all, but i allays found a way around it. like a lot of u said, paper towels stuffed under ur arms. but now i sweat through them and it goes threw my t shirts. if i don’t have paper towels its RIDICULOUS, looks like i ran a marathon… and I’m not even remotely exaggerating. and its all within 15 mins of waking up in the morning!
To keep them i dry i have to change the paper towels every 20 mins or so, and its even starting to effect my job… with constant trips to the bathroom. i tried script drugs, antiperspirants, hypercare, nothing worked. i cant afford surgery, believe me i looked into it, because my insurance blows.
I wouldn’t care about it except for the fact in my line of work i need to be visually presentable, thus making me HAVE to constantly care to this… and now i’m getting reprimanded daily by my boss, i need help, it isn’t just effecting my social life and self esteem, its effecting everything. I see so many comments, and so many stories, of ppl asking, with such desperation, for help, and not many answers.
Is there nothing i can do? do i have to find another job because of this?? …please help…
Linda says
Hi Mitch,
Tawas for underarm contains potassium aluminum sulfate. Some strongly state that using anything with aluminum could get into your bloodstream and possible cause breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. I’d check with your dermatologist before using that stuff!
mitch says
Hi everyone, how bout try “TAWAS” for sweating..its a natural crystal made of Potassium Alum.
Ekhsan says
Hello there, I’m from Brunei Darussalam, somewhere around southeast Asia. I’m so happy that not only me who suffered this problem. I tried so many kind of deodorant already, but none of them work on me. I suggest you to try using natural crystal called Tawas in Asia. It helped me to hide a bit, but still sweat mark is still there, when i get nervous and feel uncomfortable. Please somebody help me..
Kim says
I hate going to school, church, and ball games. Why? Because as soon as I sit down I can feel my armpits drenching with sweat. I hate school now. My excessive underarm sweating is ruining my social life!
I can’t go to school without wearing a jacket, and lately the sweat has been going through my jackets. People are starting to notice, and I’m so embarrassed. I keep missing school because I don’t want to go through the embarrassment. Gym class is awful, I have to wear a shirt under my gym shirt so the sweat doesn’t go through even though sometimes it does.
I hate my life, I hate how much I sweat. It’s not fair seeing other people being able to take off their jackets without worrying if their underarms are drenched with sweat. I need to tell someone about this, but I’m too embarrassed to. Someone please help me, this is ruining my life.
Hannah says
It makes me feel so much better to know I’m not the only person who has this problem! Ever since 6th grade I’ve had a sweating problem. Nobody else I know sweats as much as I do and it’s embarrassing! I just want it to stop. I’ve tried a bunch of different antiperspirants but nothing seems to work. I usually wear black shirts to cover up the sweat stains and i try not to hug people too much or let them poke me in the arm or anything. I hate wearing black. I want to wear my colorful shirts again! Please HELP!!!
James says
As I reading this page with everyone’s testimony and experiments, I was wondering if anyone had tried any acupuncture or Asian herbal remedies (Korean hanyak). They say that Asian medicine has been making headway in the medical world and maybe it can also help us. If I get around to trying it, I’ll post up my results on here.
alicia says
I have this to an I’m 14 i hate underarm sweating because I’m always out in the cold an still can be sweating my sister tells me y am i sweating when its cold
Kathleen says
Hi, I am a 13 year old girl. I sweat way more than the average person. I only sweat in public though. I am totally fine when I am with family or places where I am comfortable. But as soon as I get to school or go to the mall, I’m drenched. Before school even starts I can feel the sweat soaking my shirt. I only sweat under my arms. I hate it because so many of my clothes have been ruined. I wore one of my favorite dresses to a party and now I can’t wear it because of the stains.
I always wear baggy sweatshirts, but it still soaks through. It is so embarrassing. It makes me so uncomfortable. As soon as I get home, I have to change my shirt. The sweat doesn’t smell, because I use deodorant, but it is always there. I dread going to school everyday because my school is so judgmental. Some kids will just make fun of you just because they are bored. I hate not being able to wear the clothes I want to wear.
Please, is there anyway for it to stop. It has been going on for about 2 years. I do not want to start high school next year known as the girl who sweats a lot.
claire says
I’m 14, and I’m a girl. I sweat all the time!!! Alllwwwwwaaaaaaaays. I can feel my self start sweating almost 5 minutes after I put on deodorant and a shirt. My best friend knows about this sweating issue and we don’t talk about it, but after 2 years I know shes caught on, anyways I haven’t told my mom or my Doctor, because I’ve been looking it up so much, I figured I could find an answer with out letting my entire family know. Because my mom broadcasted on FACEBOOK when I got my period. So I really don’t wanna tell her, because shes probably gonna tell my family about it too.
I found some good ways to HIDE the sweat, but I don’t know how to stop it. The vinegar/lemon/bakingsoda thing DOESN’T work for me.
Hiding sweat:
This is what I do and its really easy to hide, but if someone sees your sweat stains, you can be like “I’m sick ” or “IT’s really hot in here” or make up some other excuse.
Caring says
Hi Lauren,
I understand your pain all too well but it seems when I really get down, really bummed out and wondering why I couldn’t be the normal person, I’m given an attitude adjustment!
Just recently, I was feeling like I wanted to lock myself inside, not deal with anyone but I had to go out. I was walking down the isle at the grocery store and was looking around and noticed something so repulsive that I made a face. I could tell I made a face, not a bad one, more of a squinting, trying to see clearly and then an expression of recognition and looked away.
I was SO ASHAMED and DISAPPOINTED in myself for my reaction! It was a young man whose face was so badly deformed that I was instinctively trying to adjust my vision to make sense of it. By the time I figured it out, it was too late, even looking away was probably an insult to him. Everything I did, was probably an insult. If I could have it to do over again, I would have smiled, said hi, not looked surprised and acted like nothing happened. This all happened in a slip second and yet I could tell he noticed.
I felt like crying, I do now even as I write this. His situation is permanent, perhaps he can have reconstructive surgery, but I know from his age that he went to school like the rest of us (aside from his face, he seemed perfectly normal) and dealt with cruelty we can never know.
My problems seemed less at that point; writing this makes me feel better yet ashamed that someone else’s situation in life has helped me feel better. Situations like this don’t fix the problem, but they do provide a different perspective. Technology is so amazing and advancing so fast, we simply have to hang on, do our research, share what works and keep an open mind.
lauren says
Hey I’m Lauren! I’m 14 and unfortunately i suffer from severe underarm sweating. it happens everywhere, school, with my family, with my friends and just everywhere in general. i have tried TONS of antiperspirants and prescriptions however none of them work. Also adding to that, i have acne on my face, back and chest which lowers my self-esteem even more.
In the summer i try wearing tank tops so you cant see the sweat, but all my acne was then exposed. and i couldn’t wear t-shirts to cover my acne, because i would sweat.
It SO frustrating seeing people who don’t sweat at all, it makes me so jealous. plus, i have random stretch marks all over my legs, so basically i hate my body. I’m not skinny, but I’m not really big either, I’m on the average side, but anyways, ive tried everything and it hasnt worked.
I work out about 4-5 times a week and my sweatting hasnt gone away. MYLIFESUCKS. pleasssssseeeeee if anyone has any ideas PLEASE let me know!!!
Thank you!!!
Luke says
Nice to know that we all suffer together, I, along with the majority of the group am 14. Had the problem only recently, but have always had palmer hyperhydrosis. It sux, get a lot of sleep and just don’t think about it seems to help a lot.
rayray says
ok i’m 13…i have been sweating really bad in my armpits since i was 10…i’m actually depressed and suicidal now and its partly because of this problem (also for other reasons 2 obviously)…but i haven’t really tried much except normal deodorants and let me tell you they don’t work at all…
I sweat every day at school, almost never at home. but my problem has actually gotten a little better over time…no body else in my family has the same problem so i haven’t told them…i know if i tell my mother she will just brush it aside because she always refuses to believe there is ever anything medical related wrong with me…i am allergic 2 horses, she refuses it.
I broke my rib once, she refused that it was broken. i have heat flashes and burn up and my face turns red and i sometimes start almost crying in the middle of class because having my face feeling so hot is just so horrible and uncomfortable…i think the heat flashes is what causes my sweating, yet my mother denies that i have heat flashes…
I need a way 2 get some treatment for this without a doctor and without having 2 tell anyone about it…i don’t have a doctor and i haven’t had shots or been to a hospital since i was 4 years old… none of my friends (except one that has the same problem yet doesn’t know any more about how to fix it then i do) would understand and neither would my family….
so how do i fix it without anybody knowing about it???? any suggestions on home remedies??? please someone reply to this!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank u!!
Bella says
I have the same problem. I sweat through all my shirts. I never wear short sleeves anymore because it shows the sweat but i noticed it i wear black you can’t really see it. So i am pretty much wearing jackets/ sweatshirts all the time and once i actually sweated through my sweatshirt during school that was so embarrassing because i didn’t notice until i got to gym class which is my last period, then i think how long how has that been here and who saw it 🙁 …..Ugh this is ruining my life. I am glad i am not the only one with this problem. What can I do to stop this it?
mike says
If you want to stop armpits from sweating try drysol you can buy it online. It helped very well and now don’t have to worry about it anymore.
Sarin Iyer says
Try natural ways to prevent sweating before doing anything else, you would be amazed at what mother earth provides!
Lexi says
I cannot tell you how much better I feel that other people have this problem, but it stilll doesn’t make me feel any better that I still havent found a cure for it.
I NEVER sweat when I’m with my family, or my bestfriend.
But I always sweat at school.
I don’t know why, I’m not an akward person or anything, I just care what other people think of me I guess.
I absolutley hate it when guys poke me on my arm or armpit and they touch my sweat and they get all grossed out.
Or I hate when I hug a guy and his arm touches my sweat.
I am so sick of having this problem, I had a mental breakdown because of it.
I want to cure this before people know me as the girl that sweats a lot.
I thought about botox, but I figured out how much it was….and thats not gonna happen.
So if you know of any Natural cures that they have out there.. let me know.
I heard baking soda and vineger work, or rubbing alchoal, but I havnt tried them yet.
Amanda says
I have been sweating horribly i found something that works called Dry-sol which is very helpful but my prescription expired and tomorrow i start school and i have to wait two days until i can get my prescription renewed and i need help fast! i have to wear dress code
Mel says
wow, and i thought i was the only one with this problem. i can’t tell you how much better i feel knowing that i’m not the only one with this problem. but that still doesn’t stop the sweating!! i can’t wear any of the brght colored shirts i have because of this, and i plan my whole day around how much i think i’ll sweat. it’s gotten to the point that i’m not as talkative in school because i don’t want to have to raise my hand and bring attention to my sweat. i’ve tried numerous over-the-counter antipersperants and deodorants, and nothing’s worked. it’s ruining my life. i hate to see all these people in my high school with their sweat-free armpits while i have my arms clamped to my sides. any suggestions?
William says
My sister and I both suffer from axillary hyperhydrosis. It’s definitely not as difficult for me since I’m a guy, but it’s a pain to have to carefully select what I wear when I go to work or out on the town. I find that not drinking caffeine, or alcohol seems to help slightly. Working out regularly really helps.
!!! My sister gets botox injections in her armpits once every eight months or so, and it works like a charm. She never has sweaty armpits now that she receives the injections.
Natalia says
I’m 13 now, I’ll be 14 in a few days. I’ve had this problem since I entered 6th grade. It literally ruined my life. It stops me from wearing what I want, and it’s embarassing. It also stopped me from playing sports, and doing everything I love. I just bought Certain-Dri, so hopefully that works. If it doesn’t, I’m not sure what I can do. When I’m at home, I don’t sweat at all. When I go to school, out with friends, store, etc. I sweat like crazy. I’m constantly looking at my armpits, and I all I see is sweat. I’m starting high school in 2 days, and I don’t want to go to highschool sweating like crazy. It’ll be embarassing, and high school would then be ruined forever. Please someone help me, I don’t want to go through this anymore…
Yvonne says
Hey, im only 13 nd i have been dealing with this problem for the past two years. Itz really embarassing!!!! Im alwayz having to wear really big jackets, even when itz really hott!! i live in one of the hottest states in the u.s. so itz really hard to deal with. Exspesially when were just outside at school and itz like 120 degrees outside. I waz wondering of anyone had any pointers for me 🙁
Kevin says
Hey guys and girls. I suffer from excessive sweating in my armpits and I empathize with a lot of the things I’ve been hearing on here. I’m 41 and have noticed it for probably 20 years. Maybe I was just obviously to it prior to that. The weird thing is that sometimes it’s a problem and sometimes it isn’t. Not sure if that’s what others have noticed. Caffeine seems to make it worse and so does not getting enough sleep. I play soccer and I’m starting to get older so I do everything I can to stay in shape and take care of my body. I’ve had several knee surgeries and after I play soccer my knees can bother me. I’m going somewhere with this so stay with me. Lately I’ve been looking into food allergies or food sensitivities. I’m beginning to wonder (in my case at least) whether I don’t suffer from some food sensitivity that causes some low-level anxiety which causes excessive sweating. Dairy seems to cause me excessive joint pain (knees) so I’ve been staying away from dairy (as much as possible) for the last year or two. In addition, I’ve noticed after I eat anything with wheat in it I get very tired so I’ve been trying to stay away from that and when I do I notice the sweating isn’t as bad and some days (like today) it’s non-existent. Went to a party Saturday night and had no problems. Anyway…my point is that maybe look into some underlying food sensitivities that could be causing things like this. It’s worth a shot. Wheat and dairy are common foods that people can be sensitive to. Do a google search. I’d rather go down that road rather than having surgery. I didn’t have this issue when I was a kid (that I knew of) and it breaks my heart to hear about the kids in here going through this. It’s hard enough as an adult. It can be tough. Good luck all!
Kuuipo says
I have been suffering from sweaty underarms for a long time, I have tried all sorts of deodorants but nothing seems to work. Its come down to wearing black everyday because you cant really see the sweat. If there is a deodorant out t there that really work please share.
Nicole says
i’m about to go into 9th grade. i have excessive sweating under my arms for about 2 years now and its only getting worse. during school if i’m just wearing a tshirt i try to wear tye-dye because its not as noticeable. i want to hangout with my friends, including boys and wear the shirts i want to wear. i can’t because of my sweating problem. i told my mom once and she told me it was just puberty, but i’m starting to second think that. i don’t know what to do anymore. any suggestions for a 13 year old?
chuckie says
hi pips….
i myself is also suffering from HH and it really ruins my life.. i cannot express my intense feeling towards the people i’d love to be wtih… huhuhuhu.. most especially with my boyfriend.. i’m shy to share it with him.. i’m thinking that he might change his mind and leave me because of this.. please do give me some help…
i’ve been sufferring from this since i was small.. hope that i could get rid of this.. i’ll keep my fingers crossed… tnx!
samantha says
Hey you guys,
I have been sweating under my armpits excessively since I was in the 7th grade. It has been gradually getting bad for years now to the point where if I angle my arms so that the sweat doesn’t make my shirt wet, it actually drips down my arm. Its getting really embarrassing.
My friends know that I have HH so its a little easier because they understand this is a medical condition but it is ruining my life. It ruins my clothing choices, even in the winter I sweat through all my layers of clothing.
I am thinking about getting botox under my armpits but I know that its temporary. Help me please if you know anything that works for you.
emma says
Hi everyone! I cannot believe I’m saying this, but my sweating seems to have stopped. I mean it, I think my HH has been cured. I thought I’d post my story here because it would be great if it could help anyone.
I used to sweat so much and I was trying everything I could think of. Everyday I would drink sage tea, say affirmations, use a hypnosis track and use a antiperspirant (I tried loads – perspirex, Odaban, driclor). My sweating reduced slightly, but not enough to improve my life much and I was still really depressed.
I was also seeing a homeopath who was giving me homeopathic remedies, but I didn’t have much faith in them because they didn’t seem to be doing anything. Then about a week ago, she changed the remedy she was giving me (from silica to mercury) and the improvement was almost instant, two days later I was hardly sweating at all. I may still sweat slightly more than the average person, but it is nothing compared with the amount before.
I honestly can’t believe it! It’s like a miracle! So basically, I know many of you may not have heard about it or may be skeptical, but homeopathy really does work. The catch is that you need to go see a homeopath to try and find the right remedy for you. What worked on me may have no effect whatsoever for someone else. And even if you do see a homeopath, you might not got the right remedy or potency right away. I was taking silica for months and it wasn’t until I changed remedy that I got results. But check it out, whether you are skeptical or not, surely it would be worth it to feel how I feel now; like I have my life back.
WARNING: Don’t start taking Mercury yourself, you need to consult a doctor first!
monique says
Hi, i have the same problem, I’m always sweating under my armpits normally. and it sucks because i live in Miami so i cant wear a sweatshirt because its too hot and it looks weird if i do. also my school uniform has to have sleeves and my school its mostly outdoors, everyone hangs out outdoors so its really embarrassing. i walk around with my backpack so the straps cover my sweat stains and sit in class with my backpack too. i tried the deodorant Ban, the gel one, and that works at first for a few hours. i don’t know what else to do!
Suffering 4-2 long says
Its annoying, embarrassing and lowers self esteem. Sometimes I feel antisocial because I don’t want to do things with others, but really it just was the underarm sweating. It feels like it talks like it controls me because i have no say in what i want to do, wear and etc. It zucks yeah zucks because i want to live life without this issue. Ive tried everrrryyyyyytttthhhhhiiiinnnnggg. I always wonder what life would be like without it ohh i wish. Before i start to sweat my armpits tingle. I avoid so many things because of this. Sometimes i cry at night. Its easy for people without this problem to say “its no big deal just put on deodorant” Little do they know if actually More than what meets the eye, it affects sooooooo much. I refuse to get surgery, God put them there for a reason…
i knew my HH is heredity/genetic because my mom has it and my brother and sister have it. I was scared to talk to a doctor and even though my mom had it, it still was embarrassing to talk to her about it. Its weird my mom just acts like she doesn’t have and she wears the brightest of colors. I guess she is use to it. But i told my self i wasn’t gonna allow this to control any longer. The lord is my doctor and i went to him. i am 16 and i suffered from this genetic disease and everyone knows you cannot cure a genetic disease only treat it., that zucked! I began praying to God about it, sincerely. Everyday. I told him i suffered to long and it is only effecting neg. on me. I told HH to get out of my body, i commanded it to. I was on my knees begging please. i knew no one could help me but God i prayed sooooo much and believed it was gone. I told God to help me to stop worrying also. ‘He may not come when yo want, but he’s always on time’ Now that is so true.
We had gotten out of school for summer and didn’t want to return as a sophomore still wearing jackets or just dark colors. I prayed and prayed and prayed. I will never forget this day Aug 18 2009 trn days before school started….i had no doubt in my mind i knew God was gonna heal me from that Devil covered sickness! Woke up, the sweating never crossed my mind. God toke the worrying away. That day i toke a chance I wore yellow to this festival that i was invited to with friends. Yesss no more sweating no more holding back. I’m all smiles, I’m happy.
I can be a kid, no worries. Blessed and Highly Favored. Who said there wasn’t a cure. I promise you, there is! The feeling is oh so great. I’m cured and cant thank Jesus enough! People don’t lose hope, pray about it. It will be done 🙂 I wish you all the best of luck. You can do it! Tell God You Are Done Suffering & Believe. (: THANK YA JESUS.
jay says
hi I’m jay and I’m from the Philippines..i have the same problem that you all have and its nice to know that there are people who understands what you’re going through.. my problem started when i was about to graduate from college..i sweat profusely and i have tried all the products available but they don’t seem to condition made me feel depressed and basically ruined my life.
for those in the Philippines, there’s this product called driclor it’s available at all mercury drugstores. you apply it before going to bed and wash it off in the morning..Only catch is, many people say it stings real bad for the first few nights!
thanks for really means a lot to know that you are not alone..stay strong and keep the faith..
try this this might help, my prayer at night:
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things i can..
tin says
hi guys,
believe me, i know how you all feel about this problem.. i too is suffering from hyperhidrosis, I’ve researched and still researching, i found out some NATURAL remedy for hyperhidrosis I’m about to use it.. and I’m also planning to publish a book which i personally wrote, but I’m not selling it.. i promised myself that i would never earn money from you guys cause i know how it feels to be embarrassed, i swore myself that when this method works in me i will share it with all of you!!!
Lily says
hi every1 , i have the same problem like all of you. My armpit, hand and foots are sweat and they’re a lot. I just found out there is a gland surgery done that claims to reduce sweating by 75% and not like Botox, has anyone heard of this?
emma says
Has anyone tried Odaban? and has it worked for them? I don’t really want to use an antiperspirant with aluminum because I’ve heard it might cause alzheimers later. But I really have to do something to stop this. If anyone has any tips or advice that would be so great.
I hate this! says
I am 13, about to be 14, and i sweat like crazy!! ill just be sitting down and can feel my under arms getting drenched by sweat. i’ve tried every deoderent and nothing works!! its even starting to go through my sweater… HELP!
k says
Hi guys, I had an inpatient procedure that is basically liposuction of the armpit areas, i had it done almost 10 years ago, and I’m still 95% sweat free (still get a little clammy when bundled up in a lot of layers or squished in an airplane seat), i went from soaking a shirt within 10 minutes to using all natural deodorant. it was the best money i ever spent in my life. My dermatologist tried to discourage me, but I feel that is just because he would rather have me be a lifelong slave to products they supply, than solve my problem once and for all.
Something to research and look into.
Best of luck to ya!
19_boy_phillippines says
Note: driclor is a roll-on and is different than other antiperspirants because there is 20% more aluminium chloride than others.
emma says
My HH started this year and I reckon it must be due to stress, because it’s so much worse at school. It’s making life so difficult and I have tried so many things, none have worked. I would be really grateful for any ideas on natural remedies that could do something to stop this. Has anyone tried the herbal tea, because I’d like to know if it has worked for anyone, it would be great to find a solution like that. PLEASE let me know.
brittney says
omg i hate this i can never do anything i sweat like crazy. right when i put a shirt on i’m sweating and if i could wish for anything it would be to never sweat. i have to wear a jacket all the time so nobody sees it but it go’s threw the jacket to. i wear deodorant everyday. i take showers like 3 times a day. i really hate this and i don’t no what to do. it doesn’t smell that pleasant either. please help i don’t no what to do.!!!!! i am a teenager i am 16 years old i really cant do anything at all.!!! i hate this. i have low self esteem. i look at everyone else and there fine like why, really oomg pleasssssssssee help
megan says
i dont even know when i started sweating.
i was in 8th grade and i went to my friends birthday party with a tight pink shirt.
when i came back home i went on facebook and looked at all my pictures. i had these two huge sweat stains. I dont know how long ive been sweating for. maybe like when i was in 6th grade? who knows.
thats when i actually started to notice myself sweating and started not going to parties unless it was my close friend.
im not even nervous or hot or anything. im sitting in my classroom and my underarm suddenly gets sweaty. and its winter! whats wrong with me?
i dont wanna get any surgery or botox injection or anything like that. whats the natural remedY??
Does drinking hot tea make you sweat less? i heard cold drinks make you sweat a lot, spicy and salty food make you sweat a lot.
anyway i heard ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDRES doesnt really work that well. is this true? cuz thats the my only active ingredient.
I am a sophomore in high school. I AM DESPEARATE. i have a dance party coming up. what am i gonna do?? i sweat just sitting in my room.
specialK says
plz help! im only 12 but i think i have hyperhidrosis
i sweat so much! at school i have to wear sweatshirts and sweaters but its getting warmer and i’ll look like a freak if i wear a sweat shirt
i sometimes where baggier shirts but it still doesnt help!
ive told my mom but she just thinks i sweat a lot! she wont take me seriously
ive tryed many antipersperents like dove and secret but they dont work!!
Mirza Salman Baig says
I am From India I have just Crossed My HSC i.e. 12 th Std & I am Facing armpit sweating since when i was in 5 th Std , Because of this I never Had an Affair with any girl , hardly taken participation in Stage Shows , I want to wear Bright color clothes ,but i wear black to hide my sweaty armpits .I am 19 Years of age so is there any cure for me to stop my Under Arm Excessive Sweating ,PLEASEEEE HELP ME………..
tutsi says
I sweat too but I didn’t realize it was such big problem for everyone. It’s really not a big deal. When you are doing sports everyone sweats and it’s ok to sweat through your shirt. So don’t worry and just enjoy it. Another problem is when you are just sitting down and wearing nice shirt and you sweat. I have a trick I put some napkins or bounty under my underarms and it seems to help for a while. The only annoying part is that the napkins shift so every so often you have to fix it and change once wet. This trick works great but make sure the napkin or bounty is not visible trough your close. Hope it helps 🙂
tutsi says
just found these sweat pads, these should solve the problem. i never new this existed… forget about my napkin trick, cant wait to try these.
Kate says
Ok, so I’m 13 and I’ve been sweating for three years . It’s so annoying! I never can wear tight cute shirts because I will always sweat through them . I’ve tried tons of antiperspirants and powders and stuff, but none seem to work for me!!! At school I never hang out with my friends or my crush because I am always scared they will see my HUGE sweat stains! I told my mom a few weeks ago about my problem and she kept saying that it’s puberty. . It’s not. It hasn’t gone away. It seems to just be getting worse and worse 🙁 my self esteem is getting really low because of hyperhidrosis . I need help! What can I do to feel pretty and normal again ?
Allie says
I’ve sweat under my armpits since 6th grade. One day, I just started sweating. The weird thing is, I stop sweating once I get home – I only sweat when I’m at school or out somewhere. My armpit sweating dominates my life. I have to plan around it. I’m extremely jealous of those who don’t sweat.
My mom said to just deal with it; it will eventually go away. But I can’t take it any longer. She won’t let me ask the doctor for prescription antipersperant because she claims that the aluminum can causes diseases like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. If anyone had any natural remedies, please, please share!!
I hate my underarm sweating so much that this thought has come to my mind: if all us armpit-sweaters started our own country and some dry-armpit people moved in, they would be the weird ones, not us!!
I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. Thanks for all & any help.
Derek says
i had all of the same problems, i went to the doctor and none of the deodorants worked. i then got the botox injections and they worked great. it lasts for 6 months or more but it can be expensive. if you have blue cross they cover it at least they did for me.
Sarah Evans says
Deodorants don’t work I prefer to use powder or in extreme cases use sweat pads
If you case is very serious do what I did visit a doctor there are medicines and even surgery.
Give natural ways a try first
Brandon says
I went to the doctor for it and he issued me perscription liquid called Drysol. Works well. Put on for three days straight and should see results for a whole week at least. I recommend it
brittany says
i have a terrible problem with sweating under my armpits when I’m not even tired!! i absolutely hate it because i always have to wear a sweater to cover it up so no one sees it… I’m young and i always feel down because of it… can someone help me??!!
layla says
Ive had the same problem too since 6th grade , I’m 23 years old now, and I too have tried every deodorant out there, this problem has lowered my self esteem I cant seem to act like I wish I could, its soo embarrassing, I really wish I could find a cure that didn’t require surgery, I never imagined that soo many other people were going through what I’m going through, anyone have any suggestions to help out with this problem?
Mandy says
I live in Florida, which doesn’t help much because of the humidity! ever since the beginning of 6th grade i have been sweating to much, it seeps threw my shirt and i have to keep my arms to my side!
At first, i thought it was because of a guy i liked, but it wasn’t. Everywhere i go (except for at home) sweat seeps into my shirt! please please help me!! my sister said she had this, and talked to her doctor. so I’m gonna try that.
sam says
hey guys/girls haven’t read all the posts yet so sorry if this is similar to another post but there are a few things i have noticed from some of the comments i have seen so far such as ;
– deodorant and antiperspirant are actually different things deodorant is actually just for bad body odour as the name suggests think of it more as a body spray just to make you smell nicer i.e like a perfume or aftershave. antiperspirant is what you actually need to stop sweating and a lot of these are scented also.
so if you have tried all the different deodorants maybe try using the antiperspirants ? it seems from some of the posts some people may have been confused between the two. As far as i know (living in England) in most supermarket’s and pharmacy chain stores they come in all different strengths and brands the supposed best on the market in England is PerspireX and in the US the strongest in store seems to be MAXIM. However if you have bought all the ones on the shelves that doesn’t mean you have used all of the different ANTIPERSPIRANTS available there are more available by prescription which you have to make a visit to the doctor to acquire, these antiperspirants are a lot lot stronger and often will stop most sweating.
other things that help a lot from my experience all natural;
you probably now want to know the secret and in laymans terms they tell you to wash without soap under your arms and instead to use a loofah (oh btw gents you have to shave your armpits as well btw) this pretty much just makes shaving your arms worse and your sweating a lot worse as it aggravates your armpits (i do not recommend doing this seriously! if you try this method i will not be held responsible for the pulsating, itchy, red sweaty rash, which you will probably have to see a doctor to get cleaned up anyway)
sorry if this sounds condescending it was not meant to be i thought i would just state the points i have thus researched and clear up a few points i dont have particularly bad HH and i have to say thus far all i have done is gotten into shape and changed my antiperspirant i also change my antiperspirant when they run out to another of the same brand my sweating is not that bad some days worse than others but i have recently convinced myself i can do more so i think tomorrow i may buy some perspireX and see how that goes .
peace out , and good luck hope this helps a little
(p.s getting in shape only requires an hour down the gym 3x a week which is easy i managed to do it at school and when i worked 8-8 in the summer)
margaret says
hey..I’m 17 from Philippines.. I have this sweating since I was in highschool and now, I’m in college. Its good to hear that I’m not alone.. I hope we’ll catch up to a cure.. Be positive guys.. I know what it feels.. being embarrassed at not able to do such stressful activities.. I just now chooses what color to wear.. white and black shirts are okay.. tc guys!.. =)
Mike says
Could some people who have had the surgery comment with some more detail on successes/failures? I’m pretty sure I have severe hyperhidrosis being as after applying Certain-Dri at night, Prescription Strength AntiPerspirant, and standing outside in a mild snow storm in nothing but a t-shirt, I managed to have soaked underarms in less than 20 minutes. I’m pretty convinced I have no other alternative but some form of surgery at this point.
Nicole says
Yea I’m thirteen and ever sence puberty I sweat under my arms on a daily basis (exept when I’m sleeping). I always wear a dark jacket to hide it, wear deoderent 24-7, but I still sweat through my t-shirt and jacket. I just started looking up sweating problems, because now it’s really cutting into my social life and selfesteam. People are starting to notice, and it’s very annoying. I’m probably going to talk to my doctor soon, I’m not worried but I’m not exactly sure what to say. Anyone got any pointers?
P.S. Even though some times things seem like people are judging you and it;s this huge thing. It’s not read what all these other people say. They go through it and most of the people that write these are teenagers. they have all their life to find a cure. And now all oyu have to do is keep trying different things. There are armpit pads, germ-x drys out your hands, and if anybody says anything it’s not like they don’t sweat. They think it’s gross because they don’t want to have sweat under their arms or clamy hands either.
I know I’m going to sound like one of those preachers but things do happen for a reason and most are life thereatening, so be glad the only thing you do have is some sweat under your arms, or wet hands.
And if you’ve read more than half of these STOP get out of the house and do something it’s only sweat it aint going to kill you!
simone says
Botox works quite well for about 6 mos, then you need more injections. They put about twelve teeny tiny punctures and deposits in each armpit – takes about 15 minutes. Just go to your dermatologist and say you have hyperhidrosis. Your insurance should cover it. I’ve been doing it for three years now, and it’s changed my life. I can wear whatever I want, even silk in bright colors – absolutely no sweat stains. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Tiffany says
I’m 15 years-old. I was adopted when i was 11 and have never had any calmness in my life. My older sister has split personalities. I have depression under control but my armpits always sweat! i can be doing absolutely nothing! and i will have at least a 1-2 inch spot of seat.! please please please HELP ME?! i don’t need anymore stress! This has caused me severe anxiety of ppl and now i refuse to do any activities really. I stray away from people and become more and more lonely.. I tell myself ppl won’t care but they do. No doctor prescribes antipersperant works either. And my doctor act like it’s doesn’t even matter. I REALY NEED SOME ADVISE!
Brianna says
I’m 13 and I have experienced excessive perspiration for a little over 3 years now. It started in fifth grade and since then, I have worn sweaters, hoodies and fleece jackets year round in hope of no one discovering what I’m hiding. Summer is coming and it’s hot enough. I hate having to feel warmer than everyone else because of hyperhidrosis. I have tried every deodorant and antiperspirant that there is, whether it’s clinical, regular or for males. Nothing seems to work. I do not want botox, and I am definitely not having surgery. Armpit guards don’t stop sweating, they just make it unnoticeable. I would like for my sweating to stop completely. I also sweat in my palms. It feels disgusting. I try my hardest not to shake hands and give high fives because it’s very embarrassing.
Can someone please help me. I don’t think i can stand another day of this!!
Ashton :) says
I’m a teenager and I’ve been suffering from HH for about three and a half years. It all started in about the middle of 6th grade. I’ve been to the doctors and they prescribed something for it, but it didn’t work at all.
This disorder can really mess up a girls confidence. I wear T-shirts (mostly black) every day. I have a lot of friends, and have had to turn down partys and sleepovers because i didn’t want them to see the embarrassing stains.
I can’t help but get jealous when i see my friends wearing tight shirts and have absolutely nooo stains! I’m soo glad to know I’m not alone in this.
Thanks, and GOOD LUCK 🙂
tina says
i know sweating excessively underarm is such a pain…please please help me….really … i cry every night and ask god why me? …so please help me! If you guys have any tips ….please please …I’m so tired of this …really….why don’t i just be normal just like everyone else? hix hix
wendy says
I use rubbing alcohol for odor free feet, bikini area (but not on your labia girls!) and arm pits.
I rarely have body odor show up on my clothing anymore. No yellow stain on white clothes from commercial deodorant / antiperspirant.
I do still sweat. But at least I don’t smell. Half the battle done!
Ishan says
I am i 9th grade. i sweat really bad especially at school. going to school is just embarrassing. in summer it is worst. i feel very uncomfortable while sitting in a class. my shirt gets wet with sweat some times even my trouser. even at home when I’m not active my T-shirt starts getting wet. i feel shy among my sister.
Rachel says
When I sweat it is pretty embarrassing!!! I can’t lift my arms up without someone seeing my sweat stains!!!! So I can’t really wear what I want to wear without sweating excessive amounts!! So you can usually find me in my dad’s sweatshirts or droopy clothes!
Mag says
I had this problem for the past 25 years and fortunately I got a simple remedy through some experience. Just use NIVEA DRY FORMULA body spray and use everyday on your underarms, it’s about $8. I hope this definitely help to some extent at least up to your comfort. Try this and confirm!
annie says
hi.. I am form the Philippines. I’ve been sweating a lot since i was in the 7th grade and now I’m in the 9th grade.. I haven’t told anyone about this except my mom.. I tried every antiperspirant but none of them worked.. i don’t want to have a surgery cause it costs a lot and we can’t afford it.. i want to get rid of this sweating so much.. and there are times that I smell although I put deodorant-antiperspirant. what am I going to do to stop this sweating?? please help.. thanks..
michelle says
hey, I’m having the same problems as most the people one here, my underarms sweat SO bad, even if I’m cold!!!>:( It sucks so bad, because I can never wear just a shirt, I always have to wear hoodies.
I’m 15, and its the most embarrassing thing to deal with in school! I always keep my arms really close to my arms & am terrified that people will notice. I don’t want to date anyone because who wants to date a girl who always has pit stains?!
I’ve tried sooo many antiperspirants, even certain dri, but nothing is working. I wish I could get the surgery, but my family has NO money at all!
I don’t know what to do, this is ruining my life:(
Victoria says
I’m 14, I’ve had sweaty underarms since i was about 6th or 7th grade, I’m now in 9th grade,
I’m really popular in my school. but underarm wetness is limiting me to wear whatever shirt i want and feel confident in it, Since i’m in high school now, i don’t want to be ridiculed, i went through it in my jr. high years, and I’ve tried everything out there, i haven’t been to a doctor, and i just discovered that its hyperhidrosis,
please help me:(
sadface says
I’m from Philippines.. I’m also suffering from underarm excessive sweating for 3years now..and I’m still in search of better, effective antiperspirant. I’ve already tried many brands and nothing work. ‘get really frustrated regarding this problem. it caused me not to attend reunions, trips and many outdoor activities..I’m getting really conscious about the stains in my shirt..really!!!help me.. I’m looking for any antiperspirant available here in our anyone..please, please help me..gimme some advice.. thanks!
well..this xmas vacation I’m planning to go to a doctor for a check up..year is about to end..and summertime’s coming over..I’d be taking my OJT (hopefully) ..summer here would mean so much of hot temp..i don’t wanna flood out sweat on my shirt.. T.T …waaaaahhhh..but I’m scared..I’m marking it as my last option. -sigh-
Teenage girl says
Hello everyone, i thought i was the only one going through this but apparently not!!!!!!! Thank god!!!! I’m 15 now. My h.h. started around 6th grade, surprisingly.
I stuck balls of kleenex under my shirt, but it was baaaaad when they bulged out and i was constantly fidgeting. (Also, wet kleenex easily falls apart if you know what I mean, and always left little shreds on the inside of my shirts that would fall out! How embarrassing!) I started wearing black, because it hides the stain. My friends asked why. I was not goth. I wore white then, to find terrible yellow stains after just a few days! I couldn’t raise my hand. I couldn’t hug people! Applying Clorox bleach with q-tips helped the yellow stain situation, but I still had MAJOR sweating problems.
I sweated through sweatshirts and hoodies. I self-diagnosed myself with hyperhidrosis and thought it was because I wasn’t “fit” enough, or just from my nonstop worrying nature. WRONG. Ladies, there are some things to help it…like wearing sleeveless tops in the summer and holding your arms out to your side. If the sweat starts dripping down your top from the armpit, fold your arms and stealthily put your dry thumbs to the armpit and collect the moisture, wiping it on your jeans. It works ok.
I used to feel such desperation choosing my outfit for the day, only picking from 5 or so tops, and thinking people would wonder if i don’t own very many clothes. The truth is I do–like skin-tight Hollister or A.E tops–but i CAN’T wear them because they are so thin.
Oh yeah, one more tip: stripes. Try white and black, or white and navy. Or try a white top with many patterns/flowers in different colors. That way the sweat stain isn’t noticeable. TIE DIE also works, especially if it’s crazy.
But the deodorant doesn’t work. And envying those with dry pits doesn’t help. Just accept yourself and relax, but don’t TELL yourself to relax. The cure: pretend you have no problem at all. I’m on the road to recovery!!! YOU CAN DO IT guys 🙂
Derek says
I can.. pretty much sweat through anything. My record is 2 t-shirts and a hoodie. Even though it seems like I sweat less with more layers, sue to the comfort that no-one can see it. but. I’m going to the doctor soon, hopefully I can get by.
ste , ireland says
Hi everyone,
Wow, i didn’t know so many people suffered from this! i thought i was the only one, it is a terrible problem to have.
I find myself wearing layers and layers to hide my sweat and i always get very sweaty and nervous around certain people that I’m interested in but i will always be afraid to act on it with my sweating problems any tips or cures would be great to help me get over this problem and get on with my life.
Aiecy says
Hi everyone, I’m a teenage girl and I have the same problem as you.. anyway.. i have never been to a doctor and to be truthful this is the first time i have looked this up. i have tried every over-the-counter deodorant. possible… even boy deodorants.
I know it sounds pathetic.. at school i will go in the bathroom and put paper towels under my arms just to make it go away for a while. i don’t have smell issues.. but this is impacting my life so bad! I’m a honors student but i cant raise my hand.. i cant give hugs.. i cant share shirts with my best friends.. i cant be a NORMAL teen.. and it sux.. i kinda got in the goth thing.. like wearing black to kinda hide it but i still have my arms glued to my sides and my hair always down to hide it too.
I have a boyfriend of 6 months and its so damn frustrating when u can’t snuggle or be in the moment I’m always worrying!.. my friends wanna know why i don’t take my jacket off… i like my body .. I’m fit.. but i cant wear tight clothes and show it off.. the only sport i’m in is swim team because you cant tell but.. i would like to do other things… I’m going to tell my mom and get an appointment with my doctor… so if you have any cures great.. if not, then TIPS on HIDING it would be great! thanx so much
mart1n3z says
Has any one of you guys ever tried drysol for underarm sweating? I have heard of it but don’t know where to get it… its so embarrassing!
ann says
I thought that my sister and I,,,, the only person in this world dealing with hyperhidrosis. it sucks because its ruining my life, i can’t go on a date with my friends, i cant wear clothes that i want to wear, etc… because I’m afraid they might see me in that situation with super duper stinky sweaty underarm, its embarrassing,
and i don’t know how to stop it.
please tell me what to do…….
Beauty Crazed says
Hi there!
There are 3 brands that work pretty well:
1) No Sweat – it’s a roll-on to apply once or twice a week
2) Drysol – dab-on
3) Biotherm – cream (better) or roll-on to apply twice a week
If these products don’t work, your problem is definitely serious. A doctor might be able to prescribe Botox injections in your underarms (yes Botox is used that way as well)
I’d also recommend to be aware of the fabrics you are wearing, some fabrics just make you sweat and in doubt, wear black!
Good luck!
Sabrina says
Hi everyone!
I’m Sabrina from the Philippines. I’ve read all your comments thinking that these would help me.. I’m also suffering from excessive underarm sweating and i really wanted to treat this as soon as possible. I’ve been trying different brands of antiperspirants and deodorants and still, these wont work.. if i would rate my sweating, it would be 60/100. I am still looking for a brand that will help me I am not sure if those products that you all mentioned are available here in the Philippines.. please help me regarding this matter..
I hope someone would answer me because it is so irritable.. we all know that if underarm sweats are left for maybe a couple of hours, it would give us that bad odor. Please, please help me.
If you would like to help me and share your knowledge on how to eliminate these things, please leave me a message..
thank you(^_^)
Chirlee says
I do have the problem of sweaty arms and would like to hear anyone’s advice on what to use to help me stop this please, or, even to reduce it.
ida says
I become so frustrated with my problem! As many others here, I have been dealing with this problem for as long as i can remember. I am always forced to wear a jacket to hide my problem. it gets really hard when people ask me why i am wearing a jacket in the middle of summer in ARIZONA!!
I am a really social person and it gets really embarrassing when i give someone a high five and they ask
” Why are your hands wet?”
I told my mom about it and she said that it will pass but its been going on for a while and there still hasn’t been a change!
So if anyone has any information that could help me and my Big problem let me know ASAP!!
joseph says
I have axillary hyperhidrosis and i’ve noticed that when i smoke marijuana (medical purposes) my underarms dry up for awhile. just letting you know this helped me.
V. says
So far the only thing I’ve found that had made a difference for me was this Adidas deodorant that was PH balanced and aluminum free. Unfortunately my skin had a bad reaction to it and I developed something like a sunburn on my underarms which was really, really painful. But the first day or two before that happened it made a very noticeable difference, so it might be worth trying. I’m sure not everybody has that kind of reaction.
I’ve been meaning to try Perspirex, hopefully that will make a difference for me.
I know coffee is a huge trigger for excess sweating for me, I always sweat regardless, but after coffee it’s so much worse. I still drink it though to make it through work and going out after work!
Spencer says
okay so im a 17 year old male and i also suffer from hyperhidrosis its really annoying. im not really embarrassed about it all that much so i don’t think it’s nerves like some of you other people. im going into the doctors next week for a botox shot because i have tried most antiperspirants and none seem to work. It would be nice to cure this ridiculous ailment.
alice says
I have a question for Donna in Australia. What naturopath did you go to? I would like to try natural remedies as there is no way botox will be injected into my body~!
I went to a regular GP today and they were rather unhelpful and would hate to waste time and money looking for a naturopath that has a clue.
Barb says
Don’t do it hun! Do you realized that the surgery, talked up by so many doctors, can actually, and often does, cause the sweating to be worse? And, once you have had the surgery, there is for sure no cure, no turning back! If you don’t have it, you always have alternatives to look for and the future may hold a real cure.
Please wait, don’t do something that may make it worse.
Melinda says
My under arm sweating started at the worst time. My freshmen year of high school. I was in denial so I would put tape on my shirts underarm so not one would notice. By sophomore there was nothing I could do I would sweat through hoodies and all. Junior year I started wearing dark colors.
I come from a very popular family and despite this condition I have tons of friends. But I am emotionally drained. I apply deodorant up to 5 times a day in school. I refrain from hugging people because I am afraid of the sweat stain or funny spell.
This condition has definitely affected me, I don’t feel NORMAL. I recently told my mom but she doesn’t understand and told me everybody sweats you will grown out of it. I am seeking surgery with or without their support.
Kenzie says
I’m 15 years old and I’m pretty sure I have hyperhydrosis. I don’t tend to sweat around my family but at school or when meeting family friends, the sweat comes. I only sweat in my armpits and its embarrassing! At school I always wear a jacket or big shirts to try to hide it. I have tried secret clinical strength deodorant but it didn’t work. To make matters worse when I was buying it, my mom saw and said what do you need that for? I replied I think I may have a problem, which she laughed at and then continued to make a joke of it for the rest of the day. If I do want this problem to go away I realize that I will have to tell her seriously, but i’m dreading it.
I think I sweat to to anxiety or nerves. I have lots of friends at school and love clothes, but I always tend to look for fashionable clothes that will cover my problem up.
My suggestion for girls that don’t want to wear big sweatshirts everyday is sleeveless shirts, and dresses. They make me feel more comfortable and I noticed I tend to think less of the sweating. Also big shirts work also, with a pair of skinny jeans, you look and feel comfortable!
I’m going to try maxim and hypercare to see if it helps more, and also i’m trying to boost myself esteem and try not to think to much about it.
Hopefully one day there will be a cure, and we can all go to a party and throw our hands in the air with everyone else and dance without a care!
Josh says
I never knew that there were so many people who had this problem too! Im in high school, and Im going through the same tihngs everyone else is. Deodorant doesn’t seem to help too much, but im finding ways that get me through the day.
I found out low blood sugar can cause excessive sweating, and i noticed when I tried cutting soda out of my diet I seemed to sweat a lot, but when I drank it again it helps. It also seemed like heat-induced sweating was better after I layed out in the sun for awhile this summer. I pick out clothes that will help hide it, like cotton fabrics and very dark colors. I ALWAYS where a shirt over top of my tee, its like a button down shirt that I just leave unbuttoned over the tee.
Try not to think about it, because there’s really a difference when I’m having fun and feeling confident about myself. Also, I try to keep my arms away from my sides, so that its ventilated. When I do stuff with friends, eating somewhere or going to the movies is good because you don’t trigger sweat by moving too much. I saw on TV where a girl had surgery where they clipped the sweat nerve going to her hands so they didn’t sweat bad, and it wasn’t like a big surgery or anything. I also saw where a woman had the sweat glands scraped off from underneath the skin and she said it was amazing. I’m pretty sure when I get a good amount of sleep and try to keep my life in a positive/healthy outlook, I seem to sweat less, and I don’t SWEAT the sweating as much either!
Cole says
I am 15 going on 16 in 3 months. I’ve been sweating for approx. 5 years. I tend to sweat more in school, and around friends or even boys. I feel as if my mind is racing sometimes. I have friends, but i never have told them. Except one of my friends who only gets very sweaty when its hot, but that understandable with me i sweat constantly.
I have tried, Certain Dry, Vinegar under the arms. Hypercare (prescribed) Robinul ( prescribed also. i do not recommend, side effects are constipation and dry eyes and mouth), and all clinical strength deodorants.
I have prayed a 1000 times, asking the Lord for strength and guidance, but nothing seems to help. I am going to a physiologist because maybe this is a mental thing you know? But I am entering my sophomore year in high school, i want to be sweat free, i feel as if it this happen i will be sooooo confident.
IF ANYONE, has had any solutions or success please give me some feedback my email is PLEASE HELP ME
Vee says
I have recently discovered that if I use Almay brand antiperspirant at night after my bath, that it helps a lot. It has cut my sweating I would say in more than half. Almay is an antiperspirant free of perfumes, etc. I’ve had this problem since I was a young teen and now I am an older woman. Like a lot of you I tried Mitchum, Certain Dry and I seemed to be extremely allergic to these harsh antiperspirants. It was only recently because of the internet and a segment I saw on Rachel Ray show that I began to realize there were others out there with this problem and that there was perhaps hope of reducing the problem.
Good luck to you all and please don’t let this define you in any way.
Donna Australia says
Charlotte I totally agree with you about 5yrs ago i stopped my sweating by changing my diet and loosing all of my excess weight I actually felt cold for the first time and had to rug up.
It was exciting I ate only meats veggies fish etc. healthy stuff. Exercised one a day till I sweated. I lost heaps of weight and lost the sweat problem thanks for your post I have had two kids since then and now have to start again.
So not fair but I want my life back. Its not easy but its worth not having that clammy feeling anymore. My natropath (Naturopathic philosophy favors a holistic approach and minimal use of surgery and drugs) said it was the liver not working to its fullest capacity, heating up the body, candita (refers to a wide array of symptoms mainly focusing around gastrointestinal distress, rashes, sore gums and other symptoms) making me feel muggy, and thyroid etc. All fixed by exercise and weight loss cutting sugar, all wheat, pasta, rice, processed meat vegemite yeasty products and dairy. I use soy. You do this till your sorted then you can bring back small amounts of the above. I’m going to try it again I hope it still works.
Jay says
I struggled with hyperhidrosis as well, but I have learned certain things to mitigate the problem.
1) None of the anti-perspirants worked for me at all. In fact, I think many of them actually made my problem worse. Currently, I am just using a mineral rock that I rub on my underarm following a shower. This is basically a salt that will neutralize any odors caused by bacteria. If your underarms smell, it is most likely the result of bacteria. Try an anti-bacterial soap to help with the smelling.
2) The next time that you are in a situation where you are sweating less than you would normally be sweating, write down all of the things that are making you feel more comfortable at that time. For me, I realized that I feel the most comfortable when I can control the most number of variables surrounding me. By variables I mean small things like picking where I want to sit, not walking into a class or meeting late, etc. I found that the only way to control these variables was to PLAN ahead. I usually get everywhere I need to be at least 15 minutes early, that way I can acclimate to the environment. I write down lists so that I have a good idea of what I need to do when I get someplace. Also, I never allow myself to be the awkward person in the group. Without being overbearing, I make sure that I speak up and introduce myself. When I feel isolated, I feel less comfortable, so I stopped allowing myself to be isolated. Most people think that I am OCD, but in truth, I need to plan ahead in order to feel comfortable. The feeling of comfort is worth more to me than the few minutes of preparation spent.
3) Exercise is essential. Sweating is a system in the body to regulate temperature. I found that when I work out, even slightly, my mood and temperature control system is much better. I started out doing aerobic exercise, but that actually made my problem worse. Instead, I started low-impact weight training, and that worked really well. A trainer at my gym told me that the only way to change the structure and appearance of the body was through building muscle. When I got stronger (and incidentally leaner) activities were less exerting and I generally felt cooler all day long. Plus, my posture got better and I stopped feeling so self-conscious.
4) I never eat too much sodium, bad fats, or too much sugar. I also never drink coffee, eat chocolate or smoke cigarettes. I believe these items all increase the heart rate, which in turn causes the body to get hotter, and therefore, sweat more. In fact, I only lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Occasionally I will treat myself to something (usually alcohol), but not too often and typically only if I will have time to recover from it (in private). The day after drinking alcohol is when I sweat the worst. I also stay away from spicy food. This has a “sweat-producing” effect for me as well. Eating healthy foods and less toxins have also made my body smell better, and my skin look better.
5) The combination of my workout routine and eating regimen has caused me to lose weight. I am 6 foot tall, and I weigh 165 pounds. I was never obese, but at one point I weighed 200 pounds. Since losing the extra weight, I don’t sweat nearly as much anymore. This made sense to me logically, because fat is insulation. Its what keeps the whales warm. And, I believe, it was causing me to be too warm as well.
6) I completely eliminated people from my life who were either bad influences or who brought my confidence level down. These types of people made me nervous and that was the feeling I was trying to rid myself of. It occurred to me that when I am around someone who makes me feel defensive or nervous, there is probably a good reason I feel that way and it would probably be better (for me) to avoid that person (or people). I do this even if I have no reason to avoid these people. It means more to me to feel good about myself and my life, than to be polite and courteous. I actually had to end a relationship for this reason, but I was glad I did. I felt better and more confident afterward.
I know that there are medical mysteries out there, but my hyperhidrosis was really a byproduct of the way that I lived my life. Maybe my sweating was also brought on by other factors, so I am not trying to demean or patronize anyone and/or their problem. I realized that it was not my sweating that kept me from living, but my not living that made me sweat. I had to rethink my lifestyle and my outlook, but eventually, things that were hard became second nature. This is funny, because as I write this down, I can remember wanting to be the person that I feel I have become. My family was always late, always irresponsible, etc. That made me feel anxious and I think that contributed to my anxiety about sweating.
I would suggest that you experiment with your lifestyle before you let a doctor inject you with the most poisonous substance on earth, or cut out your sweat glands, or burn your skin with harsh chemicals to prevent sweating. By the way, most of those harsh anti-perspirants are laced with aluminum compounds that have been theorized to cause Alzheimer’s disease. Read up on Alzheimer’s before you take your chances with these drugs.
If you can honestly say to yourself that you have tried everything, and not just every over-the-counter product, then my advice isn’t for you. But if you never workout, never plan ahead, and eat the worst foods possible, it is logical that your body reacts in a way that you don’t like. I haven’t completely cured my problem, otherwise I wouldn’t be on this site, but I have greatly reduced my problem, and turned my life around in an effort to do so. I have read the posts of all these young people (I am 28 years old) on here and I’d like to stress the importance of doing things that are good for you. Many people have written that they are in the “prime” of their social life. For me, I loved high school, but it was definitely not the “prime” of my life. I would say that the beginning of the “prime” of my life was at the end of high school. That was when I was first able to really accomplish something on my own and work towards achievements for myself.
This may be a little over-dramatic for a hyperhidrosis posting, but I was affected by reading all of these other people’s postings. I never knew there were other people thinking these thoughts. It makes me want to help people with this problem the way that I helped myself. Trust me, sticking to some slight changes in your life will have really great results eventually.
Charlotte x says
I have the same problem as you all (also I can’t spell, totally different story but excuse me if my spellings really off).
I used to have to wear a jumper EVERYWHERE it was awful because I could never take it off or anything and would have to make excuses. I tried wearing a lot of black to not let the sweat show but it still did and all the black got me name called, such as Emo ect. I was prescribed some kind of special stuff to try and sort it and it did for about a year but it irritates your armpits so badly it’s horrible because you still can’t wear vest tops in case you have red patches because of the alcohol in the stuff reacting with your skin.
However now it’s stopped working and the sweating is back, I don’t know what to do because it’s really getting me down, when I thought I’d finally solved it I hadn’t. I don’t have any cash for surgery, and I’m only 14 so my parents would have to pay for it and their not exactly loaded either. Now people talk about it I can see that my palm sweating is connected, I just thought it was normal but even as I write this my hands are all wet and it’s disgusting.
My mum knows and she had the same problem when she was my age and still does but I don’t know what I can do. I have a show tonight but I can’t bare to get changed till the last possible moment in case I start to sweat on my outfit. Has anyone got any ideas on how to solve my problem 🙁 xx
Courtney says
I’m 13, going into 9th grade this fall. I’ve tried numerous deodorants, antiperspirants, and combinations of them. the sweating just doesn’t stop. going to school is horrible, my choices are either: black, or colored with a sweatshirt to hide the awful stains. And now that its summer, i cant use a sweatshirt to cover it up. The sun just makes everything worse. its so embarrassing, and i can’t bear to tell anyone. I’ve been hiding this since i was in 6th grade (going on 3 years this fall). can someone help me?
Smiley says
I have had this problem of excessive sweating since I was 9 years old and 29 years later it is not any better. The Dress Shields do not stop the sweating but it will allow you to wear that pretty shirt or dress with some confidence but that’s temporary. Like most of you, I’ve tried the deodorants and antiperspirants and none of them seem to work. I am looking into Botox injections to hopefully relieve me at least for the summer months. I don’t sweat as much in the winter but it’s still there so if I’m comfortable after the consultation regarding Botox, I will give it a shot.
stef says
I’m 23 years old and recently, my excessive sweating has gotten SO much worse.
I’ve stopped wearing sandals or shoes that require me to not wear socks because my feet literally puddle sweat in my shoes and I end up slipping and falling because my feet are sliding around my shoes. But when I wear socks and sneakers, but my feet smell when I have to take my shoes off. Oh, yoga class is an embarrassment, because I wear socks and my feet smell because they are so sweaty. I don’t wear socks and I slip all over because my feet are so sweaty.
My palms sweat like crazy too…in the summer it is the worst, although its bad at anytime during the year. Papers get damp if I hold them too long, I can’t take the cap off of pens sometimes because my palms are so sweaty, and its embarrassing to give my kids high 5’s (I’m a teacher) b/c they instantly wipe their hands on their clothes b/c my palm is sweaty.
And if that’s not enough, there is the armpit sweating. No matter the time of year I get HUGE circle down the sides of my shirt…even if I wear layers, I just sweat right through. I always have to think about how much my sweat stains will show up on my clothes…I can’t wear as many colors as I want. I have to plan my wardrobe around my armpits.
I’ve tried different deodorants/antiperspirants, products like CertainDri, herbal remedies like apple cider vinegar and charcoal supplements, and nothing works. I just sit and I feel my hands, feet, and armpits pooling sweat. I need help. PLEASE.
Darian says
Hey Everyone, i have had sweating problems for 3 years now and I’ve tried many things. I’ve tried prescription deodorant which seemed to do nothing. I’ve tried natural remedies which slowed down the sweating but no total relief (things like magnesium pills, tea, baking soda, vinegar) nothing seems to fully work.
I’m going to try some of the things people have said on here like that Certain Dry stuff and PERSPIREX and give it a shot. I don’t know what to do and I’m at the peak of my social life (High School)
Renee says
I’ve had sweating problems for years, and like everyone else, I was highly embarrassed and self conscious. I tried everything- deodorants, teas and pills, and I even had botox injections 3 times, all failed.
But I did find something that provided extreme, significant relief. It doesn’t actually stop my sweating, but it’s the greatest discovery I’ve ever come across to hide my sweating.
Dress shields.
They can be at stores, are inexpensive, and unbelievably helpful. In all the research I did online, I never once heard anyone mention these things, but they have truly changed my life. I cried the first time I wore them because of how better everything was.
Seriously, check it out and read up on them. You will not be disappointed. Although your sweating doesn’t really stop, and you have to be choosy about certain clothes (thin see through fabrics, short sleeves, etc) because you can see the dress shield. Otherwise, they are impossible to notice.
I highly recommend that you look into these if you want to be more comfortable in your daily life and are sick of having to wear black every damn day.
Good luck.
Kristina says
Hey Kathy!
I am going to try our solution and I really hope that it works!
I have been sweating since 5th grade and im sick and tired of sweating and worrying about my underarms! I HATE that i cant lift my arms up and not have stains there! PLEASE!!! If you have any other solutions please tell me! I WANNA LIVE MY LIFE AGAIN!!!!
Robyn says
Hey everyone, i am 17 years old and on my last semester of high school. It has been really hard going through high school with hyperhydrosis, my armpits sweat so much! and i feel all your pain! the sweaty palms don’t bug me as much because i know so many people who have that.
I don’t think i had this problem in elementary school, but i know that ever since high school started the sweating problem has been driving me crazy! in grade 9 i wore whatever shirts i wanted, but i would keep my arms to my sides the whole day knowing that i was sweating big time!
When grade 10 came along i started wearing dark colors only, and wearing layers with a sweater..even in the summer! (my excuse? the school is too cold to wear a t-shirt!)
Underarm sweat has taken over my life entirely! I’m missing out on so much like prom, dating, activities, jobs, and wearing what i want! so I’ve finally had enough and I’m going to find a solution and live my life the way i want to!
I have only told my mom, and she’s going to help me find a cure (I’ve tried MANY antiperspirants, even the ones that are claimed to work) . We’ll be talking to my doctor soon and my mom has recommended trying acupuncture, and if that doesn’t work i want to try botox, i want to be able to wear t-shirts this summer instead of sweaters!
I recommend not getting your sweat glands removed, it may sound like a good idea but really, they are meant to be there!
I’ll let you all know how the acupuncture goes!
Demi says
Firstly, hi Americans! Sorry, i love America, i’m from England, hope to go to New York one day. Secondly, i have the same problem, you’re not alone. I sweat quite a bit and the strongest recommended deodorant doesn’t work for me either.
This could be something to do with your glands so the first thing to do (after trying different deodorants) is go to your doctor. It may be embarrassing but if you’ve been embarrassed with this for quite a while then, why not? After that, he/she might recommend deodorants, etc. TRY, TRY, TRY again. Try all of them until you have found one which suits you. If you have no luck, maybe you can try someone else.
All i want to say to everyone with the same problem is: don’t worry because it will be alright in the end. Also, remember to shave regularly and if you, for some reason, are out and you suddenly feel really sweaty and clammy, carry on you a kit with a razor (or ladyshave, which ever is best) ,some hygienic wipes (the antibacterial kind), some handwash (or other cream to wet under your arms before shaving), an exfoliator (for washing), a plastic bag (for putting wet razor and exfoliator in after use), and deodorant. This is for emergencies when you can’t go and have a shower whenever you need to (like at school.)
I’m really eager to know if this has worked out for you. Please reply so i can see if my advice really worked.
Good luck everyone,
Demi. XxXxX
Marie says
Hyperhidrosis sucks. You all seem to be young. Sometimes if I feel too sweaty and I m at home, a relaxing bath seems to put an end to it, for a while. I hear it can be caused by an overactive adrenal gland….don’t know what the cure is for that. I am pretty sure a B- complex vitamin is good for nerves.
Try using teas that are good for calming the nerves. Sage tea is excellent for sweating, takes 1 to 2 hours to take effect. There is a product out, over the counter, that is supposed to reduce belly fat. On the package it says it improves mood and anxiety. I used it for a little over a week and I was actually sweat free in situations when I usually sweat. I did not take the recommended dose because it seemed like a lot, and I not sure what the long term affects would be. Even though it is natural, and had no side affects.
I took one pill 2 to 3 times a day. On the package at the recommended dose it says that it increases estrogen and also causes hair growth on face in women…..It didn’t happen to me. Like I said I only used a little and it seemed safe, but it sounds like it may increase testosterone too. The warning might be exaggerated, but check with your doctor and do research before using anything.
This product has B vitamins in it so try the vitamins first. Most importantly take a mental time out, if you are in a crowd, and you are an excitable person like myself and tell yourself to relax. Take long slow breathes. Does anyone out there who has this condition have any social anxiety issues? Just wondering.
I have always been quiet and shy even though I now like being with people, I do feel nervous. Just wondering if this could be the cause of hyperhidrosis? Or does one cause the other? Other things I’ve found–stay away from caffeinated coffee, eat healthy, don’t eat a lot of meat….Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. I know I sweat more when I haven’t slept enough, which sounds like the adrenaline glands working over time.
My theory is that people with this condition are sensitive people, mentally and physically. We need to stay calm. And we are peaceful people. Enjoy who you are, and know thyself! Any feedback on my theory? I’ve put way to much thought into this.!!!!
Good luck !
Abbie says
I still haven’t found a cure, but i am going to ask my mum to get me sure maximum protection, and if that doesn’t work i will have to ask her to take me to the doctors,
I also get jealous of my friends, they never seem to sweat, even when there hot! Does anybody have any tips on how to stay sweat and odor free?
Tired of sweating says
I’m 13 years old, about to be 14 and i have the same problem to.
I’ve noticed it since last year, but i thought it was puberty. I have tried a lot of antiperspirants but they only work for about 2 days. The more i think about it i think I’m going to talk to my mom about it and make a doctor’s appointment.
I’m in the track team at school and after we run we put our arms above our head to help air enter our lungs but i never do that because i have these big sweat stains under my arms.
I have noticed that i sweat more at school than at home.
It’s tough going through this….
tahirusman says
hi i have suffering from sweat underarm since childhood. It has been a major problem for me and I would like to find a solution. Please help me!
Omar S. says
Tengo 26 años, tengo ese mismo problema al igual que uds, he comprado de todo tipo de desodorantes, ninguno me funciona. Hay uno que otro que si, pero cuando estan a la mitad dejan de hacer efecto. Es vergonzoso e incomodo p q ahora ha empeorado mucho. Si me pongo camiseta abajo de una camisa, mi sudor traspasa. esto suele suceder hasta cuando estoy en aire acondicionado, que es casi siempre, de dia y de noche. Estoy harto!!!!! No tengo mal olor, por suerte. Que puedo hacer??????????
Liz says
Hey everyone,
I suffer from hyperhydrosis, too. Now that I actually know what it is (and that I’m not just some freak that sweats too much), I realize that I’ve had it since about 7th grade. I’m 21 years old now and I still haven’t found a solution.
I read Wikipedia’s page about it and I guess there are medications you can take, or you can get surgery…
I’ve tried Certain Dri, Degree Clinical Protection, Mitchum Dry deodorant, etc, and none of them really worked. They kind of work for a few days and that’s it. I think I’m going to go to a doctor soon and just see if they can do anything. I just wanted to let you all know that you’re definitely not alone, and that I know what it’s like to plan everything around sweating too much… I think about it probably 100x a day, I try to check my shirts to see if I’m sweating, I have to change shirts, etc. I hope we can all find a cure!
Sarah says
I’m from Scotland and I’m 14. I’ve been excessively sweating for almost two years now. I’ve told 3 of my best friends about my sweating and I regret telling 2 of them.
One actually found it funny at first! I like her but she doesn’t understand. My other friend laughs at me when I tell her something doesn’t help my sweating and that’s why I’ve been upset. My other friend is very nice about it though. I have told my Mum.
I’ve tried lots of different types of deodorants and prescribed ones. By the way if you haven’t tried it put vinegar on your armpits and let it soak in at night and wash it off in the morning it helps for the first few hours of the day if it is cool!
I get really embarrassed about it because I can’t even put my hand up in class!
I hope I can find something that works well because my sweatyness depresses me sometimes.
P.S. I sweat a lot more in school as well! It makes me angry when I see my friends sweat because they haven’t bothered when I try really hard !
Jam says
I know exactly how you all feel!! Its not fun at all! I’ve tried every kind of deodorant possible and even the strongest one prescribed didn’t seem to work that well! my aunt has the same problem she loves that mitchum deodorant it does kind of help but I still sweat!!
I think it is a nervous thing just like the person from England. I sweat so much more when I’m out in and about then I do at home! I’m ready to try botox! I just want to tell all the kids that are worried about telling they’re moms.. don’t worry!
There are a lot of people that have the same problem! Just tell her and maybe she will find something that will help you! Can you imagine never having to sweat AGAIN!! that would be awesome!
Swetty Betty says
I am in England, at an all girls school, I feel your pain guys I am the only person at school who has major sweating issues! It’s soooooooo embarrassing. I cant wear tops I always need a jumper to cover up. I am performing in drama soon and have to wear a tight top I need help pronto any advice?
Kacy says
I understand what all you guys are experiencing….I am suffering from the same problems as well and it is so embarrassing and it discourages me from wearing the clothes I’d like to wear. The only colors I tend to wear are black and white because the sweat is not so visible.
Cindy says
I tried everything, the only thing that has worked for me is a roll on deodorant that has aluminum Chloride 12%, you can buy it at any pharmacy over the counter. It needs to be applied at night on clean dry skin, the next day there is no sweat, it is unbelievable.
Tom says
I’m from England and i have a really bad underarm sweat situation.
every single day i sweat really bad for no reason. i have tried nearly every deodorant i can see and none of them work. at school i can’t join in sports. i love sports but everyone will notice my armpits and that’s the most embarrassing ever in my opinion.
I really want to tell my mum about it but i’m too embarrassed to do that. i have a girlfriend as well and i have to wear about 4 layers for it not to show up when i’m with her. Most of the time i make an excuse not to see her because of my sweat.
Please can somebody help me. is there any natural cures that could work ?
gia says
help us please!!!?
Hopefully there’s a medication we can use effectively on our sweaty problem.
Abbie says
I’m a teenager from England. I’m not sure if i have hyperhidrosis because when I’m at home with my family i don’t sweat as much. But when i go to school i am always looking at my armpits to see if i am sweating even though i am not hot. Its really embarrassing when i get sweat patches and have to plan my life around it.
I also have to take my deodorant everywhere with me and can never wear tight tops. I have quite a lot of friends but am always quiet because i don’t want to get noticed. I am sure i have heard people make comments about how i smell even though i have 2 showers a day and spray perfume on my all the time. I have also never had a proper boyfriend because i too scared that they will see my sweat. It’s ruling my life! Please somebody help! 😐
Does anybody know of any treatments in the UK, that are effective and can be bought without prescription?
Thanks x
Melissa says
Hi there, has anyone tried Maxim? I want to give it a go cause I’m fed up with wet armpits all the time… even when its not hot!
Barbie says
Hi guys. I was very young when i encountered this kind of problem having sweat underarm. I’ve tried all the deodorants that i think can help me to stop having this problem. When i am hanging out with my friends i always wear a white shirt for them not to notice my sweat underarm.
I already don’t know what to do. When we have a activities in our school i always don’t join them because of my sweating. One time i wore a pink shirt in our school and my underarm sweat was very noticeable. My classmates are always teasing me about that. They don’t stop teasing me about that.
When we have an occasion in our house i always change shirt for them not to notice about it. OMG. I don’t want to have this problem forever. Please help me. Please. I have a high grades but i am not honor because of my grades in activities that may cause me to sweat. It pulls down my total grade.
So please guys help me. I’m from Philippines. What can you suggest that is available in our country??? Please help me.
Kyla says
I have the same problem with everyone here.. and knowing that I’m not the only one here makes me feel relieved that i could ask for help other than my mom.
I just simply sweat TOO much. I really hate it, it’s so embarrassing. Especially since my uniform is pink, i have to go through embarrassment everyday of my life. I can’t even eat with my friends at the cafeteria which is situated outside because of how hot it is which causes me to sweat more, so i prefer just staying inside a cool place.
I have tried only a few deodorants that says stuff like 24hour protection but i don’t really look for the antiperspirant thing, because i had no clue about it. Please can someone give me advice on how i could lessen the amount of sweat in my armpits so that i can go on with my college life without worrying about embarrassing moments. Could someone tell me what a good antiperspirant deodorant can be best for me??
thanks for the time!. =)
John says
I have been sweating excessively under the arm for the past couple years and my “cure” has been to use less soap under my armpits and apply Certain Dri at nights. Also it helps to sit in places that are cooler windows, ac vents, ect. I still seem sweat a lot but the methods i have been using did help a ton.
Good Luck Guys!
Ana says
I had the surgery for hyperhidrosis, it worked for few years, but then it’s back!
It may cost a lot in the states but I got the surgery for free in Canada.. or let’s just say, it’s covered by our health care. I don’t think hyperhidrosis is curable.
I just think that if you train yourself to relax more then you can at least reduce your sweating. I try to relax more and listen to relaxation sounds. It kinda helped me, although I still sweat once in a while.
shalini says
I have a problem of underarms sweating, palm sweating and foot sweating…it’s very embarrassing for me. Do one of you know of a natural remedy that will be helpful?
It is very difficult as i m a student, in fact, it affects my day to day work. I can write fast exams but if they are long, my palm sweats a lot and affects my performance!
Please, help me…
Tia says
I’ve been suffering from sweaty palms and armpits for a long time and I’m still in my teens. It really is embarrassing to have such a condition, people think I’m antisocial because i don’t like to meet or hangout with them but it’s not that, i just feel really bad about my sweating problem!
I need help because I’m left out of a lot of fun things that i would like to include myself in , but i just can’t. I actually have a boyfriend and he likes to hold my hand and he’s never said anything about the sweating and we’ve been together for five years so it really doesn’t matter to him, but just socially, my self esteem has been lowered dramatically.. HELP ME!!!!
lisa says
I’ve used every antiperspirant product, they never work. i still have underarm sweating. it’s embarrassing.please, do any of you know any treatment that can actually stop excessive sweating?
Kathy says
hi Guys,
I have a problem with sweaty underarms and I tried everything possible too. The only thing that I found that really works for me is PERSPIREX. You can get it at WalMart, Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada) and it’s around $15. You put it on at night and wash it away in the morning. The next day you’re free of sweat. I am serious. I have been using it for only about 1 week and it’s such a difference. I don’t have to wear sweaters over my shirts anymore. It’s worth a try, maybe it will work for you too.
kay says
Hey Christine, I know the feeling of being afraid of getting involved in sporting activities in case anyone noticed my underarms, I now look back in hindsight and see what I missed out on. Doing sports you are supposed to sweat anyways, so do it, get involved and enjoy your teenage years. I hope this helps with your self-esteem!
kay says
Hey Kels,
I too started experiencing HH in my underarms from the age of around 14, only in Nov last year did I finally get the surgery to remove the sweat glands and with it all the hair follicles. I waited 9yrs to find a natural cure that worked, but nothing did it for me, not the antiperspirants, herbal treatments, even the medication only worked a while but with side affects of a dry mouth.
I do not perspire now but I do have 3 small scars under each arm which in time will heal. I must say that if you go the surgery route, do you research, I had quotes from $2800 – $15000, I met with the surgeons and the one who had the most knowledge and experience happened to be the cheaper option too.
I hope you can find a non-invasive solution to your HH, I know having this problem can affect your confidence. Good on you for confiding in your Mom!
Natalie says
I have tried EVERY type of deodorant. All types that doctors have given me and nothing works. I have had a sweating problem since 7th grade and its so embarrassing. I sweat through my shirts and if I’m wearing a sweatshirt i often through that. I was looking into getting the glands removed or using the botox. Any suggestion?
Kels says
I am a teenager, and ever since 5th grade I’ve suffered from excessive underarm sweating. At first, i assumed it was puberty, and i tried all different types on deodorant. It never worked. So all through 6th grade, I clammed my arms together, wore big jackets, and tried to hide it from all my friends. The cycle went, i sweat, i get nervous about other people seeing my sweating, i put a jacket on, i sweat some more and so on.
I didn’t tell my mom till the summer of 6th grade, and she felt bad for me so we went and bought clinical deodorant. I tried all types, none of them work. So to this day I still am hiding my problem to everyone except my mom. I went to the doctor and he suggested I see a dermatologist, but the money’s tight and I can’t really afford surgery. Is there anyway someone could give me advice or something? Is there a natural cute out there?
And I also sweat a lot on my palms too, its not that bad, but I have more than the usual person. Is that connected to my underarm sweating?
claudia says
I have try all types of antiperspirant and none seem to work for me. I sweat a lot and I can take 3 showers a day and still. Sometimes I smell and it is embarrassing. What can I do?
Robert says
HI Coco,
The product you are referring to is called Certain Dri Regular Roll-On, costs around $6.00 and can be found at just about any department store (Walmart, Meijers, etc).
For me, this product is overrated and made my underarms itch like crazy! It’s not just this antiperspirant, but all products that contain aluminum chloride that make me itch.
Have you tried Maxim Antiperspirant?
Coco says
I have the same problem. I went to my doctor and she gave me Certin Dry. It has worked really well for me and hopefully for you to! You put it on at night and put another refreshing smelling one in the morning that gives you all day freshness. Hope this helps and good luck:)
christine ruiz says
I hate it when my armpit sweats. It lowers my self-esteem. I can’t participate much in school activities due to this. I have tried several kinds of antiperspirant deodorant but not of these seems to work, please help. I’m still 18, and my social life is at top most now, but i can’t interact very well because of armpit sweating.