Palmar hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating of the palm, represents one of the most wide spread issues from all the forms of excessive sweating. (Possible solution for this is shown in the video below!) This condition manifests itself by exaggerating the amount of sweat ones hands produce leaving one with moist and cold hands. There are several factors that trigger the heavy hand sweat, like nervousness and anxiety. Even though emotional distress is a known to be a big factor, sweaty palms often occurs without any outside stimulus.
The effects of sweaty palms are both physical and psychological. People affected by excessive hand sweating become very aware of this issue and feel discouraged when interacting in society. They try to hide their problem form others, thus increasing the emotional pressure they put themselves to. This often leads to emotional distress, which, as we have shown, triggers the problem to begin with. What makes matters worse is that affected people may not have any control of their sweating.
People suffering from this condition have a constant need to wipe their hands and usually notice a tingling sensation in their hands. They also have difficulties maintaining and developing social encounters as they become apprehensive about shaking hands.
Sweaty palms also impact intimate relationships and makes the individuals withdrawn. Just the simple task of putting on making can prove difficult, as can typing or handling paper documents.
Our society is based on many rules of conduct – a firm handshake, for example, signifies determination and inspires trust. People who suffer from excessive hand sweat may miss opportunities on a social and professional level. Other people they come in contact with may interpret cold sweaty hands as signs of insecurity and lack of self-confidence. This can prove disastrous during a job interview!
Much of our success in life depends on how other people perceive us and patients suffering with excessive hand sweating are always struggling with their condition.
Treatment is available in many forms and positive effects have been obtained by the use of prescription strength oral medication and antiperspirants. Severe cases of sweating can also be cured surgically but should only be considered as a last resort.
skandh says
im 16 year old i also suffr from the same prblm just like you guys. Im quite stressed about this matter. I just want to know what is the actual reason behind sweaty hands snd feet so that i could cure this prblm. Its just so embarassing to tell that “my hands are wet ” in frnt of all the people pls sm1 hlp me
Jacqueline says
I’m 14 years old and i hate having sweaty hands and feet! I feel so frustrated and depressed because of this. I feel like no one understands. I go to church like 3 times a week. In my church, we all shake hands to greet each other. Every time someone shakes my hand i quickly wipe off my hands. One day someone asked me if my hands were OK and i felt so embarrassed so now i try avoiding shaking hands with people. But, i wish i could happily greet people and now people think i’m shy and i don’t like socializing. I’m also embarrassed to let them know why i don’t like shaking hands. Another reason is because in church we also hold hands to pray sometimes and I once told the lady i didn’t want to hold hands and she said i was very shy. I don’t want to give a bad expression 🙁 I just wish i had an easy cure for sweaty hands. Every time i’m in class and i’m writing my hands sweat and soak onto the paper… I also got sweaty feet like whenever i’m wearing sandals you can tell they are sweaty and it’s hard for me to walk. Someone please help me! :,(
Alliesheia says
I have had this forever. My mom says she had the same problem, but she said it gets better overtime. I don’t believe her because my hands are always dripping with sweat. Every year in school, I am made fun of for having cold and sweaty hands. In dance class, my hands stand out because they are the most red/purple. I always feel like everyone thinks I look ridiculous and I avoid any hand contact. I try to his my hands any way I can. This has made my life miserable and the people who have made fun of me made it worse. ?
Sarahgiles says
I am 21 years old and am a Musical Theatre major at the Chicago College of Performing Arts. I have had horrible problems with my hands my whole life. It was so embarrassing doing scenes with clammy hands. In dance classes, my hands would leave puddles on the floor. Today, I attended my first dance class with NO hand sweating. It’s 84 in Chicago! I kept doing research, because I was cast in my first professional Chicago show. I felt so bad for my dance partner when we have a featured tango. My hands were out of control. Now I’m excited! In acting, singing, and dancing, you always work hands on with people. I am also filming the tv show BOSS (with Kelsey Grammar). I am relieved that I can relax about my palms. Even on photoshoots, I have been distracting that my hands would become a problem. This program was life changing for me!
Be Strong says
Hi Claire,
I am so sorry that you have to deal with this, and I wish I had a quick solution for you. However, know that you are NOT alone and that others your age are going through this. If you read through these comments, you’ll see what I mean.
Claire says
Im a 14 year old girl with extensive sweaty hands and feet its hard to live with this problem Bc u feel so insecure u don’t want to shake someone’s hand u don’t want to go out in public u just want to cry Bc no one knows how u feel no one I Just wish it would go away
Ranjan jha says
I badly feels this situation when my hands & foot got sweaty… It’s very embrrasing for me.. I’m 18 year old crazy boy, so it’s hard to deal with my frnds, n people of outsides.. Becz I mst hv to shake hand with the person whome we met.. Bt at that time I feel little lack of my confidence.. N the second thing I want to join in indian army , so I little scared that what will be happen in SSB bt lastly I feel good to known that this is not a kind of desease n the treatment of this is avilable.. N lastely I want to say dnt feel bad of all ds.. N be hard..
eva says
I am 16 years old and I have also been experiencing extreme sweat on mainly my palms and soles of my feet. It has gotten so bad in the past couple of years. I think it may be genetic as my dad also experiences sweaty hands and feet but it doesn’t seem to be as bad as mine.
As I type this my keyboard is literally already getting moist. Having this condition definitely sucks. It has affected me socially, and mentally. The worst thing is it really is affecting me at school. I can’t even write down proper notes on lined paper because my hand soaks up the page. Exams are the worst because sometimes I don’t have the option to use another page to act as a ‘sweat guard’.
I have to type everything now and that’s because thankfully I have a laptop. I even am afraid I won’t be able to have a stable career or a much of a good future because of this. Like i am going into eleventh grade and that’s when things get more serious. I am really afraid that i won’t be able to do well in anything because during tests and things I can’t just use my laptop I have to deal with it all on paper.
All the methods to help fix this seem a bit risky and I don’t really know what to do. I don’t want surgery and I don’t know if I can even get access to any sort of medication. I just feel like there’s nothing I can do. I hope as I grow older it lessens or something though I highly doubt it. For now, I’ve learned to deal with it.
I hope to find some sort of treatment that works for me.
Eithne says
Hi everyone,
I have read all of these and i wanted to say thank u to all you guys who have commented things to help.
I am a 13 year old girl. I have had sweaty hands and feet since i was 4. No one in my family has the same problem. My gran told me that my dad has really bad circulation but he has nothing like this. I have cried over it to my mum and sister but they don’t understand they just say it’s my nervous system. It’s not!
This is so disgusting for me, my hands literally drip with sweat, on my phone just now the screen is all wet. I feel uncomfortable as hell!! It gets tingly and when i think of touching peoples hands my hands sweat! My feet drip as well, always at the same time which is super irritating.
I get it in school, at home, at social events, anywhere!!!! I am too embarrassed to tell me friends, i avoid hand contact which is very hard, my friends always carry on and sometimes touch me by accident or i am on their phone or holding something and i give it back and it’s all wet?
I have to do social dancing at school, which is horrible, i have been doing it in primary but i never remember how my hands were then, i don’t know how bad it is. anyway my point is i just did social dancing at Christmas time and it was embarrassing and uncomfortable, no one understood, my hands dripped. i never get into trouble and i did when doing the dances, i didn’t hold peoples hands properly, things like that and i kept on getting shouted at in front of EVERYONE. double embarrassing.
My hands and feet go bright red and purple people think it’s weird. I cannot wear sandles or flip flops or high heels my feet slide and get bruised or get blisters, which stings with the sweat. Working in class is another thing, i can’t write anything down, the page gets wrinkly. In warm rooms its worst. In my maths class i have to stop every 5 minutes to wipe my hands and i get into trouble also. My teachers don’t know but my teachers won’t understand.
I have tried so many home remedies but none work!! This feels like a curse!! But i am so happy loads of people have it, i have never ever met anyone who has, i had to break up with my boyfriend because of my hands, i wont touch my family because of them i can never get anything done! I wake up with sweaty hands and feet, they leave huge marks and my mum thinks i spill juice on my bed. I come out a shower all clean and start sweating like mad. My parents don’t understand, they don’t have to suffer it and i am not aloud to see my doctor about it or have medication or surgery !!
Mike says
I am 29 and suffer from sweating feet and palms. This has been going on everyday since I was 17. I think I always had a sweating problem but never payed attention to it until someone else noticed. Since that day my life has gotten worse. I had lots of friends that I lost.. Making up excuses not to hang around them anymore.. Couldn’t work without being a nervous sweaty wreck.
Dropped out of the 11th grade because the anxiety from sweating was too much. I did get a GED but that’s not the point. After a few years of suffering alone and doctors not being able to help I turned to hard drugs to numb the pain. I notice when I’m active and alone that I my mind stops thinking about sweating and it stops. But around people…I’ve trained myself to be a paranoid person. My palms sweating is bad, but my feet sweating is worse. I hate wearing shoes that will stink after a while. That’s how this all started in my head.. when someone tried making fun of me behind my back but I saw them and acted like I didn’t.
No one in my family understands how bad this really is. They don’t understand that I started using hard drugs to numb the pain. Ive tried everything possible except surgery… which doesn’t usually help plantar hh anyways. I guess I’m just sick of life now.. I haven’t been happy in over 11 years. Ive had fake happiness with drugs, but I’m alone. So alone that I don’t really think it’s worth going through this another year.
It’s winter now.. the worst part of the year for me. Nothing like being cold and sweating all day. Pure Torture. I’ve often thought about cutting my feet and hands off just to end that suffering. But I know that is just a thought that will never happen. It just shows how bad this affects people. It kills our want to live and no one gets it unless they have to deal with it everyday for years.
God answers All says
everything has been said….abt 22 now n still having dis sweating n my hands n feet gets very cold like ice. frnds make it worst with complains. Bt I bliv God will heal me one day…n u all. just pray.
Em says
Hi everyone,
I’ve had this since I can remember. I remember washing my hands in primary school, drying them and the teacher. Saying but they’re not dry. I remember no one wanted to be my dance partner in school, “don’t hold her hand! She spits on her hands” obviously I didn’t 🙁
Exams were a nightmare, boyfriends were a nightmare, I was the most aloof girlfriend when it came to holding hands. Meeting people sucked and I ran away from old lang syne on New Year’s Eve, I still do.
It’s worse when I’m pregnant and just as bad if not worse in winter. I thought I was the only person who could sweat and shiver at the same time. I’ve broken mobile phones and it’s stopped me from ever learning to drive.
My saviour is a ionopherisis machine. Although it’s a pain having to do it all the time and remembering there’s worse things in life. I actually married a man with psoriasis which was a great match, my doctor thinks its funny how his skins too dry and my skins to damp. Match made in heaven.
Jim says
Amy, you could not have said it better! Everyone has a struggle in life and it all comes down to attitude. Remain positive and support one another and you can’t go wrong! Thank you!
Amy says
My hands have been sweating since… well, forever. When I dance, my hands are wet, and I when it’s really hot, sweat actually drips from my hands; it’s disgusting. I make sure to wash my hands with cold water a lot, and move my hands around when possible. However, when I have to shake hands with somebody, I usually get a tingling sensation in my stomach and wish that I could go into a hole and live there for the rest of my life.
Having sweaty hands makes your life terrible, and at times I think that there’s nothing worse; but there is. Think of losing everyone in your family, your loved one disappearing, or losing all of your friends. Everyone has a struggle in life, and if we (sweaty hand and feet people) can overcome it, it shows that we are stronger than the normal sort.
JoAnn says
I have had sweaty palms and feet my whole life. I can’t tell you how many hand holding activities I’ve had to excuse myself from. It does continue to hold me captive and I am 60 years old now. I know there are many other medical conditions that are much worse but this condition is very isolating and embarrassing.
James ranos says
I have sweaty palms and feet too but the only way to cure excessive sweating is drinking sage tea to calm yourself and to soak your hands with sage tea to be relaxed then you will be good 🙂 my friend did it he cured less then 5 months hope it helps. Let me know.
tinu says
I went through all these comments and many google sites…..i have this problem since childhood bit now that I’m working it’s become a big problem for me..i went to a skin specialist it didn’t help….my palms are so sweaty sometimes I can’t hold anything without it being wet….its a hopeless disease…
shawn says
hi i am 12 , my hands are always sweaty only at school at home is perfectly normal , i had to avoid hands contacts with kids , i hated every time there a activity involes hands , thats why i had no friend . can any one tell me a way that i can shake it off ?( no medical)
Edwin says
Hey everyone,
I myself have the same problem ever since I was a kid. This caused me many bad moments when it came to holding my girlfriend’s hand because I wouldn’t I would just walk next to her & I guess she felt like I didn’t want people to know I was going out with her, so we broke up.
When I was in school I would use my binder or blow air on my hands with my mouth to dry them a little bit when I was doing worksheets or exams it was so uncomfortable, sometimes I didn’t even have enough time to finish them because I was busy trying to dry them up. Well so recently my grandmother told me a solution she heard from a doctor from my country El Salvador.
The doctor said if you have sweaty hands & feet the solution is ice tea. It may sound stupid & is what I thought but my grandmother said that the doctor says it works that he can put his degree on the line. The step is to make some ice tea in a bucket or something you can soak your hands and/or feet in and to keep them in there for a couple hours & to do it for two weeks & you will start seeing results.
I’m going to give it a try since I don’t have nothing to lose. Good luck everyone just remember you not alone we all in this together we all know the pain/humiliating it is to have this problem.
Maya says
I am so glad that I am not the only one with this problem. I have never met anyone else with hands and feet as sweaty as mine, but now I have a group of people I can actually relate to, and vice versa. My parents don’t realize how awful this issue is, no matter how much I try to convince them. I’m a 13 year old girl, and I’m probably the most insecure person alive. I hate my hands so much. It’s almost impossible to play violin or piano with dripping wet palms, and almost everyone I know says “Ew, why are your hands so wet? That’s disgusting!” But I can’t really do anything about it. Since my parents don’t see it as an issue, I doubt they’ll let me get any sort of surgery to prevent it. Do you all have any cheap home remedies that I can use that have actually worked with you? That would be most appreciated. And hang in there everyone – I know it’s tough, but we can get through this.
Nattalia says
Hey everybody! I’m 13 and i do a lot of gymnastics, but these days I have been dreading to go to gymnastics because of my sweaty hands and feet. This is horrible because of the sweat marks I leave everywhere! I feel like its getting worse. The beam gets wet because of me and my teammates are starting to notice. Sometimes I even fake an injury just to get out of the humiliation. I really want this to stop because I love gymnastics. I have recently heard of a deoderant you put on your hands and feet but you need a prescription.
Louise says
I didnt even know there was a name for this!! I’m 28 and suffer from sweaty palms and feet. Its horrible! I find that, for my feet, wearing socks help but when its hot outside, its uncomfortable 🙁 My hands dont sweat ALL THE TIME but a lot of the time.
Seems, with me, it runs in my family. My nan and my dad suffer from the same thing and my nan, when she was younger, was told she had “over-active sweat glands” and had an operation to remove part of her sweat glands under her armpits, but this only worked for a few months. I cant seem to pinpoint mine to any kind of reaction, like being nervous or over excited. It just happens whatever the weather. They sting too 🙁 To the point where i find myself holding ice cubes or running freezing water on my hands to the point where it burns 🙁 🙁
So glad to find I’m not alone in this though but still desperately seeking some help that doesn’t involve taking pills or having surgery (though I’d consider the surgery before the pills if I’m honest) Is it even worth me speaking to my doctor about this??
Nicolette says
Hi all,
As mentioned by many, I face the same issues since young and i can also related to all the pain that we all have went through.
To cut things short, yoga has been a great help as it enable you to feel more grounded and balance emotionally, mentally and physically.
I have always been thinking what is an activity that i can commit myself to which does not require much contact with others so i thought of yoga. And i was happy that it has helped me more than i thought it would. Even though I still sweat but not as much as compared to the days i don’t practise yoga regularly. i think two days in a week of yoga helps to calm our unstable nervous system and definitely bring peace to our minds about our daily inconvenience. Cheers to all who are going through the same path as me.
I am beginning to find more balance, happiness and comfort after all these years of suffering from HH physically and mentally. I’m sure yoga is not too far of a reach to many of you so why no try it with an open heart. 🙂
viji says
It’s like I’m finding my long lost family here!!!
I’m from India and you have no idea how happy i am to know that there are people (a lot of people) out there with the same condition as me.. although that doesn’t make things any less worse!! i have had HH since forever and i am 21 years old now.. i have gone to many doctors who keep telling me “its just anxiety”. yeah right!! i tried medication n that has not helped me..
Every day I’d be dripping water from my hands and not to mention my feet too!! i have not worn proper sandals because my feet slip when i wear them.. during my exams i have to keep a hankie under my hands or else my paper would get damp.. unfortunately many people don’t understand the effect this has on my self esteem.. they just sometimes call me weird and refrain from shaking my hands.. very hurtful.. as you might know.. 🙁
i have tried anti perspirants my my sweat still breaks trough it..
its ruining my life and apparently there’s nothing i can do… botox and surgery are out of the question for me..
Naomi says
For effective solutions(at least for me) please read below!
I’m 21 yrs old and have had HH since I can remember. My teachers have on several occasions (diff periods of my life) commented or asked why my page (once even a scantron) is wrinkled and I’ve had to explain that my hands sweat a lot. Once the sweating was so bad and my quiz paper had holes in it because of the effect of My pencil on the sweat mark on the page. ANYWAY that’s just a tiny portion of the annoyance
Of HH.
In degree of severity, my feet sweat most then my palms and then my armpits. As if my sweating situation wasn’t bad enough, my butt and legs sometimes join the Sweating Party.
It’s a horrible feeling to start sweating right when you wake up in the morning or right when you come out of the shower all fresh and clean. Or to start sweating when it is freezing outside, making you feel even colder than you already were. Unfortunately my hands and feet turn red when sweating and this is one of the worst parts because people notice something’s Weird before even touching your hand.
Sorry I had to rant, I’m sure many of you can feel my pain. So below are SOME Solutions to HH:
I have tried Mostly all the topical medicines for HH, from Drysol to Maxim and some others that I don’t remember names, & unfortunately none have worked. They tend to dry out the hands and when sweat appears(which for me it almost always did) your hand is both dry and cracked form the medicine but then salty sweat is there So your hand is basically burning and itching. I don’t recommend topical medicines like these.
It’s important to know that we suffer from HH because we have an over active nervous system.I was considering Botox for My hands and feet but when I went to 2 dermatologists both did not recommend it for me because of the pain and probably because of my age also. One of these dermatologists recommended a pill that truly worked for me and I’m so glad that I discovered it. It is called ROBINUL or ROBINUL FORTE and incase necessary the other term for it is glycopyrolate. This is the most effective remedy for HH in my opinion that I have this far come across. Many of you may not have heard About it as I had not until recently because it’s Purpose is to decrease stomach acid and prevent ulcers; stopping perspiration is just a side Effect.
I had been taking Robinul (2mg of it) from June 2011-approx March or April 2012. There are side Effects to this pill as There always is. Here are some: dry mouth, dry eyes(I didn’t experience this often), trouble swallowing food on first or 2nd day that took pill which may have to do with dry mouth, and trouble urinating. I only experience dry mouth &dry eyes during first couple days I sorted taking the pill. If you are going to take my recommendation of trying Robinul note that if you take a break between taking the pill and not taking it, when you take it again you will likely experience the side effect of dry mouth. To remedy this dry mouth side effect I would chew gum or suck on a candy or cough drops. Make sure To drink plenty of water because the pill dries out your skin and body when you take Robinul and it is Important to stay hydrated.
The scariest side Effect, Which is why I stopped taking Robinul, had troubling urinating. This problem didn’t occur until 6 months after I started taking the pill which is strange. Anyway, when I told the dermatologist and my mom about how I couldn’t urinate they both said to drink more water but that doesn’t have much to do with it. When I say trouble urinating I mean I had to urinate but the pill had some effect only urinary bladder because I had to press really hard to pee and afterwards I still Had to go to but couldn’t. This is a scary side effect & if it happens to you I’d recommend taking Robinul only on special occasions (which is what I do now) where you really need it like for a test, party or interview.
This pill works best taken 2 hrs After you eat and not eating until approx 2 hrs after you’ve taken it. The easiest way is to just take the pill before Bed (so the night before you need dryness) and a couple hrs after you’ve had dinner.
ALSO: I’ve noticed that putting deodorant on the palms of my hands works well & causes less Sweating. That mind some gross to some but hey if it works, It works. Of course put some deodorant on (preferably buy one just for your hands & a type you know works well for you underarm wise) your palms and then wait a Minute or so and then wash you hands. It worked for me (my palms still sweat but it def lessens it a bit) so I hope it works for you guys too! 🙂
So basically try:
Robinul (note side effects first)
Antiperspirant/deodorant on palms of hands
Johnson Nguyen says
I’ve had this blasted curse since at least the age of 5. 19 now and its effects are becoming less manageable. Hyperhidrosis really puts a damper on everything you do in your life; even if you want to do something, you would have to take into consideration your extreme sweating. Job choices, career choices, social decisions… everything that regular folk can handle easily, I have an incredibly tough time with.
As I said earlier, I could manage my hyperhidrosis in earlier years, but at the age of 19, after having so many of my dreams needlessly unrealized, and being of an age where I have many responsibilities ahead, it is just unbearable. It’s made my life miserable, and I’ve made many poor decisions in my depression, yet I continue to persevere despite everything. Iontophoresis works, but lately it’s been less effective; another event that drains my already exhausted psyche.
Hyperhidrosis’ impact is very poorly understood to the rest of the world.
Cheyenne Smith says
Hey everyone,
I’ve had palmar hyperhidrosis since I was ten, and I am now 20 years old. It has smashed self-esteem and trying to cope with it mentally has not worked. I know and understand there are things a lot worse than this, but it is so frustrating that something you would think is a easily-fixed benign medical condition would actually have a solution!! I have used Hypercare/Drysol off and on for years and it has absolutely no effect.
I am definitely not interested in surgery, but am currently hunting for a dermatologist that will perform botox injections in my hands and be covered by insurance. I am beyond frustrated and annoyed with my condition at this point. It was the main reason I had to quit the violin in middle school and it affected my tennis performance in high school. It has really affected me in social situations and I have personally made dating out of the question for myself. Shaking hands for a job interview plus trying not to utterly soak your test during exam time are the ABSOLUTE worst.
I have never met anyone with this condition, and even my family doesn’t really understand why it matters to me so much. I am really hoping to get botox injections soon: I’d be willing to put up with some physical pain to decrease the emotional pain.
Gio from New Zealand says
OK people. I’ve found a better cure that doesn’t need surgery or money. I’ve been drinking a lot of water lately. Probably about 8 glasses of water or more and my hands have been sweat free for a day now. It feels really good having your palms dry. Drinking lots of water does help not make your palms sweat. It also helps make pimples disappear. And also try to not think about your palms sweating. Thinking of you palms sweating just makes it sweat so yeah. Hope this helps.
Gio from New Zealand says
Hi there everyone! I’m 15 years old and i’ve had palmar hyperhidrosis since i was young. my hands would often sweat 95% of my day and i cant control it. i haven’t tried any medicines or cures. yesterday i had to do a speech for English at school. all my classmates and two teachers were looking at me and they were also taking a video. when i got halfway my speech my hands just started dripping. it was really embarrassing. my best friend saw my hands dripping and after my speech he just said its normal.
a lot of my classmates saw it too but they didn’t really react to it. after that i just gained confidence. what i think the best solution for this is to just accept the fact that u have HH and tell ur friends that u have this problem. if they cant accept that then they’re not worth being ur friends. my hands are sweating as i’m typing now and i’m using my iphone. the screens sort of wet but who cares?! just enjoy urself and live life. there are a lot of things worse than this like cancer and down syndrome. lol. also the thought of revealing ur problem to ur mates is just amazing. don’t let this ruin ur life. peace out homidawgs!
Tracy says
Hi all! I found my miracle cure! I hope it works for you as well!
I am 47 years old and have suffered from *severe* hyperhydrosis all my life (hands, feet, and back of legs to the point of dripping, almost pouring at times). I can relate to every single embarrassing situation you all have shared, and more. I’ve been to dermatologists who prescribed the topical solution and even the “electric water bath” (you know what I’m talking about, right?) Both helped… a little. I considered the sympathectomy many times but always chickened out.
About 3 months ago I was watching Dr. Oz who said that the supplement Chromium Picolinate could help with metabolism. I could stand to lose a few pounds so I figured I’d give the chromium a try and see if it helped with weight loss. Of course not!! lol *BUT…. my hands and feet have been dry about 95% of the time since taking it!!! (used to be that I’d sweat 99% of the time) I have found nothing on the internet to back up my claim, but I swear this has been a miracle for me, literally life changing. As you all know, hyperhydrosis affects your job, your social life, and even your personality. I would love it if sharing my experience helps someone else.
The chromium comes in 500 mcg softgels (over-the-counter at any drug store) and Dr. Oz suggested 1,000 per day (1 in the morning, 1 in the evening). I usually take one in the morning – when I remember – and rarely in the evening. (maybe that’s why I haven’t lost any weight – lol)
I suppose there’s the chance that the chromium has absolutely nothing to do with stopping my hyperhydrosis and it was merely a coincidence that it stopped after 47 years when I started taking the supplement… but maybe not.
Please post if you try this and it works for you.
Kimzee says
I Am Had this same PH for ALOT of years, and i am proud to say that the one who created me and brought me here into this world , the lord Jesus Christ Have healed me perfectly of this thing and i am testifying here to all of you instead of relying on all these medical stuff take that same faith and pray about your condition and believe and he’ll do the same for you! 😀
Farz says
Hi there..I’m 25 nw..having sweating issue ever since i remember…i agree with all of u that its so embarrassing when it comes to shaking hands..
i cant wear open shoes that makes dirt stick to my sweaty feet..i cant wear heels as the sweat makes my feet slip in them…=(
i hate parties in summers..!!
My hands are dripping all the time as well as ma feet..even in winters..!!!
My Doctor gave me a spray ..but again it was <10% effective so i discontinued using it.. =(
btw my bf never made fun of my sweating…sometimes i get reluctant holding his hands because of sweating but instead he holds more tighter just to make me feel normal..his least concern about my sweating issue… =)
Amanda says
As I sit on my couch reading everyone’s posts, I am literally crying. I am 25, and suffer from palmar HH. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never actually met anyone else with it.
When I’ve tried to explain to friends and family the things that we go through, they assume I’m being dramatic. The embarrassment I suffer from leaving a puddle of sweat on a keyboard, page on a book, school exam, footprint when barefoot, etc.. It’s hard to make people understand. I used to get my nails done, but was recently told that my hands were too wet to work with and they wouldn’t do them. Having to leave with that shame was heartbreaking.
I don’t know why I didn’t look into treatments earlier, but with my wedding in the upcoming year I figured it was time. So far I’ve tried the topical antiperspirant and the oral pill.. No luck so far. I’m really looking at the surgery and I’m curious if anyone has had it and what their experience was?
It’s so incredibly nice to know I’m not alone, I wish there was an actually meeting or local support group. Please keep sharing your stories, it feels so great to be able to relate to people about this!
Ashu says
i am also suffering from severe palmer hyperhidrosis. i really hate it soo much.. but my friend understands my emotions & they don’t even make me think that I’m different from them.. The thing is that we don’t want to be counted as different from our loving ones..
But yes.. this is really terrible.. plz.. God help me plz
Ayden says
Hey, i read through this and hardly understood this, but i still kinda did. Im only 12, i just learned why my hands constatly sweat when i touch something warm. I have to get a new pair of batting gloves every month because when im up to bat….guess what! They sweat! : (
Syed (sigh-eed) says
Hey yall [= I guess most of us are on the same boat :’/ Same my hands sweat a hellava lot when im playin video games… and my guests just look at my drenched controller and are like.. “uh.. ill use another one >_>” although! i do wipe my hands on my broz hands [= he tends to know my tricks though ;( and when im shy around others my hands get super sweaty and i try to wipe em off but they still seem to want to be wet -___- hmmy and im so young at 17 >__> <__< >___<
john says
Will the Ionotophoresis device work with a regular 12 volt battery because that’s all i have
sally says
hi i am 12 years old and my hands completely embarrasses me!!!!! my friends make fun of me for it and i don’t know what to do. Every time a family member or someone else tries to grab my hand i am embarrassed because of my sweat. i usually only get it when i am in public places but not always. my doctor told me to try deodorant (spray on) but it only worked for a day if ANYONE has recommendations that are helpful but not surgical PLEASE tell me!!!!!!!!!
Justin says
So i have read all the posts on this page in the year 2012. I’m 21, and have suffered with HH since I was in grade school. I would say that it drastically affects my day -to-day life. But there are things that are not mentioned that I have noticed helps. For example, my hands are completely dry while i’m typing this, but my finger tips are a little clammy.
So these are a few things that i have used that have worked for me.
First off – realize that its all in your mind and when you are nervous start thinking about a relaxing experience. “Feeling the cool breeze while your at the beach” and taking deep breaths to calm your body down.
Avoid caffeine, and nicotine and spicy foods… personally i do all three so…
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, your body needs to be hydrated, that’s why when your hungover its best to drink fluids. don’t think that if you stop drinking water than you will stop sweating (then you will really have serious problem on your hands) you sweat because its a way of your body telling you it needs to cool off. so drink water just like you would if trying to take a wizz test( don’t judge).
Now for the procedures….
1st- Ionotophoresis I have made a homemade one from the video on this site and it works great. follow the steps to a tee, and after you have done it for about 10-15 days straight they will be 90% dry. The key is when to start the maintenance phase which for me is every four days for 30 minutes. i do my hands and feet at the same time. which is a small price to pay for only 30 minutes every 4 days for confidence in my opinion.
2nd- sage tea is suppose to decrease sweating because women take it for night sweats. steep the leaves for only 10 minutes and drink 2 to 3 times a day. studies show a 50% improvement on HH, which is better than nothing, rite? ( have not needed to try it tho, but completely safe and natural way.)
3rd- remove the dead skins from your hands using a loofah. scrub the center palm, finger tips, and sides for 20 clockwise rotations than 15 anti-clockwise rotations. after flip the loofah to the other side and scrub for 7 clockwise rotations. do it on both hands( i do it in the shower and its second hand nature to me) It works!!!
4th- be in shape and exercise. you will sweat less if you have less body fat.
…As for the pits use ceratin dry (read directions) and a deodorant to smell good in the morning.
Lastly and most important, don’t let it ruin your life. There are far worse things out there then sweaty hands, feet and under arms. Like cancer or a loss of limb. For the guys, when it comes to that time don’t worry about girls and intimacy because the trashy ones don’t care and just want to get physical ( which you will find both partners become hot and sweaty) O YA!!! and a girl that you really interested in will except you for who you are, Its all about your personality and character not a cold clammy hand.
Forgot to mention botox works but hurts like hell also quite pricy. Unfortunately its nearly impossible for them to get the inside of your fingers. and its about 30 to 35 painful shots in each hand( and i have a high tolerance with multiple tattoos even on my ribs)
If you have any questions feel free to ask..
These are my thoughts now get out there, and start living people. No ones perfect. 😉
Steve says
Two things: it seems like my hands are sweating (not dripping sweat, really moist) when I take off my shoes at my desk. That seems weird to me.
The second thing is has anyone considered “Chinese Medicine Treatment for Sweaty Palms and Feet”
Just wondering if anyone got some good results or bad ones.
Jenny says
Hi everyone. I too have had HH ever since I can remember. My hands and feet are always sweaty. I had my last child last year and I decided it was time to do something and my husband was super supportive. So last week I had botox done on my left hand and this week I had it done on my right hand. Besides some weakness in my hands, I haven’t really had any other side effects and I am hoping the weakness gets better with time.
I have noticed about a 75% reduction in my sweating in my hands and I have been told that this could get better yet. You have to repeat botox every 3-6 months and it is a little painful, but it only take 2 minutes per hand, and to me it was totally worth some minor pain when they would poke my hand with the needles. I didn’t have any pain after the 2 minute procedure (per hand). My doctor said she has seen people come in less often the more times they do botox, so hopefully it will last at least 4 months this time and more like 6 months from now on.
Best of luck to all of you! I know this is a very hard problem to have, but the one thing we can all be so grateful for is there are a lot of options out there where years ago, there wasn’t. I am confident within the next 10 years, there will be something like laser that will take care of HH in one treatment, much like the surgery but with better results! Take Care everyone and keep your head up. I know it is hard. 🙁
chester says
I am a 23 year old male who has always known i was different because my hands and feet sweat all the time.
i have never been self conscious of it, i always thought of it as a benefit.
In the rare occasion that my hands go through what i call a dry spell–a period of time that i have yet been able to find the reason why–my hands wouldn’t just be normal dry like everyone elses, they would be bone dry and commence ripping, cracking and bleeding in a couple days time. they would be so dry i wouldn’t even leave finger prints on glass panes.
It has never caused me any distress. it sets me apart from everyone else.
i do think about it when i go to shake someones hand, but if its someone that matters like a possible employer i simply come right out and tell them with confidence why my hands are the way they are. Actions like this exudes confidence and security with oneself.
One time the employer admitted to having it after i told him i was afflicted with it after shaking his hand, think of it as an exclusive club that approximately 3% of the population have.
I enjoy showing off the water dripping off my hands like i just washed them without drying them.
mitty says
I am 28 years old. i have hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. also i have it in my underarms. i do my best to cope with it , yes it becomes very annoying at times but i have no choice but to deal with it. i looked into some treatment options and i might take a deeper look into botox or surgery. but all i can say is just be happy. yes this disorder sucks big time ..but dont let it take your happiness away. just think of a nice dream or the moment right before you fall asleep or a great moment from your childhood. be happy and always try a keep a positive outlook on life. good luck
Adela says
Hi, I am 14 years old and looking for a natural cure. As you can imagine someone as young as me is probably curious and outgoing. But how can I be when I’m being held back by shame? My sweaty palms got passed down from my father, but I have it ALL the time.
If I don’t focus on it then it won’t happen. Sometimes I go a full day without sweaty palms but that’s because I’m not nervous or thinking about it. However, when someone wants to playfully grab my hand I pull back immediately. It’s embarrassing and I just want to get rid of it.
Is there any way that I can get rid of it without surgery or anything like that? If so, please do tell me. I can use all the advice and help I can get. Please.
Samantha says
hey i’m 14 i think i might have HH too. my hands are always cold and sweaty. whenever i hold a piece of paper i get sweat stains all over it. i also sweat profusely under my arms. I’m worried someone might notice, I love to shop and but lots of cute things, but I feel as though i can’t wear half of them because someone might notice all the sweat and be grossed out. I really do feel sorry for all ya’ll and I hope we all find cures to our own problems
dhaval says
hiiii……friends ,especially those with similar sweaty hands like me..
i like this site becoz i never feel very lonely meeting people like me!!
im 16 yrs old…and i hate my handscuz they sweat so much….in fact i HATE my life….the god sucks since he gave me such a filthy life…
the sweating hands not only resulted on my social lifestyle..but also had a devastating effect on my health. My height got stunted due to the loss of essential nutrients through my sweat..
i jussssssttt want to DIE…
and to make it even worse, the only treatment on it appears to be SURGERY (cutting of nerves!!!!!!!!!!!) arrrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! pllzzzz god help mee…..i cant live such an embarrassing life..even my brothers and sisters dont like me bcoz of my sweaty hands and feet (even my mom and dad)….pllzzz help me god…pllzzz
Justine says
I love this site it makes me not feel alone in this. I am 17 years old and have suffered from this ever since I can remember. It holds me back from a lot of things such as in school and just being around friends in general because this is what I am most insecure about. No one understands how bad it really is unless they have had it themselves and I’m hoping one day it will stop or I will find a cure for this so I will no longer have to suffer and feel gross compared to others. 🙂
RAAJ says
Is there any one in India with the same problem? and any one got solution for this? i am 33 and suffering with HH from my child hood…doesn’t know how to overcome this!!!!
Amanda says
I am ten years old, and all I ever here is “Omg Your hands are disgusting! Don’t you ever wash them?” And I just wanna cry cause it’s not my fault and I wash my hands all the time. I am going to try putting deoderant on them and see if it makes a difference. I’ve never even held my friends hands because I’m afraid. 🙁
Mary says
I am so happy to see that I’m not alone. I’m fourteen now and I’ve had HH for about 2 years now. I’m already very self conscious about myself and the sweating just makes everything worse(especially when I tell people about it and they don’t believe me because I just have so many skin issues that they think I’m lying for attention). I’m pretty sure I have anxiety(as my twin sister does) and I have a feeling that contributes to my sweating.
It has caused me to not want to go to (the few) social events I would want to go to, and the thought of a boyfriend is out of the question, as with meeting new people, shaking hands, etc. Upcoming job interviews will be a struggle so I’d really hope to get a cure by then!!
Also, I sweat under my arms and it causes me to just wear black T-shirts most of the time. I have so many cute clothes (I like shopping) that I can’t wear because of my sweating 🙁 It really bothers me and I would just like to be normal..
I have more issues (making underarm hair lighter) and other embarrassing stuff..
But if you have any answers PLEASE write!
Thanks so much!
No More Sweat says
I too suffered from the time I was a little kid. In fact, I cannot remember a time I didn’t have a problem. Sweat would just drip off my hands and feet. I couldn’t wear cute sandals or flip flops, shaking hands or holding hands brought me so much anxiety. I am a very outgoing person – but this one thing kept me from doing things I always wanted to do. As a teenager I tried iontophoresis and drysol. Nothing worked. I just had to put up with it. The only reason I wore gloves at my wedding was because of sweaty hands….and mine would also be bright red when they would sweat.
I had my last child in Jan 2004. I remember holding my infant and passing him to a friend (non-judgmental, but didn’t know about my sweating problem) and as she took him from me she asked why his clothes were all wet. I needed to do something…. within 3 months – I had met with a leading thoracic surgeon at Johns Hopkins. He explained everything… pros cons, complications and what a great outcome I could have.
By June, I was in at John Hopkins having out patient surgery! My outcome was tremendous! I have been sweat free for almost 7 years and to top it off I made sure I looked into pre-authorization from my insurance and they covered the entire procedure, except my hospital copay. It was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. I do have come compensatory sweating on my lower back (but usually that is only during workouts or summer months) and over the years it has gotten less and less.
I have no regrets. Of course surgery should never be taken lightly, and should have been thought through completely. But I dealt with it for 27 years. I couldn’t handle it any longer! And thank goodness for that Doctor at Johns Hopkins! Good luck to you all! Thanks for letting me share my story.
Tsubaki says
I’m fifteen years old, and I have had problems with sweaty feet and hands for as long as I can remember. I did gymnastics when I was younger, and it was very embarrassing when my feet would leave marks and sometimes near-puddles on the mats. Now, it is mostly my sweaty hands that causes me trouble. It causes me to have trouble in school, as my hands begin to sweat even more when I have to write for a long period of time. However, the time when it is most embarrassing is when I hold hands with my boyfriend—he doesn’t seem to notice much, but I feel very self-conscious about it.
I’ve tried many different things to stop it, but they seem to have little to no effect. One thing that seems to work for the short term, though, is to sprinkle my hands (it works with feet too) with talcum powder. Another method I’ve used, which has met with varying success, is moisture control pads. I actually use the Certain Dri brand moisture control pads for feet, but on my hands as well. Certain Dri also makes other products for hyperhyrosis. When it comes to products, those that contain aluminum chloride are very helpful; however, the chemical can be harmful or irritating.
May says
I’ve been having issues with my sweaty and cold hands lately. I’m working in the medical field and needed to touch the hands of patients. So I always have comments of having cold hands and they tease me that I’m living on a fridge. My confidence is going down so I stopped working as of now, but I have plans of working back to the hospital. I haven’t tried any products yet. And I’m curious of dryinghard’s secret.
Dryinghard may I know what’s your secret? I’m from the Phil. too.
Thanks. Just visited this site.
angel says
I am 14 years old I haven’t been dealing with palmar hyperhidrosis for long. It is just now becoming an issue so I looked it up, and I’m trying to find a cure.
Christopher says
I just happened to come across this site as I was researching hyper-hydrosis looking for answers for both of my children… I am nearly 43 years old, and ever since I was a young boy, I have suffered from EXCESSIVELY sweaty hands and feet. I read the posts of many of the younger teens, and I am reading the same experiences I had well into adulthood.
I have been taking Robinul twice daily (sometimes 3 times) for several years now, and I must say IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE ~ I know it sounds dramatic, but I wear flip flops…I walk barefoot…I shake hands without even so much as a consideration that my hands may be sweating…because they aren’t. As Some others may have mentioned, If I miss a dose, my hands and feet will begin to sweat, and it takes a day to “catch back up”, but it has been an amazing thing.
I Went through school suffering…and I mean suffering socially as a result. Writing papers was horrible… I kept a folded piece of paper under my hand to keep my papers from getting soaked… my notebooks all had the corners curled up… I could go on and on, particularly about the countless embarrassing moments of handshakes as a professional. NOW, my two children also suffer from the same malady…. and I will be having them start to take Robinul as well. I was researching to see if it is prescribed to children. My 14 year daughter can’t wait to find a possible treatment.
For any of you in the same position…. if you haven’t tried it, I strongly urge you to. As a kid, I did the drysol, and other treatments with ZERO effectiveness. Don’t get me wrong…my hands will still sweat on occasion, but it is not a concern anymore… the anxiety related to the issue has disappeared.
Hang in there gang…
Carlie says
Hi everyone! I would like to start off by saying that I do have hyperidrosis (of course) I sweat on my hands and feet. Right now I’m trying a new product. I have no results at all. It worked only for 2 days.(but I wasn’t really active) I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed me with the new product. This was the 2nd time I’ve gone to the dermatologist for my seating. The first time they gave me Drisol. Now, as I mentioned before, am using a new product. The Drysol had a tiny bit of result but the new product doesn’t work a bit! The 1st two days it dried my hands out A LOT!!! You could see all of the cracks on my hands. I really need a cure!!!
brianna says
im pretty sure i have HH but im not sure because i havent talked to a doctor yet. im 14 year old girl and ever since i was little all i hear is “eww why are your hands soaking wet?! thats disgusting.” its so embarrasing and its making me really insecure. i always try to hide my hands or im always wipeing them on my pants. are there any ways to cure this besides like pills or surgery?? help please!
Kristen says
I’m 30 years old, and have dealt with sweaty palms for the majority of my life. What was the name of the medication that was prescribed to you?
Prashant says
I’m from Nepal and I have been suffering from excessive sweating since my childhood. My hands and feet and armpits are more sweaty then anywhere else and it’s really getting me down. I’m embarrassed, feel like I’m alone and losing friends because I’m afraid to go out in stressful public situations. Please, if you could do one thing for me, please leave a cure, even if it’s temporary. Why me!
dryinghard says
Hi guys, I have a simple treatment for wet hands. I’ve been searching this for many years in my life. This is cheap, not expensive. And I think I am the one alone who use this because we always ignore this thing almost in our daily lives that we don’t know we can use this as treatment for wet hands. I am from Phils. My job is an electrical and electronics instructor and finally my hands are completely dry all day and also my feet. But my back sweats more than before. But it’s okay.
If you are interested, email me at (removed by site owner)… Thank You.
jake says
I came across this site because I have palmer hyperhydrosis and am embarrassed because of it. I have a graduate school interview coming up and feel that I won’t get in due to my sweaty hands. I can deal with wet papers, not opening certain things, leaving wet marks, but I hate having to shake peoples hands on interviews. I am going to try the creams, so hopefully they work. Best of luck to you all! Stay strong.
Melanie says
Hello I have suffered from HH my whole life and it has brought me a lot of anxiety. For those of you that are still young, I am 21 now and I feel your pain and anxiety of not finding a boyfriend because of your sweating problem or having a fear of presentations in class. I am now in university and the anxiety still affects me but I want you to know that once I was honest with the few people I have told they have reassured me that it is not big deal. The boyfriends I have had in the past and have told have not cared at all. I have also recently been prescribed an oral pill that really has actually helped! I cannot tell you how happy I am with the results. Just thought I would share the word so you guys could get on the medication as well if you feel it would help.
Stay strong!
Ashley Furman says
Seeing this site nearly brings me to tears of joy. I have suffered with Hyperhidrosis ever since I can remember. Out of all my 20 years I’ve only met ONE person who has this condition as well. My hands, feet, and underarms all sweat profusely. It’s incredibly frustrating how insenstive people can be with this problem. I hate the countless things I can’t be able to do that others don’t even have to think about: reading a book without damaging it, turning door knobs, opening jars, wearing flip flops, shaking hands, using arts and crafts, and most of all dancing with a partner. It’s an incredible insecurity of mine. I’ve tried this strange antiperspirant years ago that was way too much of hassle involving saran wrap and socks. Last year I tried botox injections in my hands(which hurt so bad)… that didn’t work. I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. I definitely don’t want to go through surgery especially with how dangerous it can be. It’s truly comforting to know I’m not the only one that has to deal with this. What are the best ways to treat this? Is it possible to cure it at all?
Sarah says
Im 13 years old and i have this problem, I hate it!!!!!! Im sooooo embarassed by it…. Ive never had a boyfriend because im afraid of my hands, and i cant go to parties and i aways have to remove my hand when someone wants to hold it because im embarrased
I dont know what to do, Ive tried lots of things but nothing works!!! 🙁
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Jenny says
I wish i had seen this page when i was in my teens, it would have been a relief to know others suffered with this condition and i wasn’t on my own. I visited my GP a few years ago regarding this issue, he told me i needed to learn to relax and that would help the problem, his advice proved to be absolutely useless, this condition was ruining my life, he also told me of having botox injections as a last resort.
Little pools of sweat would appear on my palms and fingertips in a matter of seconds and my armpits were always damp. I have some horrible memories of being a teenage girl with this condition and feeling mortified when others noticed. However, I was overjoyed to find that there are inexpensive and very effective products available in chemists.
I picked up one called driclor, at first i used it 2-3 times a week, on my hands and occasionally on my armpits. I’m now 23 and do not need to use it, occasionally i will use it if i have a important/ stressful event coming up, like an interview, more-so for my own peace of mind, one less thing to worry about. driclor is a bit uncomfortable and may cause a bit of stinging, but you get used to this after a few uses, i figure its worth it though, it also caused my hands to get very dry and the skin would peel after a week or so after use. There are a selection of different products available. Don’t be embarrassed to ask your pharmacist about products they have for excessive sweating.
hope this helps someone and best of luck with finding your treatment 🙂
Marisol says
Im 13 and I have suffered from HH since I can remember ( since childhood) it’s been horrible so many of the same things I feel like everyone who has feels great to know I am not Alone I hate how in life ull always have to shake hands and the fact tht ur afraid abt how ur friends at school will act.:| especially when they ask why it hand are really cold/ sweaty. But trust me it feels good when you finally say you have a condition of excessive sweaty and then they won’t judge you when they shake hands with u you or any hand contact. 😀
Lexi says
Hey! I have had hyperhidrosis since I can remember and I am now 18. My palms, feet, and armpits sweat really bad all the time. Although I am always conscience about sweating, I never let it dictate what I wear. Yes, I would always make sure I had a sweatshirt, I would still wear bright colors and tight clothes.
After I got to an older age, I just started telling people I had a problem with sweating and I never had anyone be grossed out or stop talking to me. I also told my boyfriend about it and we are still dating and he completely understands. I think if any of you were to just tell people about it, they would understand and accept you for who you are.
Don’t get me wrong, they are many things that make me feel uncomfortable. I am going to be starting the U of M Marching Band soon and I am nervous for the marching rehearsals and trying to play an instrument. But do not let this get in the way! I have interviewed for jobs and gotten them, made huge speeches in high school, I dated a lot, and play an instrument. As you can see on here, you are not the only one and there are tons of people out there who have it. Sweating is a normal part of life and you just happen to sweat more.
Enjoy your life!!
Rikkou says
Hi all
It’s not an easy task to deal with HH
What we need to accept is that it is a natural process, hence it is not harmful for you and I.
I also suffer the same thing. Through years I have been getting accustomed and the only way is to surrender and accept it. If you struggle against it, it will only reinforce the matter, increasing sweat.
It often happens during stressful situations, or what the mind labels “stressful” cause, after all, every situation can be dealt with gently and peacefully. Moreover I usually play tennis. It is a way to test and challenge how can I deal with HH. Racket sports are very hard to handle when having HH, as “winner” easily turns into a “no man’s land” shot ‘-‘
The ways to handle, except undergoing hand surgery (I do not really want that as it is not natural, it will only vehicle the problems from the hand to feet, bottom, armpit…)
The way is to ACCEPT it, not to think about it, in a word, to manage stress….and nervousness.
Indeed, HH often gets trigerred by anxiety, stress, nervousness, emotions, concerns and worries about future, fear and loss of confidence. So what is needed to do is to learn to be confident, to love yourself, to be full, present and honestly expressing yourself in the now, witout fears and emotions.
I guess one key lies there …. added to local treatments (creams, etc).
Psychology must be considered at first, deal with your nervousness, add meditation and zen to your daily life.
Laura had a nice comment about that, we need to accept HH, and our friends must accept that. It’s not such a big deal, after all. ‘-‘
Good day guys, and keep up.
Marcus says
For everyone that has not found a solution to hyperhidrosis. I also have hyperhydrosis of the palms and the doctor prescribed to me Hypercare/Drysol. I have been using it for three days now and it seems to be working pretty well. I recommend this product to anyone that hasn’t tried it yet you will see a big difference.
Its a shame when your looking for medications for hyperhydrosis online it only comes up with surgery. But after I went to the doctor and she prescribed it for me, and I looked it up online I saw a lot of good reviews for it. So that’s why I figured I would suggest this product to you all so you could try it.
Julian says
I’m 22 and I’ve been suffering from HH for as long as I can remember most severely in my hands and feet but I have not let it get in the way of my life. Every time I see my friends we shake hands and I never hesitate even tho I know what their reaction will be, the same reaction everyday lol ” what the hell is wrong with your hand” but I don’t care anymore I let it eat away at me for a couple of years and I had had enough I don’t care what people think of my sweaty hands. HH has prevented me from potential friendships and relationships in the past .. I’m never letting that happen again. Be strong people be brave!
As far as treatment goes I was told about botox but it’s expensive. There’s a lot of natural remedies out there that will prove useful one such that works wonders for me is the smoking of marijuana. When I told my family doctor he concurred smoking marijuana helps with hyperhidrosis. It’s worth mentioning to your doctor and if she concurs, then she will help you get your medical marijuana card and suggest where to buy safe projects.
Anthony says
My name’s Anthony, 16. I’ve had HH since I was around 8 or so and It has ruined my life so bad to the point where I wish I could be more social but this problem prevents that. Meeting new people is a huge problem, I don’t want them to get all grossed out and stuff. Meeting girls especially, I’ll always think I won’t be the right person because of this condition, I know if they don’t mind it then you’re all set, it will feel nice, real nice but still this is the biggest problem. Writing on paper, physical contact, is the worse especially with new people. I’ve tried raw honey mixed with apple cider vinegar once, I started to notice some change that lasted months after I ran out of the materials but I never repurchased the materials since which I should be doing. I just feel that this is just ruining my life, everytime a situation comes around that involves me having to do something but I can’t since I suffer from HH, I just wish I was a normal person.
Ryan says
I’m 15 and this is really doing mental harm to me. My friends all want to hang out and stuff but every time I go to hang out I always end up hearing from at least one person, “Ewwww, why are your hands so sweaty and nasty,” and it’s embarassing. Every time I get a girlfriend they want to hold hands and stuff, but I always have to avoid it because I don’t want to tell them about my hands, and I don’t want them to find out. I think I’ve lost a lot of girlfriends because of this.
Isabel Ulm says
I’ve had sweaty hands and feet since I was about ten, and now I’m 13. It’s become a real problem for me. My friends always try to grab my hands and I pull away. They think I’m dissing them, but I’d rather not explain why my hands are constantly soaking wet. Just merely touching something leaves a sweaty print and it’s embarrassing. I don’t know what to do anymore!
jinny says
can someone please help. Im a 11 years old girl and my hand is sweaty i have to keep wiping my hands over and over again and plus im not stress out or anything but still my hands are sweaty please help……
Susan says
I have incrediby sweaty palms as well. Still have not found anything that would work for me to stop it. I do not want to be taking any pills or injecting botox. I have heard of herbs that might help, but did not try it. I will let you know once I find out something useful. I think it has to be remedied psychologically. Some hidden block. I have read lot of the comments. My palms sweat since I was born and it was not easy growing up and going out and dating. But my expericence was that if someone likes you for the way YOU are they overcome the sweating. Does not matter if it is a friend or if you are on a date. Lot of times I was “surprised “about this nice reaction from the people around me because I was emberassed by my sweaty palms. Also I said it straight out to the people that I do not want to hold their hand or touch them because my palms do sweat and that it is a condition since I was born and that I have no control over it….Most of the time they said that it is ok, that they do not mind. Now I am in mid 20′ and I am looking for a career and now it seems very hard for me to overcome the sweaty palms when it comes to meeting people to do business with or to apply for a job. These people do not know me and the first impresson does a lot. I usually dress (dark jeans or black pants from absorbing material) so i can keep wiping my hands of in my pants without making any sweaty stains and i keep a piece of paper towel or a small towel handy (hidden) to wipe my hands before I shake someone’s hand. I also play a clarinet and even if I am not at a concert and I am just practising i have water dripping down on the floor. But if I am writng or reading I keep a small towel handing and I keep wiping my hands of – usually nobody will even notice. I was trying to figure out what is the conection with me sweating. Of course it gets worse with nervosity, but it seems to me that I sweat anytime I try to concentrate on something no matter how silly or important it is. Also I have noticed that lot of times just me thinking abou it that it is strange that my plams do not sweat while I am doing something setts the sweating off.
Doug says
Do NOT get hooked on Xanax, it starts off taking it for anxiety, but then quickly get’s you hooked! It’s extremely hard to get off of, can permanently mess with you head and when you do try to get off, you’ll need some rehab center. Majority of rehab centers (which people don’t know) are owned by the church of Scientology created by L. Ron Hubbard! Careful with this stuff, you DON’T want to fall into this trap!!!
D Jones says
I have a cousin that has some very serious anxiety problems and he has pills coming out of his ears! Ive noticed i get sweaty hands ESPECIALLY when im nervous. soooooo…before i went to my interview i talked to my cousin, and he let me have a xanax…..hands dry as a BONE!!!! it was such a relief. I did feel the Xanax in my head a little bit, but it was perfect for an interview. I ended up getting the job…ya!… far as a girlfriend goes. well, im 21 and never had a girlfriend, i absolutely cant take a “benzo” class pill every day! Im coping with it okay latey though. BUT for special cases such as Important meeting, and interviews, just as many people go to the doctor for xanax before they go on a plane because they freak out. I truly think my doctor would give me xanax for an interview. so you guys could possibly try that. DO NOT ABUSE THE MEDS! trust me ive done it… then i needed to go on a date and guess whos hands were drenched? MINE! luckiy for me, she had HH too! haha
Tracy says
Hello all,
I too suffer from this awful problem, but thankfully I found a way to handle the issue. BOTOX. It’s a really REALLY painful process as they have to inject at least 20 times to cover the surface of the entire hand. I only made it through the right hand and had to reschedule to do the left later in the week. It’s also quite costly, around $600 per hand, but it works! It totally stopped my hands from sweating. It only lasts about 6 months, so it’s also costly to keep up. However, considering how embarrassing and horrible this problem is, I find it to be money well spent.
hope this helps
Cassidy says
Hey guys, ive really just skimmed the comments so i dont know if this has already been said or not but one small cure for this that i have found is getting a mouthful of water and SLOWLY dripping it out into the sink. SLOWLY! it should take 10-15 minutes. i know this might be obvious but lotion makes it 10 times worse! NO LOTION! oh and also, wash your hands often. that works for me. baby powder/ chalk work but they are so obvious and wipe of within 10 minutes so they are pretty pointless. i was completely embarrassed about this problem until i watched “true life: i have an embarrassing medical condition” and it had a teen with hyperhidrosis on there. she eventually told her friends and it turned out that one of her friends had the same exact problem, and the rest were all supporting of it. guys all im trying to say is that if enough people have it that they would put it on TV, then its pretty serious. you never know who also suffers from this and even if your friends dont have it, they will support you! if they dont, they arent your true friends. just embrace that you have this problem because you cant make it go away, you are who you are! God gave you this problem to make you stronger, so dont let it weaken you! embrace it guys! hope this helps:)
Katie says
🙁 honestly guys, i feel horrible for all of you too! i’m 15, almost 16. and i HORRRIBLY suffer from hyperhidrosis. i am taking robinul pills (don’t get me wrong, they do help, LOTS) twice a day right now for almost a year. but if i skip ONE DAY or it starts wearing off i’m in HUGE trouble. i’m going to a youth group right now at my church and they are VERY touchy. they high five ALL the time, play contact games, and WORSE hold hands when we pray. i lately have taken ANY excuse i can to not make it, but i have so many friends there that i love to see. any ideas? i usually leave the room, but it’s kind of getting obvious that something is going on, and sometimes i don’t have a chance. i feel like i have no self confidence left and this has really controlled my life. i realllly need help. please?
Metta Witari says
I’m 15 going on 16, located in Palembang, Indonesia. I have sweaty hands and feet, i feel disgusted and embarassed when I have to shake hands or give a high five to other people, playing piano, or even opening my shoes! please help me! is there any cure?
Mallory says
I’m 13 years old and I need help PLEASE! I nearly cry myself to sleep evey night over this. My hands and feet sweat horribly! I atleast want my hands to be cured. I’ve never had a boyfriend and I like this guy who almost always wants to give me a high five. I have to turn him down and that ruined our friendship! Btw I also have a dnce comming up and I wanna dance with him and I won’t be able to!none of my friends know about my condition and I’m DESPERATE! PLEASE HELP IM GONNA DIE PLEASE I JUST WANNA B NORML
Mary says
it’s so nice reading these comments and seeing im not alone in my suffering.
i’m 17 years old, and my hands are constantly sweating. I feel like i cant have a bf because they’ll be grossed. i cant go to dances even if i want to, it’s so gross and embarassing. My armpits sweat pretty bad sometimes too, and i hate raising my hands in class. I feel like all my confidence is gone.
i dont know what to do. i want treatment but im too embarassed to tell anyone, even my parents.
please help me!
Jeff says
I’m now 19 years old from the Philippines,female, I’ve been suffering palm and feet sweating since I was in kindergarten. It really sucks when it start to moist I became so uncomfortable and uneasy. I can’t play instruments well because of my sweaty hands, and also when I’m driving. And also everytime I wore closed shoes my hands react so fast. I noticed that as time pass by its getting worse, it sweats more and more. I wanted to be cured. So please do email me if there’s cure even only effective medicines. Thank you.
Alexa says
So i have palmer hyperhidrosis. and it SUCKS! I go to a private school, so we go to church every week. And I’m always scared that someone is going to find out. My sweaty hands started around 5th grade. Now I’m in 7th. I’m scared every time i go to church. Also in a few weeks, were having a school dance, and its like MANDATORY to dance with someone, and i don’t know if i can do it. Last year no one found out. Only one of my friends knows about my sweaty hands, and she says that no one would care if they found out. BUT I DO!!! I have known most of the people in my class for nearly half my life, i know what their reaction will be.
My dad has sweaty hands, and i have told him about it. I want to ask my parents if they can get me treatment or anything. But i don’t know what to say to them. I hate having SWEATY HANDS!!!
briana says
I’m 19 years old and I’ve had my hands and feet sweat to the point where its dripping off my hands, sometimes my hands are dry but its only for a short period of time and usually it goes back, this is so embarrassing and i hate meeting new people because usually u shake hands and it also sucks for interviews because i feel like when the employer shakes my hand they will be all grossed out and wipe there hands, i really wish i can find a cure, if anyone can help please email me!!! Thanks (:
Lohan says
Hey Jes,
It takes at least 6 months after you stop smoking the funny stuff to see any results so if you hope to stop the sweaty hands by not smoking, you’ll need more than a couple of weeks. The longer you smoked, the longer it takes to quit for your hands to stop sweating.
Jes says
So, I’m a 16 year old guy and i guess i have this problem too and it sucks because i feel pretty stupid when I’m hanging out with girls and all of a sudden i hear \ewww why are your hands so sweaty??\ (I’m pretty good when it comes to excuses but i got nothing for this haha) I’ve been a straight stoner for the last couple of years and figured maybe that was the cause, so i quit for a couple of weeks and thankfully in a way that wasn’t the cause (so i can still smoke 🙂 haha) but yeah a natural remedy would be pretty nice, for one I’m broke and my dad’s a real hard guy too so if i went that route he’d just say that he pays for enough of my stuff and a doctor bill he’ll pass on… so a remedy would be great, thanks for wasting your time on me 😛 haha, Preeeshate it.
Tony says
It sounds like I have plenty of company. I have it, so does my sister. Our father had it. I believe
it is genetic. Hands and feet. As a child in school my papers would stick to my fingers. I left
wet hand prints on everything I touched! Sometimes it would stop for awhile. Always to return.
Stress only made it worse. A doctor told my mother I would grow out of it. Bull! Washing my hands
in hot water would stop it for awhile. When shaking hands , people would wipe their hands afterwards. As a male, it was tramatic! At the age of 29 I started using the Drionics machine. Magic!
I had a new confidence I never knew before! Where was this machine 20 years ago? Shaking hands?
No problem! Prints? In the past. Yes, I will have to use this for life, every two weeks. Twenty minutes per hand. Now at 50 It’s old hat. It’s weird, my mind says sweat, my hands can’t! Have you noticed handling cardboard produces dry hands? Try it. Why is that? My sister swears by it. If you get the machine, skip the batteries. I wired in a 9 volt AC adapter. Saves a ton of money. Best of luck to all of you!
Lorrainie says
Hi, I am 16 going on 17 and HH has been the worst turnoff in my life ever since i came to realise its presence, maybe at the age of 7 or so. I wasn’t borned a confident girl but I still quite managed to make some friends. However, my sweaty palms and feet just ruin evrything. Im afraid to shake hands with anyone even doing high-fives with my friends. They will go ” AWW, your hands are so wet!”, which really hurts my feelings. Sometimes i resort to telling simple white lies like’ oh i just visited the toilet’, which i know, won’t be a long lasting excuse.
I know i am still young now but what will happen to me when i enter the workforce? My hands and feet just sweat profusely without any reason. Sometimes when i realise they are dry, they start to sweat again no matter how hard i tell myself not to. I always have difficulty trying to hold a pen, do exams or even using the phone. Application of makeup can be messed up too, but these are just little parts. HH is very disturbing in my social life esp a time where i have to meet new ppl like high schl orientation. i normally avoid the crowd where ppl engage in hands-on activities. Worst of all, im troubled in finding a boyfriend because im scared that he may not be able to understand me and find me a nuisance or a weirdo instead.
I really need a cure to this and i hope that someone can answer to me asap. I just want to live with confidence and that’s the only wish i have before i die and leave this world. Thankyou to any kind soul and may god bless you.
Sara says
Hi everyone,
I’m 15 years old and have suffered from hyperhidrosis my entire life. In gymnastics, I would always fall off the bars, because I couldn’t get a grip. I couldn’t enjoy my eighth grade graduation ceremony because all I could think about was what the teachers would think when they felt my sweaty hands as I walked by. I have missed several great relationship opportunities because the guy I was talking to thought I wasn’t interested because I wasn’t very affectionate due to my insecurity of my sweaty hands.
I’m currently a cheerleader and while everyone else stresses about hitting their tumbling passes and stunts, all I worry about is trying my best to keep my hands dry so I can secure and grip my flyer’s foot so she doesn’t fall. I’ve tried antiperspirants and herbal tea, but nothing has worked. I can’t afford the surgery to remove the sympathetic nerve or whatever it is causing this.
I hate to think I have to live the rest of my life feeling this insecure and uncomfortable all the time. Is there anything else I can try? I need help.
Adnaloy says
I have heard that sage is really good for hyperhidrosis, I have used the tea that is made with the dry leaves, but I did’t see much improvement. I am going to try it in the tincture formula and hopefully it will work since it’s more concentrated. I will keep you posted with the results wish me luck, I wish all of you luck on your search for the “miracle cure”.
Lisa says
I’ve never had any problems with sweaty palms ’til I turned 16. I’m now 20. For the last 7-8 months it’s just been getting worse and worse. I KNOW it’s because I obsess over it.
Because when I forget about it for a minute, they stop sweating completely. Like when I’m eating, meditating, cleaning or just doing things that make me forget.
But as soon as I notice they are dry, I’m obviously thinking about it, which makes them start sweating. I think “Omg, they are, please stay dry, oh no I’m not supposed to think about this,
damn, here comes the sweat, need to forget!” Then the anxiety kicks in and I get super nervous and my heart starts beating faster. Before I know it, my hands are dripping with sweat.
So yeah, the less you think about it, the less you’ll sweat. The fact that you’re aware of it is responsible for the vicious cycle. The smartest thing to do is try not to think about it.
Actually, don’t TRY, because it’ll make it worse. What you need to do, is to concentrate on your daily tasks. I’ve been doing that for the last few days, and it’s getting better.
I think that sooner or later I won’t be thinking about it at all.
Of course now they are sweating like crazy only because I am 100% thinking of it. But, it’s not as bad as it used to last week!
You just have to realize that you’re normal and that your mindset is what triggers the sweat.
My tip is to be busy and not think about it. Interact with people as much as you can WITHOUT thinking about your palms. Stop wondering if they are completely dry, if and when they’re gonna start sweating etc. Try hypnosis, meditation and relaxation techniques. There are many free mp3 recordings on the internet that you can download. Stress and anxiety is what causes sweaty palms. At least for me. And you need to calm down and relax. Also, try soaking your hands in sage tea! Haven’t tried it myself yet, but I will. It’s supposed to reduce the sweating.
Williams says
I have used the home made device and I have encounter some relielf. Also if you know you about to go to a social gathering…soak your hands in some warm green tea for about 45 min to an hour. This help me out a lot.
Sara P says
I am 35 and I’ve had sweaty palms and feet since I think the age of 6 or 7 and until a few years ago, I had no idea this was a condition that other people had. It is at least nice to feel I am not alone. I don’t need to tell you how depressing and embarressing it is. I do want to share my experience with acupuncture. I was seeing someone every week for 2 months and taking herbs (I have no idea what they are called, they were all Chinese names) and had a 70-80% improvement (and I have pretty severe sweating). I couldn’t afford to continue seeing the acupuncturist so I have no idea how long it would need to be continued or if I would have seen more improvement. I definitely think it is an avenue worth exploring. I personally feel that drugs are only going to do other damage and it’s not worth it.
I have a Naturopathic doctor who I will be discussing this with in more detail soon, his first response was that the condition is related to childhood trauma (excessive sweating can mean that our sympathetic nervous system is over active and this system can be thrown off while we are developing if we experience major trauma). I’ll report back when I find out what he says.
My heart goes out to you all (especially all the teenagers with worries of dating, if a little sweat bothers them, they don’t really care about you!) and please don’t forget that there really is nothing wrong with you. Life gives us challenges, we probably will never know why, but we should try to appreciate them for what they are.
mitty says
Hello everyone. I am 27 years old and i also suffer from palmer,planer, and underarm hyperhydrosis. Yes it gets embarassing sometimes. However consider this…. god made you like this for a reason. your special, never forget that. what looks like the worst thing in the world could be the greatest blessing in disguise. You are unique. And always remeber that a real friend will always shake your hand. Never forget my friends….the greater the struggle the greater the reward.
Nadine says
I have palmar hidrosis on my hands since I was 11. I am now 35 and finding it is getting worse the older i get. I have tried the the ionotohoresis machine (which cost me $1500) and found it helped stop about 50% of the sweating.
I also have excessive sweating on my feet and i found using the machine for 15 min for hands and 15 min for feet every day was time consuming and the longer I used the machine, the less it seemed to help. I am thinking of having botox injections now and if that does not help I am looking into the ETS surgery (but am a little worried about compensatory sweating).
I wish someone could fix this problem for me – I am lucky my husband has always been so understanding. I avoid shaking hands or holding hands. At my daughters dancing classes we have to hold other mums hands and I get so embarrassed that I end up telling them my problem. Mine is to the point where it drips down my arms and the keypad is like a swimming pool. But like Uconn student said – there are so many more people worse off and I am just lucky I am healthy. BUT like everyone that suffers from this problem – I would like it to disappear. I am so sick of it. I would appreciate it if anyone had some feedback on the surgery or botox options
Mark kolb says
I have been suffering from a number of ailments for a while now including Hyperhydrosis.
With the reasearch I have acquired over time it has lead me to believe that it is caused by heavy metal toxicity. This may not be true but I would encourage people to get tested.
I myself started experiencing my symptoms around the time I got my mercury fillings in my teeth, unfortunately poor memory is a symptom I also have so i am not sure.
However, profuse sweating seems to be a symptom of heavy metal toxicity and could be directly linked to hyperhydrosis. I hope this helps people, I am having my fillings replaced in 3 weeks and going to do chelation.
sufferer says
have suffered from sweaty hands and feet for as long as i can remember. cannot wear certain types of shoes coz they slip off. work in sales and sell with my hands. worsened by hot weather and anxiety. i avoid shaking hands with people, also. have read horror stories about surgery.
have decided its something i have to live with, and people live with much worse conditions, so theres no point in feeling sorry for myself, as annoying and embarrassing it may be, at least it is not life threatening!!!
just be thankful and have a positive attitude about it!!!!
april says
I’m 15 years old and i have sweaty hands feet and arm pits.
my feet and arm pits don’t sweat until my hands do. so I’m thinking if i can stop my hands from sweating, my feet and arm pits wont be triggered as often.
i cant use my phone because its a touch screen and the buttons don’t work. its hard to text. and i cant hold hands or touch anyone. guys i like have tried to touch my hand and i pull away and that makes them think I’m not interested when i am!!
its so annoying. its stopped me from having a boyfriend before and i cant take it anymore. i live in Florida so they are always sweating!!!
i tried something i saw on youtube. you put your hands in water and connect the pans to batteries and it electrocutes your hands. it hurts really bad but it does work. it didn’t cure me so my hands are back to how they were before. the electrocution hurts sooooo bad so i cant do that again.
help me!!! does the acupuncture work???
please get back to me asap
Ellie says
Hey guys, I just read all your comments, and it feels really good to know that I’m not alone. I’m 19, and I’m pretty sure my hyperhidrosis started when I hit puberty. I sweat in my hands, armpits, and feet. Right now I’ve just started college, and I sweat almost non-stop…I haven’t sweat this much in a while, so it must be because of nerves since I’m starting school. I hate meeting new people because I’m afraid they’ll want to shake my hand. In middle school, I wore hoodies even on hot days so my sweat stains wouldn’t show (which of course made me sweat even more). I’ve never slow danced or held hands with anyone. I have dry skin, but I don’t use lotion because my hands will instantly start to sweat if I apply it on. I’m used to brushing my teeth before I shower because brushing used to trigger my sweat too. I hardly ever wear flip flops. Other people don’t understand why walking barefoot is such a big deal, but would they walk barefoot if their feet were wet and attracted dirt?
I also play the viola and plan on being a music teacher. I’ve dropped my bow a few times because I can’t get a good grip on it. All my teachers have been understanding about my sweat, but it’s really embarrassing when they have to touch my sweaty fingers or when they play my viola and find that the fingerboard is wet. They tell me they don’t mind, but I mind terribly.
I’ve tried Drysol and Hypercare, but they don’t work as well as I’ve wanted them to. They got rid of about 50-70% of my sweat, which is definitely better than nothing. I’m going to try the ionotophoresis treatment that you guys mentioned. Thanks for the support, and good luck!
Zack says
I have had hyperhydrosis for a few years now.(I’m 19 now) It really just started out of the blue and i never really thought much about it because i was home schooled at the time and didn’t come in contact with many people. Once I got back into school though, and my social life kicked up, my condition really became a big deal to me. Looking back now, I realized that i basically had my “tricks” of getting through situations where contact was expected. I would plan to use the bathroom at church just before we would have to greet each other. I would often lie and say “Sorry my hands are wet, I just washed my hands”. Sometimes I would straight up avoid people so I would not have to experience the embarrassment. I actually loved playing sports because I could blame my sweaty hands on the perspiration developed during the game.
I’m now in college student, and an art major. It really sucks being an artist with excessively sweaty hands lol I haven’t really tried doing anything to end the sweating, mainly because I don’t understand it. I guess in some ways I hope I’ll just wake up one day and it will just miraculously have stopped. I have noticed that my feet don’t sweat as much with socks, and for that reason I wear socks from the minute I wake up until the minute I go to bed. I absolutely refuse to wear sandals and flip flops. When I sleep, my hands and feet are also sweat free. I don’t want to sound all philosophical, but I guess when you’re asleep your body basically shuts down, so all emotions and stress you may feel during the day are basically nonexistent, so for those who think it has a lot to do with stress levels and stuff I can see the merit in thinking that. There are just too many variables in this condition for me to think it’s all mental though.
Like you guys, I’m on a quest for a cure! I have read every single post on this blog trying to find some answers, and my heart goes out to all of you. Your words have given me hope, and writing this has given me strength. You are all in my prayers!
Amanda says
Hello… I am 14 years old and I think I suffer from hyperhidroises. My armpits sweat (which makes me not wear certain things because I’m scared it will show) my feet sweat (which makes me NOT want to wear closed toed shoes because it makes them sweat more and it makes my feet smell awful!) and most of all…my hands sweat!!!!
I have hated this for as long as I have had it.. And I’ve had it as long as I could remember!!! I’m always scared to give someone a high five or shake someones hand…. People make fun of me about this…. It really hurts me because no matter how many home remedies I do or how many times I wipe off my hands, they still sweat…
They don’t sweat when I eat though which is strange… I just wish that people would understand what we are going through!!! Nobody knows how it feels to live in fear that u might have to hold someone hand or just simply touch somebodies skin….
I have cried myself to sleep countless nights!!! I would really like to cure this… But most of all I just wanted to comment and tell people that ur not alone!!! We’re in this together!!!
Thanks for reading my fellow sweaters! I love all of u!!! (a little perspiration never hurt anyone right??)
karely says
I have deal with hyperhidrosis for years and years now every since i waz little and now i’m only 12 (turning 13 tomorrow Aug.6) right now and cant take it anymore i wanna find a cure i’ve tried so many things and nothing seems to work.
I’ve talked to my doctor once and she said eh your young come back wen your older and that was about 2 years ago so that didn’t help. i don’t want surgery . my brother he is only 10 and his neck and forehead sweat really bad but not his hands ! church ,yes i gotta shake every 1z hands and i cant stand it. my sis is so rude and doesn’t understand anything she is 14 and every time she touches my hands she screams ot EWWW and it makes me so mad that my own sister doesn’t care or understand. she’s legally blind (can barely see) and i understand that and always help her out but she has never done anything for me and she says she will never learn anything from her younger sister.
When i was like 5 or 6 i would go and play video games with my cousins and when i get the control and start playing my hands start to sweat and once i was don’t wit my turn i would pass the control to the next person and they would all be like hey its all wet what the heck karely. ya i cant take it anymore my armpits sweat but not as much anymore because of this one natural cure i read that in the shower u get a loofah and rub on your pits for about 30 sec. then again with a towel. it cost me $30.00 for that and it works great , then i put on deodorant that doesn’t have any active ingredients in and that reduced the sweat .plus i ALWAYS wear a sweater it could be 100 degrees and ill have one on because u cant see sweat through specific sweater.
I don’t like when people comment why i have a sweater on such a hot day ….. i don’t care bout my feet because no one will touch them , i don’t wear flip flops and i get socks that feel comfortable and don’t feel wet if touched by hand .but my hands i do worry about. hey they r wet right now as i am writing this , i don’t know what to do and i will search on the internet as long as it would take til i find a cure.
well i hope to find a cure and for u to find a cure as well
John says
It’s so great to know that i’m not the only one…HH has been after me for what seems like forever. I’m 14 and I hate meeting new people only because a handshake is so expected. A shameful tactic I’ve resorted to during church when people “Pass the peace” and shake hands, is going to the bathroom. I just hate shaking hands, because people just don’t understand. They shy away from you until you tell them about your condition, then they try to be understanding, but you know they couldn’t care less and just think you’re gross.
In a month I’m going to be a freshman going into a Highschool where no one knows eachother, and first impressions can mean everything… I don’t want every girl in school to think I’m a complete weirdo because my hands sweat. DRYSOL hasn’t done anything for me, and I’m looking into iontophoresis and herbal sea tea. I hope to god something works, i’d just like to be a normal teenager for once.
Hell, maybe there’s a girl out there for me who understands.
Good luck to everyone suffering from this, I hope you find your miracle.
Erin says
WOWW, I Am Going To Be 16 In September,, And Still Haven’t Had A Boyfriend,, Because I Dont Want To Hold Their Hand,, Im Going To Be A Junior,, And My Hands Armpits And Even My ‘Private’ Area Sweats Some Times,, I Hate It,, And Can Someone Please Help,,!! Im Really Considering Surgery,,.
Laura says
I’ve read your comment and it makes me super sad to see that you seem to be having a hard time dealing with HH (hyperhidrosis). I’m in the 11th grade and have had relationships. Even holding hands during games etc. can be hard.
Don’t be shy about HH, especially with your friends! They are sometimes the best support system. We cannot let HH get us down. We need to use it to catapult us into victory, and yes I know this sounds corny 😉
If you find a guy that you like and he doesn’t want to hold hands with you or makes fun of you for HH then he isn’t the guy for you. I hope when you are older that you will learn to search for guys that embrace every bit of who you are, including HH.
Goy says
My hands sweat even more when i start thinking about them not sweating. What could i use to stop this???
Emma davies says
hey. I’m in my teens and i have had this problem since about grade one. its extremely embarrassing and i always try and hide it from my friends but i know they suspect something and when they go to grab my hand they always think i am being rude because i have to make excuses why not.
I’m not trying to sound lame or anything but I’m quepopular and it sucks because I’m coming to an age where most of the people in my grade are doing things with their boyfriends like i know this is embarrassing but holding hands. i don’t think i can do his because I’m afraid hey will figure out i have sweaty palms and even as simple as just holding hands with say a boyfriend i could never do.
In grade seven we did dance classes with the boys and i always had to wear a jumper to cover my hands so people always thought i was being rude. ahhhhhhhhhh if only there was something i could do to get rid of it.
senny says
Hi everyone, thanks a lot for all your comments, some of them is like my own feelings printed out by somebody else. this condition is terrible. I’ve been considering surgery and actually trying to put together some money to get it, please who has tried the surgery and had a success with it recently?
I’ve tried the drysol and the rubinol too but they didn’t work for me.
Laura says
Reading everyone’s comments has really reminded me that I am not alone in my suffering. lol. My parents discovered my hyperhidrosis when I was still a toddler. I am 16 and so far school is the worst place to have sweaty hands. My papers stick to my hands, i can’t hold a pencil (does anyone else have difficulties with filling out scantrons, should schools have an alternative for people with our condition?), and I have never been on a date because I cannot even fathom the terror of holding hands with a guy.
For any of my fellow teenagers reading this. There is hope! Sometimes if you are open about your hyperhidrosis you might be able to find others who suffer also. I found a guy in my English class who suffers and there may be a relationship in the future! If your holding hands with some one else who has sweaty hands it shouldn’t be a problem right?
I am absolutly convinced that hyperhidrosis is hereditary. My mom, uncle, cousins, and sister all suffer from different types of hyperhidrosis. does any one else find that putting on lotion causes your hands and/or feet to sweat.
I have found that talking about sweaty hands and feet is better than trying to hide it and later being embarrased. People who know how hard it is for people like us, even if they don’t suffer themselves, are more likely to be more understanding of how we feel concerning certain situations like shaking hands.
On a lighter note… Because of my sweaty hands in particular I have become acostum to hugging peopole instead of shaking their hand. Or some times I just apologize after shaking hands with some one becauseI know it’s gross for them as well as me. Also I had a thought earlier, since socks seem to absorb foot sweat wouldn’t it be so much easier to have hand socks (gloves) on ll the time.
Lastly, I think that hyperhidrosis needs to be brought to light more. It seems to be alsmost taboo to discuss sweaty hands or feet sometimes. I thinks that most of the population thinks that it’s just gross and we should wipe off or hands and feet instead of understanding how sensitive of a topic it is.
Jess says
I am 22 years old and i have had this problem my entire life. when i was 12 i went to the doctors and they said it’ll go away on its own as i get older. Obviously the doctor didn’t know what he was talking about. Its a shame that more research has not been done on this. It has progressively gotten so bad over the years to the point where i cant wear sandals, i have to wear socks and shoes in the summer. i wear dark jeans or shorts so i can wipe my hands, I’ve never been able to shake hands during interviews or when meeting people, and when i start to sweat and think about not sweating, i sweat even more. The only thing i found that works (and I’m not recommending this) is drinking. I assume its because your brain slows down the signals to your nerves. I would have a couple of drinks a day, not enough to get stupid, just enough to relax. but of course this has caused not only a hole in my pocket but a dependency on alcohol and now i need help. I feel like this condition has taken over my life. I’ve been in a new relationship now for about 3 weeks and i haven’t gotten the courage to tell him yet.
I have tried certain dri and drysol (which cracked my hands and feet so bad it was painful. my hands would tingle and start to burn), ive tried 500mg of magnesium supplements a day (took a week to see results then worked to a certain extent for 2 weeks and then stopped working). I have one more thing i am going to try which i heard works fairly well, but then again, everyone is different. Its APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with a low acidity content and a thick, RAW ORGANIC HONEY (the kind you have to scoop out with a spoon). you mix the two into a drink form and take it 3 times a day, the first one being on an empty stomach in the morning. try drinking through a straw and brush your teeth afterwards. i dont know if this is going to work but ill try anything once. Ill let you know how it goes.
best of luck to all of you, i know exactly what each of you are going through 🙁
Sherry says
Has anyone ever tried using rosen on their hands or feet? I am an avid tennis player and when my hands get sweaty and the tennis racket starts to get slippery, using a rosin bag or the spray made by Prince, it dries the surface instantly and thus gives one the ability to properly grip the racket. This seems to last awhile, so it would be worth a try.
Andrew says
I have also had this problem my entire life, I am 23 years old and am a senior in college. It really affects my social life, which I am sure all of you already deal with yourselves. I have tried botox and for the most part it works alright. It will keep them 80-85% drier for 4-6 months but they will stil lstart sweating profusely under stressful social situations, so temper your expectations a bit. I also use iontophorisis and it works well. I have the idrostar and it costs around $700-$900. If I am dedicated for about 10 days straight and use the machine 30 minutes a day I can for the most part get dry hands. They will still sweat under certain social situations but it is a lot better. The problem I have is that my finger tips start to crack from being dry and this makes it near impossible to use the iontophorisis since it hurts fairly bad. I had actually gotten my hands a few weeks ago extremely dry but for some reason got lazy and stopped using the machine. I have to do it every single day if I want to see results and this just seems unresaonable to me.
Julie says
I’m 49, and I’ve had this problem since I was little. It got worse when I hit Jr. High. My hands and feet would drip sweat. Sometimes the sweat would soak through my shoes in spots that were very noticable. I was terrified to have a boyfriend. I was terrified anyone would notice my secret. Severely depressed by high school (which would have been the case even if I didn’t have HH) I drank a lot & often to make it easier to socialize.
By my early twenties I’d tried hypnosis, tranquilizers, Ionotophoresis, Drysol and even a goofy mind conditioning thing my mom’s pastor had me try, where I got up at 3:00 am every morning to scrub the kitchen floor. This one especially makes me cry.
At 25, I had the surgery. There were only two places in the U.S. that did this at the time. The surgery did help my hands, but not totally. It was wonderful to have some relief. I have compensatory sweating though which I deal with as best I can.
I want to encourage the young people to not give up on dating & having a boyfriend/girlfriend! Even though it can be terrifying to date, I have done a lot over the years. I have found that most of my boyfriends have been understanding about my problem. I wait to tell them until I know whether they are the type that will understand. I tell them how embarrassing it is & how humiliating it has been all my life. They understand that I don’t want to hold hands and that’s been o.k. And I even wear socks while making love and that’s o.k. too. (although admittedly not as sexy 🙂 I’ve had three long term relationships and it doesn’t come up at all unless I bring it up. My sweetheart loves me so it doesn’t matter, I guess. At least not enough for him to say so or to run away.
Thank you for all the suggestions and thank you to everyone who has contributed to this site. I’m sorry I wrote so much, but I have never had anyone to talk to about this that also has HH and understands.
Mitz says
God, how I wish I’m rich to buy all those etc…Well I tried Drysol and it didn’t work cause every time I use it my hands are itchy. Well I guess I’m allergic from that product.. Hmm, I’m almost giving up cause I’m not enjoying my life.
I’m always socially eliminated. I also don’t have the confidence every time I sweat, well of course that’s everyday..
For me to comfort myself I always think positive but still “LIFE is SO UNFAIR.”
I’m 17 y\o, and how I wish that one day I could explore the world with full CONFIDENCE.
sapna says
Hi frndz..
its a bit painful thing to find these many people suffering with the prblm with which im suffering.I always pray to god that no one else should face this a software engineer,23 yrs old..I come across the situation to shake hand many times in a day which i hesitate to do bcoz im suffering with HH..Avoiding handshakes raises lots of questions on my culture…and my feet also keep on watering 24×7..
when i discussed about the prblm with my family doctor she said there’s no treatment for this and the remidies which are available today in the market causes hell lot of side effects…can anybody suggest any natural or herbal treatments for this prblm..
plzzzz help me..
this became a life and death problm to me both personally and professionally…
Erin says
omg ok so im almost 15 and i have hyperhidrosis of the feet, hands, and armpits. It is soooo annoying! especially when your friend or your own mom say “eww your hands are sweaty and cold!” it is soo embarrassing. it started when i was about 12 or so. i am thinking about trying certain dri, anyone have any experience with it??
Steve says
Hey Guys,
Here’s what I have done with 100% success for my palmar/plantar HH:
– Find a primary care physician who is familiar with the condition – they will be a lot more receptive to your needs and can write scripts
– Prescriptions for Glycopyrollate (4-8mg/day as needed) supplemented with Propranolol (for unusually stressful situations as needed)
– Drysol application as needed (usually 5 nights in a row and then 1-2 weeks off – but you have to be diligent about the initial applications and wear latex gloves overnight)
– Avoid caffeine, excessive sugars, and unhealthy foods in general – this makes a huge difference
– Exercise to promote normal sweating and overall health. This also lowers your stress levels, which can be a catalyst for sweating
I have dealt with this condition for over 20 years and have finally figured out the best way to treat HH is in thorough manner. Yes, the drugs and drysol do have side effects (excessive drying of the mouth throat and hands), but I’ve found them much more manageable than the condition, which can be mentally and socially crippling.
Good luck to all of you and don’t allow yourself to be a victim to these difficult conditions.
And BTW, whatever you do, AVOID SURGERY!!! I know several people who had the procedure done and are NOT happy with the results (compensatory sweating, tingling, etc). There are several other safer alternatives (like those I mentioned above), so please do your homework and only go under the knife as a last resort.
Ciarra says
I have been suffering with my hands and feet sweating seens i was about 6 years old and im about to be 16. I’ve tried everything!! from different types of spray deoterants to even Drysol and nothing is working!! I have even talked with my doctor and he says just watch what I eat and keep using the things im using. So I keep using Drysol and watch what i eat but thats not helping any either!! It’s getting worse!!! When i get nervous, hot, and even think about them sweating, they start!!! I HATE IT!!!! I try not to shake hands or come in contact with anyother person because im embarrassed about it!!! I dont wear flip flops unless they are cloth because it they arent my feet will sweat so bad that i cant even walk without them squeeking or slipping!! i even try to get out of holding a guys hand because of it!! I have this boyfriend of a year and everytime we handout i freakout about my hands sweating and then what happens? they sweat the whole time! even when i wipe them and even be in a freezing cold room!!
Can anyone help me?? please!!!
david says
Hello everyone, I just found this site and wanted to share with you my thoughts on Drysol. drysol is effective but its a drug that you will need to use for the rest of your life. talk to a homeopathic doctor for some advice on getting rid of this problem naturally!!
These big time companies want you to come back again and again to purchase this addictive and unfortunately necessary treatment. but there are other ways to treat this . you just have to dig deep and research on natural methods. hyperhydrosis may be a pscychological issue as well. pscychological therapy may be required to get over this issue.
When you use drysol on your palms hands or feet, the sweat will come out of other parts of your body as it needs to escape .
I don’t thing people should use drysol at all! it contains aluminum chloride and that can cause memory problems that may lead to Alzheimer’s. you are just putting more heavy metals and toxins into your body as you use this on a repetitive basis. its like taking anti depressants with numerous side effects.
kate says
Can anyone advise me about using Hypercare with disposable latex gloves instead of Saran Wrap? Why isn’t anyone talking about this possibility? I have 2 boxes of the gloves and it seems much simpler than saran wrap. And why is tape so bad? The package insert doesn’t have much information on it. I’m scared to use the stuff. Will it react with latex? I really don’t want to wrap my hands in saran and I don’t own mittens. Thanks for any help you can give.
Note: The generic name for Hypercare is aluminum chloride hexahydrate in case you want generic product that does the same as this brand name.
Rander says
Please help me to solve my sweating problem on my hands!
Fabiana says
So turns out I really was using HYPERCARE incorrectly! It really does work, it is such a relief! I started reusing it two days ago and my hands are dry! I had a partner dance class today and he didn’t even mentioned my hands (which they usually say “oh, your hands are so clammy! haha” but no one did! AHHHH! 😀
So.. definitely go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for it 😉
Note: Generic name for hypercare deodorant is aluminum chloride hexahydrate, found in Certain Dri Antiperspirant Roll-On (about $7), Extra strong Maxim Antiperspriant (about $14) and Drysol Extra Strength Roll-On for ($18).
Fabiana says
I absolutly hate my hands! They are constantly sweating and I can never touch other ppl or they will comment on them….it’s horrible.
I tried using HYPERCARE and…it didn’t really work for me. Or maybe I’m just not using it correctly.
A temporary cure is foot powder or baby powder. It absorbs wetness so for about an hour or so my hands remain dry…so far it’s the best thing I found.
I’m definetly thinking about the surgery when I turn 20. I’m 16 now..
christopher esmile says
hi this is Christopher i went to a doctor and told them i have sweaty hands they gave me a cure called Hypercare its a bottle that you put in your palms feet armpits.
My sweating have stop sweating but at night it sweats and at morning it stops and i can go to school non sweaty!!! thank you i can now enjoy my life.
George says
I’ve been suffering from sweaty palms, feet, and armpits since i can remember (I’m 16)…
I got a girlfriend last week…..i have to hold hands now…….that’s gonna be embarrassing!
Any tips?
christopher esmile says
i am just typing right now and I’m sweating!!! i hate my life, everything is mess up, i hate my hands my feet!
christopher esmile says
I’m so embarrassed at my self i am now 16 yr old and i drop 2 years of school because i have this sweating problem i don’t now how i got it i did”t now other people had this sweating problem i thought i was the only one who had this problem…
Every time i go to school when I’m writing in my paper my palm sweat drips on the paper. but i haven’t told anybody about my problem since now because i have drop 2years of classes skipping school because of my sweating problems…
i wish somebody could help me i am really depressed.. i cannot control this sweating problem. because of this sweating problem it ruined my school! i cannot do work at school sometimes i just sit at a desk and the teacher talks to me whats wrong… i cannot tell her because I’m so embarrassed….
if you have a cure for this please let me know! Life is not fair!
Leanne says
ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT ROBINUL!!!!!!!!!! (generic is glycopyrollate sp?) although i take this medicine once daily it SAVED my life! my hands, feet, and underarms do not sweat anymore. things i can do now that i couldnt do before:
shake hands
hold hands
wear flip flops
wear whatever shirt i want
i can LIVE
Shelby says
Ah ok thanks for that. Its a bit pricey so we made a home made one.. i have been using it for like today was the 4th day, it doesn’t seem to be giving me any results… How long until i should be seeing a change? i am going back to school in like 7 days and i am reeeaaalllyy nervous!
I went to school with it last year but this year i don’t know if i can really put up with it like trying to hide the fact that i have Palmar Hyperhidrosis. I told my best friend but no one else knows except for my family and i think no one else knowing is making me even more nervous cause like when/if they find out like what will there reaction be..?
It sucks! I also tried driclor but it doesn’t seem to be working for me either so i am like just wandering if i tried something else similar to it like drisol would it work..? cause like its basically the same thing..? so i just realllllyy want to find something…. Tell me if you find any results with that herbal thing your doing 🙂
Anna says
I am 23 and have HH for 10 years. I bought the $800 iontophoresis machine a couple years ago and it works really well when I am consistent in using it. Right now I’m looking into herbal cures. I’ve always been cynical about herbal medicine, but I’ll try anything. Has anyone had any success with herbal cures?
Shelby says
Hey i am 13 going 14 i was just wandering if that ionotophoresis thing would hurt..? like being electrical it sounds like it would hurt? does anyone know?
Thanks a lot
Sam says
I have palmer hyperhydrosis, my hands have never dripped like some on here but it is bad sometimes like when I know I will be shaking hands with someone!
Can anyone recommend whats the best treatment? I’m thinking of buying a ionotophoresis machine but there over $800. Apparently homemade ones are not as effective but I guess the sellers would say that!
Like everyone here I really need help please!
Thank you
Will says
I have had sweaty palms for awhile now and it seems to happen at any given time. Whether i’m nervous or not or even if i grab something, i can actually feel my hands start to sweat.
When my hands aren’t all hot and sweaty, they are EXTREMELY and ABNORMALLY cold. Not only are they cold but they are pretty dry. This sweating disorder interferes with my everyday life, to my job, my school work and my girlfriend and is very annoying.
Does anybody know what some cures, or anything that could prevent my hands from not doing this?
Thank you-
Samantha says
I got arrested for domestic violence against my dad, (he’s a jerk so it’s ok)
Anyways I was getting processed and this happened in Florida and it was super hot so my hands were already sweating like crazy. The machine couldn’t get a clear fingerprint for anything so a cop was called over to help. He kept pushing my finger against the blasted machine and it still wouldn’t read my print. He was all like ” It’s ok to be nervous; but you really shouldn’t be be. It’s not that bad here.”And I was like “I’m not nervous”.
He gave me a look like “Pfft yeah ok.”
Mariano R. says
Hey everyone, I have hyperhidrosis at a 90% level. Sometimes my hands are dry, but they’re sweaty most of the time. I’ve learned to live w/ it, but it still bothers me a lot on social life. I’ve had it since i was a little kid . I used to play piano at church and the keys were all covered in sweat after i was done playing and it was shameful.
Just remember to keep your head up, look people in the eyes, acknowledge them, if they respond ,good, if not, oh well, but if anyone pulls their hand quickly away from yours after a hand shake, just tell them firmly loud enough and clear that you have hyperhidrosis. If they ask what it is, just tell them to look it up on line, if they care enough, they will look it up and see all this information like the one in this web page that explains the struggles of having this condition and they might respect you or understand you even more.
If people that surround you judge you based on only physical standards without really caring of getting to know you better, then they’re really not worth having as friends. Remember, people cannot understand what they don’t know and not many people are aware of this disorder.
Good wishes 2 all n thanks 4 sharing.
Abdi says
I have sweaty palms to the extreme extent! I’m 15 and i can’t go one dance with a girl without her noticing it, and plus it makes my hands really cold so nobody really likes any contact with me! Help, I can’t live like this!
S.O.S says
I’m 13 years old and have had sweaty palms and feet since i can remember.
I hate everyday of it! Not being able to feel normal. School is my life and having to write almost everyday around other students makes it so much more difficult. I hate not being able to keep my hand on the paper without worrying about soaking it.
I need a cure! I cant live with fear of humiliation.
Alexandrea says
I too have been suffering from this condition my whole life! I am now 20 years old and am in law school. Today I had to get fingerprinted for the bar with one of those fingerprint scanners and it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life! My hands were too sweaty to get a good print. Getting manicures is also a terrifying experience and I would not have subjected myself to it if I didn’t want to look good for prom and my wedding. I also played the violin in high school but quit because my hands were too sweaty to get a good grip on the strings. I am going to try home-made iontophoresis and will let you know how it works. It’s good to know I’m not the only one with this condition!
Jessica says
I have had this condition my whole life. My mom first noticed when she would stand me on her legs as a baby and I would slip off. I have experienced all these things. I am a 21 yr old student. My papers are always soggy, I have to wear jean pants all the time so I can wipe my hands, I cant wear sandals or light colored shirts. I have tried the drysol and it worked for about 30 minutes after I woke up. Recently this problem has drastically increased and I feel like there is nothing I can do because I have been told that with as much as I sweat, the surgery wouldn’t even do much for me. I cant do any physical labor at work because anything I lift will slip right out of my hands. I’m totally and completely miserable due to this.
sofia says
wow, I’m amazed at how many people across the world, u.s., suffer from this.. thought i was the only one. i have been suffering from this since i was about 11 ish i think & yes, so embarrassing when i would have to participate in hand holding activities at school like square dancing and what not.,,then later i tried drysol, cracked my hands but worked a little bit., now I’m 31 and i recently went to a neurologist to ask about botox..he mentioned i would have to get about 2 dozen injections on each hand and prior to that, have to numb my hands so that i wouldn’t feel the pain…hmmm, so i thought about it and discussed it w/ my mom. i came to the conclusion that if its only a temporary solution that would last at the most 4 -6 months and have to repeat it all over again, then never mind…i don’t want to take any risks on my hands as i write a lot at work and am studying American sign language…
so for those of you dealing w/ this, i feel your pain and totally understand the discomfort., but for me, i guess I’ll learn to tolerate this and just pray about it.. also, I’m looking into acupuncture, i feel more comfortable trying that route..
god bless to u all and hang in there,
love Sofia
Alex says
I’ve got really bad sweaty palms and feet. It started when i was about 10 and its really getting me down. I’m only 15 and it really gets in the way of my school work. I get real self conscious about writing and touching people’s hands, it also gets really bad when I’m playing video games. If anyone can recommend anything that will help me get rid of them, it will be very appreciated. I live in Hull in England so please recommend anything.
Thank You x
Ashley says
I haven’t checked it. but i see that many people have used the home made device and found it successful.. have you or anyone else used this?
Kim says
Hey Ashley,
Have you checked out the video on this ionotophoresis page? Read up, I think you’ll find it useful!
Ashley says
Hi everyone,
I have been struggling with palmer hydrosis for most of my life. I’m only 13 but the past 3 years have been the worst. As I’m typing right now I have to stop and dry them off. I went to a dermatoligest and they had me get drysol and dryonic. The drysol just made my hands dry and and flaky. I guess it got a little better but I didn’t like the dryness. I’m too scared to shake hands with anyone, or hold hands with a guy.. Some say I will grow out of it. I hope so but I need s change. I hate this! With dryonic, I didn’t see much of a change, and it took so much during the day.
Me and my mom are thinking about the ionotophoresis. Has anyone else tried it and saw changes? Please let me know. I need help! Its in my hands and feet. The drysol does work some for my armpits. But they weren’t as bad at my hands and feet. Please let me know if you have anymore suggestions. Thanks
Melanie says
Hello everyone i am 19 and have had Palmer Hidosis also for as long as i can remember.
I have hated many parts of my life i should love on count of it. And sadly have gained another issue because of it now not only do i dripp sweat all day everyday, i am now so shy and my face turns redder than an apple. lol I hate it so bad…
If i do get a cure for my hands then i have to figure out a way to cure a red face. I would much rather fix the red face problem even though my hands are horrible. a lot of times i cant even look at people. I think it has totally destroyed my life……..Ive tried one med but it dried me up way to bad where my tongue was hard as a brick and when i was nervous they would steal sweat amazing really i don’t get it…..But as soon as i can get a hold of $40 i am trying that video. It has made me happy. But dose any one have a solution to my other problem?
Anthony says
I just recently turned 18 and I have been suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis since i was about 11 ears old. It is just really frustrating from shaking people’s hands to trying to intimate with a female to holding a writing utensil.
My hands do not sweat to the point that they drip but rather just enough to make me uncomfortable and the worst part is, as soon as you realize they’re sweating they sweat more! I feel everyone’s pain and thank you all for letting me know that I am not alone in my struggle.
Honestly I kind of feel like this condition gets no where near enough attention because it affects so few of us, but it really is like a social set-back, even a handicap. I am definitely going to look into this Ionotophoresis (the 40$ version) business and see if it can help me out in any way so I can live my life without reservation.
Thank you all and the best of wishes.
Beth says
Check out the section on Ionotophoresis and look at the video which explains how to make your own device for treatment.
The HIDREX machine is expensive, but you can make your own as Crystal’s dad did in the video (see the comment she left above).
Let us know how it tuned out, will you?
Josephine says
I was planning on surgery, but then saw this site where a person with palmer hyperhidrosis (hand sweating) had results from Iontophoresis using a machine from Hidrex.
Has anyone tried that? It is so expensive. Anything cheaper out there that works?
Crystal says
I am 18 and my whole life I have suffered from hyperhidrosis. My hands and feet always sweat unless I’m wearing shoes, which I know is kind of weird but yeah the only way to control my sweat is to wear socks!
Anyway, I didn’t know that excessive sweating was a medical condition until I finally had enough and I googled it too see if other people had this problem. I would like to know if there is any treatment hat will stop my hands and feet from sweating without having to go to the extremes of surgery?
Christina says
Sara, i was the same way. just go for it.
Sara says
I’m 14 and I’ve been suffering all my life from this . My hands sweat soo much its really embarrassing. I really think that i should try the Iontophoresis treatment but its going to be weird telling my parents to get the materials for me. Oh my gossh, its soo annoying i wish it could just go away!
Robin says
My hands, feet, and underarms sweat also but it does do it at night. sometimes my hands sweet so bad the sweat will drip down my arms and me feet sweat so bad its like i could slip and fall when i walk into my kitchen! i hate it its terrible i could just sit and cry sometimes but i try not to think about it and move on but its so hard no to think about it…..sometimes i cant even hold my boyfriends hand or anything its so embarrassing!!
I have tried drysol and it doesn’t work all that good and it makes me hands and feet tingle also! im thinking about having ETS surgery but the doctors told me to try this pill called Robinul so I’m going to try that and if its doesn’t work which i pray that it would! I’m going to fly to Los Angeles to have the surgery ….its 8,000 but i swear i would pay a million for my sweating to be gone 4 ever!!!
Christina says
Try out Ionotophoresis! It worked on my hands after 2 weeks and I’m going to try it for my feet soon!
Try it…you have nothing to lose! There’s a tutorial on the this site showing how you can make it for under $40.
Daniee says
My hands, feet and underarm have been really sweaty since I can remember and I still have not idea of how to get rid of it. Its not that I’m working out either, its just happens.
I need help! I will do anything, its keeps me for having relationships to. It’s horrible!
gemma says
Hi everyone,
I am also a suffering from this horrible condition and am crying as i am reading through this i just wish there was a miracle for us all i have had this problem for years now and have tried everything bar surgery which i have considered but was advised not to go through with it as it can do more damage ever!
Since i have been looking for a cure and have recently come up with the idea of having acupuncture so i am going to see my doctor to see if i can get help with this on the NHS also hypnotherapy is another one i am going to look into ill let you know how i get off hope i could help guys
Good Luck xxxx
Christina says
We used a tutorial found on youtube that clearly shows how to build your own device and save a ton of money!
We used similar batteries and we bought medal pans instead.
You may not see results for the first 2 weeks, but after you get passed that its a sudden change.
Note: Thanks for the information Christina! I have posted the video you mentioned on this Ionotophoresis page.
Jim says
Hi Christina,
Can you tell us how your dad made it for you? Does he have plans that I can share? It would be a big, big help to so many dealing with the same issue.
Best regards,
Christina says
I am only 15 and i suffer from sweaty palms, sweaty feet, and sweaty underarms. I didn’t let it affect my social life, but i was constantly embarrassed. Since I was 5 years old I’ve suffered from hyperhydrosis and just recently I began a homemade treatment called iontophoresis.
My dad made it for me and after 2 weeks my hands stopped sweating. I continue doing my treatment once a week and since then I’ve never looked back. I’m a happier person now and I can be a normal teenager.
Anyone who has palmar hyperhydrosis should at least TRY this treatment. My dad made it for under $40. You have nothing to lose. It changed my life.
Mary says
I’m terrified about my sweaty hands-I’ve had it since I was tiny. I’m doing a dance GCSE and that involves picking people up and using your hands. I’m terrified about my next lesson and it’s getting very suspicious because I’m running to the toilet every five minutes to wash my hands.
I really need help.
Can someone help me?
Sarah says
I’m 14 and I’ve had primary hyperhidrosis for just over three years. School is my most hated place in the world because my problem is particularly bad there, maybe that is because I am around people my own age and I get self-conscious because they don’t have this problem that I do.
I think it’s even worse when you are a teenager as your worries are multiplied by like a million. High school is supposed to be some of the best years of your life and right now I am hating my life. I’ve tried prescription roll-ons like Drysol from my doctor, alternative health methods, changing diet, etc, but nothing has worked.
I sweat excessively on my hands, armpits and feet. I get the most depressed about my hands, then armpits, then feet. Recently I’ve become interested in a practice called iontophoresis which is when you place your hands and feet in a shallow bath of water that has a mild electric current through it for around 20-40 minutes. Usually 6 treatments are required within the first 3 weeks, and iontophoresis usually needs to be repeated every 6 weeks to 6 months depending on the individual.
My parents are “considering” this treatment because it is pricey. You can buy your own machine to use at home for around £350 +, if you find the treatment is for you after being treated by your doctor. Iontophoresis has a 98% success rate, so I feel quite positive about this.
Erin says
I have had this problem for over 13 years now, it started when I was 11. Apparently my Mother also had this problem until she became 30 and the sweating just stopped! I pray every night that one day I will wake up and that it will just goes away on its own! Not only do I suffer from this but my younger brother has it even worse! It only leads me to believe this is hereditary.
This has not only caused me much embarrassment over the years but is also costing me my dream of becoming a massage therapist! I started going August of last year to massage school in hopes that we would be using lotion that would help to mask this horrible problem, but to my dismay almost all of our lessons was us massaging without lotion and I had to explain why my hands were always wet to my classmates. I unfortunately could no longer take the embarrassment and had to drop out!
The sweating gets SO bad sometimes that I look down and my hands look pruney as if I had sat in the bath tub for hours! I have tried Drysol with no luck and looked into getting Botox injections but could not afford the costly procedure nor justify it because it is not a permanent solution and would only last 3-6 months!
I hope that one day sooner than later there is a product or medication that can cure this problem if not for me than for my future children who may also have to deal with this problem.~
John says
I’m 17 and I’ve tried drisol, botox, and iontophorosis and none of them worked well botox lasted about a month but its too expensive to be doing that often. and the other two just didn’t work at all.
The funny thing is that i sweat a lot on my hands but not to the level that it drips, just enough to bother me a lot. But i haven’t found a cure and i’m a drummer so i can’t be dropping my sticks every two seconds because of sweat.
I just want to know that someone is doing research out there to improve the solutions that have plagued me and others.
Ralph Devine says
Since I was a child my hands would sweat constantly; I am 55 years old now, and for 46 out of those 55 years it was a living hell. Being a man I would have to shake hands a lot and when i would write on paper the paper would start to tear from the moisture. My hands were always wet and when I would think about it, they would even get worse.
I have been given dirty looks, people pulling there hands fast after shaking my hands, I started to stay home a lot and fell into depression. I went to a doctor about my depression and we tried a lot of different pills and they always had some kind of a side effect for me. Super dry mouth, walking around in a daze, and every pill we tried didn’t seem to help my depression. We kept trying because I didn’t want to be depressed for the rest of my life.
Then we tried a pill that changed my life for ever. The pill is called Nefazodone. After taking nefazodone I started to notice that my hands were dry. I happen to meet an old friend while getting gas and he put his hands out to shake my hand and when I shook his hand my hands were completely dry. I couldn’t believe it.
My hands continued to be try and for the first time in my life i was walking around with dry hands. I was 46 years old at the time, and to this day, I still look at my hands once in a while and smile when I see how dry they are. I shake hands with everybody now.
Two years after taking nefazodone (trade name Serzone) I got really bad news . The doctor told me they took Serzone off the market because there were a small possibility of liver damage that could lead to the need for a liver transplant or even death. The incidence of severe liver damage is approximately 1 out 250,00 patients.
He drew blood from my arm and my liver was just fine. He didn’t want to continue giving me nefazodone. At this point, I’m 48 years old and I’m about to go back to a world of living hell. I suggested to him if I signed a paper saying I will take the risk and if anything happens to my liver, the doctor will be cleared of any law suit.
We agreed that I would have a blood test every month to check my liver. Every month my blood test comes back just fine. Well, Like i said I am 55 and still enjoying life with dry hands.
This is my story and I hope it helps.
Melissa says
I can sympathize with anyone who has this problem. I am 33 and have had this problem all of my life. When I was in grade school, me teacher sent me to the counselor because he thought I had problems at home because my papers were always turned in smeared and wet. As a teenager, simple things such as holding a boys hand was impossible. Job interviews are the worst and meeting new people invokes a feeling of terror as I know they expect a handshake. My hands sweat so bad that they literally drip. It looks as if I have had my hands in running water 90 percent of the time.
I have used DRYSOL but this product dries up my hands so bad that they start to crack and bleed. I’m not sure which is worse. I have tried adjusting how I often or how much I use it to get the best result but eventually wound up discontinuing use. I may go back to using it again because, yes it does work (maybe too much) but at this point, I will take dry, cracked hands over sweaty hands.
jamie says
Well people, I Just wanted to ask anyone who has a free way or a cheap way to cure this for my whole like my palms and my fingers sweat even when i am typing this. My mouse looks like it has taken a bath. Please reply soon
Chris says
You can get botox injections to stop the excessive sweating, see your dermatologist, it may (or not) work.
Fred says
You can try putting on Gold bong extra strength body powder on your hands for mild sweating. Has worked for me!
Dustin says
I’m very your and have had it my whole life. I cant hold a pencil right, and am afraid that when I grow up I wont be able to get a job because I am afraid to shake hands with anyone. I feel for everyone dealing with the same problem.
UConn Student says
I’ve too suffered from the same problem for more than a decade now. I’m a 21 year old college student, how much worst can it get, right? i have to constantly shake people’s hands, have never had a date and nor do i want to, find it extremely hard to take exams without drip stains, etc. etc. i suffer from hyperhidrosis of the palms, armpits, and feet. months ago my dermatologist offered a solution, botox injections in my palms. they worked MAGIC on my hands. a couple of days after the procedure i noticed my hands were almost sweat free. i was much more social, able to shake people’s hands, was taking exams with ease, just loving to touch everything with my hands.
remember though, the botox injections only last about 4-6 months and can be costly. unfortunately, i did not have health insurance and it cost me about $800 to have the procedure done. I’m looking forward to doing it again every 6 months because it is definitely worth it for me.
i just want to remind EVERYONE here that although we have this particular problem, other people are going through worst things in their lives, whatever they may be. and one thing that hyperhidrosis has taught me is to live life with TOLERANCE for all people. so i am actually thankful that i have lived with this problem, but am now ready for a SOLUTION as are thousands of people across the world with the same problem.
i hope i shed some light on the problem of hyperhidrosis and have answered the questions of so many that feel hopeless. there is hope, do not live your life differently just because you are different.
~A UConn Student
Chris says
I am in my teens and I my hands are always seeming to sweat I am not 100% If i have this Palmar hyperhidrosis. All my friends have noticed it as well.
Dave says
I think i might have this problem as well :/
I’ve never been to see a doctor about it, but it has certainly been going on for long enough. It just never started out of the blue, it started after i was sunbathing one day on my folks balcony… i got a pretty bad sunburn and the problems started from there..
In an unrelated visit to the doctors to have stitches removed.. I pointed out to the doctor that I had little blisters under my skin.. mostly on my hands, wrists and feet..
along with the blisters… they would be very itchy, especially on my feet.
The doctor thought it was Pompholyx, so prescribed me whatever they prescribe..
about 5 years on, I’ll still quite often find blisters under the skin.. But i also have terribly sweaty hands now.. and its very very embarrassing/frustrating.
so… any news of a cure yet? :s
alex says
saludos mi problema de sudor en las manos y pies es imsoportable no me deja socialisarme con las personas comodamente y disfrutar de pasatiempos como bailar ,correr bicicleta ,ymuchas cosas mas por favor ayudenme a buscar una solucion a este gran problema.para mi y para lo que lo sufren como yo
escorpio says
necesito ayuda d verdad estoy muy amargada tengo 19 años y me sudan las manos los pies y las axilas necesito k alguien k se haya operado me diga si esto sale bien tngo dudas de la operacion y llevo esperando 1 año para operarme necesito k m ayudeis d verdad muxos besitos a todos y nada mas k nos entendemos nosotros animo
ga says
I too think that surgery is a very bad idea and there is too much at stake!
HH says
Is there any research happening on hand sweating??
There seems to be no Solution for this??
All the available options can sure up to 50% but not 100%
If there is some organization doing research, we can help them as a case study..
I’m 33 old male, Suffering with this from childhood, no cure, tried Ionotoprosis but worked for 3-5 months..
Caleb says
Both my hands and feet sweat all the time. It gets especially worse when I’m nervous. The worse part is when I think about it, it gets worse. The second I start thinking about my feet or hands sweating, they do!
This would be cool, only if I had a similar ‘off’ switch, but I don’t. Sometimes when I wear flip-flops, I can barely keep my shoes on because my feet will sweat so bad. If I wear shoes, my feet don’t sweat, but the sweat just moves to other places.
In other words, my hands and pits will sweat noticeably worse when my feet don’t sweat.
**The new line of Degree’s ‘clinically proven’ deodorant works great on my pits, in case anyone else has that problem.
is there anything I can do for my hands and feet?
Jim says
Hi Stacey,
I would definitely ask your doctor about it. Hopefully it’s a temporary situation and nothing more, but it’s better to be safe – not to mention putting your worries to ease!
just recently I’ve started with really sweaty hands, nothing else, just hands. Its really horrible, i have to wipe them constantly. Do i go to the doctors about it or just hope it will go away?
Chris says
My palms seem to be getting worse by the day. I am really starting to worry.
Chris says
I have had sweaty palms for years now. i am very self conscious about them. I don’t like going in public with them. People always make fun of my because of my hands that are cold and yet still damp. I would really like for this to go away!
Donnie says
I too suffer from this problem, and fully understand the frustration. I’m 36 and have hated shaking hands with anyone all my life. I TRY to justify not shaking hands because i feel it’s a disgusting, socially accepted tradition. I’m not a germ-a-phobe, but you never know where someones hands have been. THE BEST TREATMENT that I’ve found is a product called “DRYSOL”. You apply it at night, then cover your hands with a latex-free disposable glove overnight. It’s weird to sleep with gloves on, and sometimes my hand will tingle, almost burn the next day. I could use the treatment for about 5 days straight, then go without for up to 3 weeks. It’s a roll-on / dabber application, and a small bottle lasts a long time.
It’s a prescription, so just ask your doctor. It’s available over seas, or Canada by the internet without a script …I’m not saying it’s legal that way… i live in the USA and can’t afford health insurance either. I also know about sweat running down my arm, but I’ve never used it in my armpits, although i think that’s where it was designed to be used.
Hope I’ve helped someone today.
Love to all.
Emma says
I desperately need help. I also have sweaty hands, feet, and arm pits. I struggle because I have to be washing my hands a lot. I have recently encounter another problem. I am applying for a job and for that I need to get fingerprinted. I have already send the fingerprints once and they returned them because they weren’t legible. This problem is stopping me from getting a job. Help!
Dora says
I have sweaty hands, feet and arm pits but more on the right arm pit than the left one. It seems to have gotten worse as I’m getting older. I am now 36 years old.
It is very embarrassing to me when It’s time to shake hands with someone. But the most uncomfortable time is when I’m reading books to the children at the school that I work at. If I get a little excited while reading or if someone besides the kids is watching me as I read, my hands start to sweat and it drips down to my arms.. It’s terrible! I’m desperate and don’t know what I can do to stop this.